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Identifying jews by their features

Owner: Garrett


((((Reisk))) ... Member for 1 day original content     (
submitted by Kozel to Jewdar 1 month ago (+36/-3)
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Using imgur and complaining about lack of rules. Looking through post history to pad his arguments. I knew he was a kike from the start. Didn't take long for him to out himself. Dirty rotten jew faggot kike Reisk.
Daniel Boone was a jew     (Jewdar)
submitted by Panic to Jewdar 3 months ago (+0/-6)
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Daniel Boone was almost certainly jewish. Just look at the first names:

Rebecca (wife)
Israel (his favorite son among the ten kids he had.

Now that's jewish as hell. Plus, he was constantly in debt, seldom paid his bills and was sued more than anybody in his town, including twice by his attorney for non-payment.

Running from his debtors, he skipped town and moved to rural Missouri for the last two decades of his life.

Many of our cultural heroes and legends were actually jewish charlatans whose lives were scrubbed and rewritten by other jews. Even Daniel Boone. Even Davy Crockett. Paintings of these two reveal the long nose and mis-shaped facial features we've come to know as obvious jews.
FedEx'd marbles     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Jewdar 4 months ago (+4/-0)
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Freemasonry and the Talmud     (Jewdar)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to Jewdar 5 months ago (+1/-1)
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"The Constitutions of the Free-Masons, "For the Use of the Lodges" in London and Westminster, was published in 1723. It was edited by the presbyterian clergyman, James Anderson, to the order of John Theophilus Desaguliers, and approved by a Grand Lodge committee under his control. This work was reprinted in Philadelphia in 1734 by Benjamin Franklin, who was that year elected Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania. It was also translated into Dutch (1736), German (1741), and French (1745).[4]

Anderson was minister of the Presbyterian church in Swallow Street, London, which had once been Huguenot church, and one of its four Deacons was Desaguliers' father.[48] At the time of his meeting with Desaguliers, he seems to have passed himself off as a Talmudic scholar. His reward for his labours was the copyright on the work. In time, and to Anderson's dismay, it was condensed into "pocket" editions over which he had no control and from which he received no income. It was expanded, updated, and re-published in 1738."

1738 New Book of Constitutions of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, The
Containing their History, Charges, Regulations, Etc. Collected and Digested by Order of the Grand Lodge from their old Records, faithful Traditions and Lodge-Books, for the Use of the Lodges.

The section on religion of 1738 refers to the Seven Laws of Noah, which are a list of seven moral imperatives which, according to the Talmud, were given by God to Noah as a binding set of laws for all mankind.
German's to pledge Allegiance to shitsrael     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Jewdar 6 months ago (+48/-0)
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No Citizenship Unless You Swear Allegiance to Israel

The eastern German state of Saxony-Anhalt will require individuals seeking to become naturalized citizens to confirm in writing, “that they recognize Israel’s right to exist and condemn any efforts directed against the existence of the State of Israel.”

Speaking on Wednesday, ahead of a meeting of state and federal interior ministers, Saxony-Anhalt Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang called on Germany’s 15 other states to adopt similar rules.

idf kills fellow jew. Friendly fire isn't lol.     (
submitted by HuntsWithHandgun to Jewdar 6 months ago (+14/-1)
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Musk speaks in his native language.      (
submitted by didyouknow to Jewdar 6 months ago (+4/-0)
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Oyyyyyy Veyyyy Don't Worry We'll Make An Excuse For Them And Label Them With A New Disorder!!     (
submitted by Clubberlang to Jewdar 9 months ago (+2/-0)
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It's not ya fault they're raised by the electronic jew yer busy you don't have time to raise ya child! We'll do it for you!
Jew or not jew?     (
submitted by TheSimulacra to Jewdar 1.3 years ago (+9/-0)
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Having hard time figuring this one out...
His early life is hidden...I wonder what he could be!
u/oppressed original content     (
submitted by Kozel to Jewdar 1.4 years ago (+32/-0)
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We need a standardized time stamp on posts, I suggest we base it on Israeli time to make our Australian contingent more comfortable.     (Jewdar)
submitted by Laputois to Jewdar 1.5 years ago (+11/-1)
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Ever notice when certain posters post? Like at 2 or 3 in the morning where they are allegedly from, but its noon in Israel. Its also easy to note those that never post from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset Israeli time.
AryanPrime and associates     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Jewdar 1.5 years ago (+23/-0)
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Did You Know These People Are Jewish?     (
submitted by beece to Jewdar 2.5 years ago (+2/-0)
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Nosebird     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Jewdar 1.5 years ago (+20/-0)
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Israel Aviation - The IAI EL/M-2075 Phalcon
Researchers have no idea how     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Jewdar 1.5 years ago (+43/-0)
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Actual medical professionals know why though.

Spirometers use a race-based correction or a so-called ethnic adjustment, which assumes a 10–15% smaller lung capacity for Black patients and 4–6% smaller lung capacity for Asian patients compared with their White counterparts.
(((Online dating)))     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Jewdar 1.6 years ago (+34/-0)
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Waxoff Kanye     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Jewdar 1.6 years ago (+67/-1)
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u/Rob3122     (
submitted by Kozel to Jewdar 1.6 years ago (+12/-0)
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Grifting B Peterson at the holohoax memorial     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Jewdar 1.7 years ago (+21/-2)
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Kike? or no kike     (
submitted by NedsHead to Jewdar 1.8 years ago (+0/-0)
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The guy in this story acts like a total kike, undermining the European race, takes advantage of less fortunate women, looks like that Ukrainian kike traitor etc.. So What's the verdict?
Every. Single. Time.     (
submitted by Kozel to Jewdar 2.0 years ago (+4/-4)
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There's two of them usually but one was busy picking shekels out of fountains.
Homelander has an epiphany     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Jewdar 2 years ago (+68/-1)
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"You don't think Simon Cowell is a jew do you?"     (Jewdar)
submitted by Cunt to Jewdar 2 years ago (+16/-0)
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Asked my husband teasingly when he was discussing Simon's contributions to the music industry (I had not said anything about jews, but I might have made a face). I shrugged, not really caring "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..." I meant it as 'it doesnt matter if he technically is one or not if he acts like one' but my husband took it as a bet and demanded a google search, results:

Wikipedia > Early life > "Cowell's father was from a mostly Jewish family (his own mother was born in Poland),[12] though he did not discuss his ancestry with his children."

My husband took it as win because "Jewishness is passed on through the mother".
Jew or Not Jew?     (
submitted by MichaelStewart to Jewdar 2 years ago (+3/-0)
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elon musks father     (
submitted by Garrett to Jewdar 2.1 years ago (+2/-3)
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reminder that jews are closest to greek islanders and sicilians. they can and will have blue eyes and light hair. they are not actually semites
