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Did Princess Salma of Jordan Shoot Down Iranian Drones?     (
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 2 weeks ago (+1/-1)
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Is there no end to the raw unadulterated BULLSHIT they'll make up to support their WOKE agenda?
The left and right will unite, black and white will fight     (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 2 weeks ago (+2/-5)
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together against the jew. World peace will be achieved through our shared hatred. We will work together and fix the world of the jew problem
DNA Test says I'm between 0 and 1% Black, should I off myself just to be safe?     (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 2 weeks ago (+1/-1)
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Do people realize that there are far less ceremonies for milestones anymore?     (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 2 weeks ago (+3/-2)
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I wonder if people only did those to gain information from people, and since they can get that info online now they don't have an incentive to hold ceremonies
Never wait for God to bestow anything upon you. Only Satan can give you things in this life. The things from God are the ones YOU earn. You are the hand of god and chaos and entropy are your opponent.      (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 2 weeks ago (+3/-10)
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Would you date me?      (
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 3 weeks ago (+5/-2)
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It's Fuhrer Friday o/ Support your Fourth Reich today \o     (
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 3 weeks ago (+5/-1)
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Female Blackrock manager's email found by hacker on pedo website.     (
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 3 weeks ago (+39/-0)
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This one is for the men-folk of Upgoat/VOAT: SEX ROBOTS...     (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 2 weeks ago (+1/-5)
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It seems unavoidable that ultra-realistic sex robots will become a reality. Would YOU invest in and use a Hyper-Realistic sex robot?
@Doglegwarrior room whacks it to Taylor Swift     (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 2 weeks ago (+1/-4)
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He's the type of guy who stands on his tippy toes to room whack it.
What if the salt crystals that were quietly launched into the atmosphere do in fact the oposite they claim?     (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 3 weeks ago (+5/-0)
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Back in the day, the experiment was planned to use chalk powder, to deflect sunlight out, but salt is transparent, exactly like greenhouse ceilings, to let the sun in but not the heat out. Are they actually forcing a greenhouse effect on all of us to "prove" gw is "real"?! salt can also whithstand very high temperatures.
well, the world didn't end today like all the kooks said. Now wot do?     (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 3 weeks ago (+3/-0)
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It was all supposed to end during the eclipse. The rapture was supposed to come and Jesus walk the Earth and save us. Or aliens were supposed to make contact and probe our anus' (@paul_neri would've enjoyed this). Planet X didn't appear and destroy the Earth. It all gets so tiresome. Nothing ever happens.
For anyone who lost siblings during this era, i did an experiment and learned some things     (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 3 weeks ago (+2/-0)
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It took a couple years for everything to cool down. Their 2020-2021 behavior was unspeakable. But we started a group chat where we don't mention anything divisive. It worked for awhile and we were able to at least maintain a bond.

I was pretty well behaved in this chat and that was the experiment. If I be cool will these people be cool?

I really feel the election is causing it, but they are not able to conduct themselves calmly. Any mention of goodness or gratitude sets them off. They think im trolling them, so they mention satan every once in a while to troll me "back", but lol all I see is "now the word Satan is in my field of vision because I talked to the commies. Funny how that works".

At this point any news I share is met with anti-jesus memes. I never mentioned Jesus. It is far out. They have an allergy.

Conclusion: far from recovering and apologizing for being wrong headed and destructive, they are triggered by warmth and light. I purposely made sure that was all I offered. Don't talk to your lost siblings. They have a TV instead of a head. They're not there.
Are any blacks decent people?     (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 3 weeks ago (+3/-2)
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FUCK NISSAN!      (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 3 weeks ago (+0/-1)
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I bought a NISSAN LEAF, BECAUSE everyone raved about them, AND, they supposedly had a solid battery replacement warranty! I was well within the warranty terms for a battery replacement! Instead of replacing the battery, (((The dealer))) & (((NISSAN Corporate))) told me to fuck off! Don't EVER buy a NISSAN! Spread the word!
I fought in Vietnam pt.2     (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 1 month ago (+10/-0)
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I got drafted into the USMC and went to Vietnam where I made a few observations about race: First, the press at that time constantly claimed that blacks bore the brunt of the fighting and dying in Vietnam. I found this to be completely false, starting with my stateside training. During that time I remember only one black out of a total of maybe 80 guys. In Vietnam, I was in a forward position, small artillery. Our unit had maybe four blacks that “lasted.” The corps seems to have a quiet way of dealing with troublesome blacks. Once, a very strange black guy was assigned to our gun, and about two days later one of the crew said somebody had stolen $300. There was no way to prove who did it. Heaven forbid that the USMC would do a search of everybody’s belongings, but a few days later the black guy was transferred out of our unit. This was not the only time something like that happened.

In my observations at the time, front-line positions always seemed to have very few blacks. But if you traveled to the big, secure supply bases (as I often did), the number of blacks was overwhelming. (From what I’ve seen of news reports of Iraq and Afghanistan, whites are still the vast majority of the front-line troops.) But, back to the Nam, every once in a while a black sergeant would accompany me on a supply run and, after we were inside the secured perimeter, we’d see blacks, often by the truckload. They were always very alert to other blacks, even from blocks away, and when they’d see my sergeant, they’d all give the black power salute.

Once, on a run, I found myself with some time to kill, so I found the GI club area. Man, I had forgotten how beautiful women can be! Not what you see out in the bush, but that’s a different story. After a while, I walked around the area, where I came to this terrible, decrepit, scary neighborhood, and I hung out just long enough to see the ugly, dirty prostitutes and their customers, all black GIs. Then it occurred to me, I had not seen any blacks in the previous bars. Of the Vietnamese, only the lowest of the low would have anything to do with the blacks. (Here in America they still have that same caution.)
New video captures moment police shoot kidnapped teen in California     (
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 1 month ago (+1/-0)
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Where can I find a gril like this?     (
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 1 month ago (+1/-2)
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I made it.     (
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 1 month ago (+60/-3)
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Feels good man. Thanks for helping me goats.
The Bible says most of humanity experiences eternal conscious suffering when they die since they don't obey or believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ     (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 1 month ago (+10/-3)
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The Bible says all non-Christians go to Hell, and that Hell is forever (John 14:6, 2 Thessalonians 1:9), and many scholars believe that Hell is eternal conscious suffering.

Make sure you get you Judgment-Ready by believing in Jesus Christ.
(Acts 2:38-39)
FOUND: iSnarks' home-improvement project gallery...     (
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 1 month ago (+2/-0)
I had so much hope for this world as a kid in the late 80s and early 90s.     (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 1 month ago (+14/-2)
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Racism didn't exist. People valued knowledge. College was legitimate. Journalism was a serious profession. Technology was cool and interesting. Women had integrity. Movies were fun and exciting. Lots of places to hang out at. Lots of things to do. People were normal. Gays and degeneracy were shamed.... It really felt like the future was going to be great.
I fought in Vietnam      (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 1 month ago (+18/-6)
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Didn't believe in the war. Got myself drafted and ended up in the USMC. Going overseas was my last choice and I never wanted to kill anyone.

But damn did it feel good. The first time I shot one was a rush. The real rush came when I injured one and got to finish him off with the knife. Had to do it quickly because the squad was watching.

This attitude of ruthless bloodshed took me far after. Went from selling cars ar Ford to eventually owning one of the biggest dealer networks on the Eastern seaboard until I sold it in 2014.

I told people in public my secret was hard work and persistence and that was a lie. Reality was the blood I drew in Vietnam gave me a taste for killing. And I learned to kill every challenge in life like I did that vietcong which was split open by my knife.
two suspicious trolls on upgoat blocked and all the evil disappeared     (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 1 month ago (+6/-0)
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most people on upgoat are decent white nationalists. i blocked two trolls on upgoat and mostly all the negativity dropped. i normally got 4 downvotes on posts, and they went away after blocking two suspicious accounts

one was the txaryanhate name, but dont know how to spell it. the other was a meaningless letters name, like sjgrwifwe

they attack pro-Whites and Christians
Stop believing bullshit, TikTok is getting banned because it doesn't censor shit Israel hates.      (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 1 month ago (+51/-3)
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Well it does a bit but way less than any other mainstream platform.

TikTok has over 1 billion monthly active users and they are being exposed to truths they aren't going to see anywhere else. Yeah it also has shittons of degeneracy but faggots and trannies are allowed to drive on public roads, should we stop using roads?

It's shameful seeing people even on here following the AIPAC script about TikTok being a Chinese menace. Yeah China sucks but the fact remains that real info that (((they))) don't want you to know spreads like wildfire on TikTok and that's why it must die or be subverted.

Truth sounds retarded when you're brainwashed so when I say that "TikTok is literally the best news source out there" some of you are definitely scoffing. But you're doing the same thing the fully boosted masses do when you try to warn them about vaccines.