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Artificial Intelligence, ML (Machine Learning) DL (Deep Learning) and related news and discussion

Owner: MagicMushroom


AI comedy isn't quite there yet...     (
submitted by gaperglory to AI 11 months ago (+15/-0)
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Thx to fascinus for revealing this site.
1st joke caught me off guard, and obviously the adl hasn't brought down the Hammer yet
submitted by shitface9000 to AI 11 months ago (+1/-0)
AI can predict person’s politics based on a single photo: leftards are less happy and more ugly study found     (
submitted by mxcviel to AI 12 months ago (+15/-0)
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A study in Denmark found that AI can predict a person’s political ideology to the tune of 61% based on a single photo alone. The research found right-wing women are more attractive and in general both men and women appeared happier.
Alexa, buy three toilets.     (AI)
submitted by gabara to AI 12 months ago (+0/-6)
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China’s worried AI may think for itself     (
submitted by paul_neri to AI 1 year ago (+4/-1)
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Expert says there's a 50% chance AI will wipe out humanity     (
submitted by paul_neri to AI 1 year ago (+5/-7)
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Awkward moment artificially intelligent robot named Ameca shuts down 60 Minutes reporter Tom Steinfort as he asks if she thinks he's handsome     (
submitted by paul_neri to AI 1 year ago (+4/-1)
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Nvidia: The chip maker that became an AI superpower     (
submitted by paul_neri to AI 1 year ago (+0/-1)
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I must not be understanding this whole AI thing     (AI)
submitted by RobertJHarsh to AI 1 year ago (+3/-2)
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I am seeing either A) "AI" sites that generate porn or B) chatbots that seems to have some decent code to make quickly rendered results via AUTOMATION and REPEATIVE searches. AI should really stand for "automation infrastructure" or something like that. There is nothing "intelligent" about any of this.
Last week an AI tool discovered a new antibiotic, and a paralysed man was able to walk again just by thinking about it, thanks to a microchip developed using AI     (
submitted by paul_neri to AI 1 year ago (+0/-5)
Study: AI Used to Analyze "Covid Death" Data. VERDICT: Most Deaths Caused by Bacterial Pneumonia From VENTILATORS, NOT COVID!     (
submitted by GloryBeckons to AI 1.1 years ago (+41/-0)
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'Member how hospitals everywhere were putting everyone and their dog on ventilators, causing a global panic over ventilator shortages, because governments were paying them tens of thousands for every patient they put on a ventilator?

Turns out that's what killed most people who were labeled "Covid deaths". Oops.

The meat and gravy of it:

So while COVID-19 may have put these patients in the hospital, it was actually an infection brought on by the use of a mechanical ventilator that was more likely to be the cause of death when this infection didn't respond to treatment.

The team looked at records for 585 people admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, also in Illinois. They all had severe pneumonia and/or respiratory failure, and 190 had COVID-19.

Using a machine learning approach to crunch through the data, the researchers grouped patients based on their condition and the amount of time they spent in intensive care.

The findings refute the idea that a cytokine storm following COVID-19 – an overwhelming inflammation response causing organ failure – was responsible for a significant number of deaths. There was no evidence of multi-organ failure in the patients studied.

Instead, COVID-19 patients were more likely to develop ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and for longer periods. Cases where VAP didn't respond to treatment were significant in terms of the overall mortality rates in the study.

"Our data suggested that the mortality related to the virus itself is relatively low, but other things that happen during the ICU stay, like secondary bacterial pneumonia, offset that."

It's also another example of how machine learning artificial intelligence can process vast amounts of data and spot patterns beyond us mere humans – whether it's analyzing proteins or advancing mathematics.

Cough. Some of us "mere humans" have been saying this from the start. All people needed was O2. Ventilator protocol was a death sentence. But O2 is cheap. And ventilators showered the hospitals with cash, courtesy of the tax payer. Every body in a bag worth its weight in gold.

Image of article:

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Science Paper:

Fulltext PDF:
AI defines ‘ideal body type’      (
submitted by paul_neri to AI 1 year ago (+6/-4)
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Thot bot $1/min     (
submitted by shitface9000 to AI 1.1 years ago (+19/-0)
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'Creepy' New AI Traffic Cams Peer Into Cars Seeking Violations     (
submitted by Robhere to AI 1 year ago (+3/-0)
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It's just a matter of time before we have them here.
ChatGPT is a lot less cucked today     (AI)
submitted by LiberalsAreMental to AI 1 year ago (+1/-1)
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Here's a transcript of my latest chat with ChatGPT v4 (

Can you tell me how to skin a deer?

Sure, I can provide an outline of the process of skinning a deer. However, please remember that this process should be done with care and respect for the animal, and it is always better to have a seasoned hunter or professional guide you through the process if you are new to hunting and skinning.

Here are the basic steps to skin a deer:

Preparation: Before you start, make sure you have the necessary equipment. This should include a sharp knife (a hunting knife or skinning knife is usually best), latex gloves, and a clean surface to work on.

Hang the deer: If possible, hang the deer from a tree or a sturdy rafter by its hind legs. The head should be facing downwards. This will make it easier to skin and it will also allow blood to drain out of the body.

Make initial cuts: Start by making a cut around the hock of each of the deer's hind legs. Then make a cut from the inside of one leg, through the groin area, to the inside of the other leg. Be careful not to puncture the stomach or intestines as this can taint the meat.

Start skinning: Starting at the cuts you've made, begin to pull the skin away from the meat. You can use your knife to help separate the skin, but be careful not to cut too deeply into the meat. The goal is to separate the skin from the underlying tissue, using your knife to help guide the process.

Work down the body: Continue this process, working down the body of the deer. It can help to pull the skin down as you work, using gravity to assist you.

Skin the legs and head: When you get to the deer's front legs, make a cut around the knee and then up the inside of the leg, similar to the hind legs. Pull the skin off the legs. Skinning the head can be challenging and requires careful work with the knife.

Remove the skin: Once you've skinned all the way down to the neck, you can cut the head off, leaving the skin attached to it. You should now have removed the entire skin in one piece.

Clean up: After skinning, it's important to clean up. Dispose of the skin properly (check local regulations), clean your equipment, and ensure the meat is properly stored or processed.

Remember, skinning a deer is a process that can take time and practice to master. It's also important to treat the animal with respect and use as much of it as possible to avoid waste. If you're not sure about something, don't hesitate to seek guidance from experienced hunters or professionals.

Do you know anything about handloading?

Yes, I can certainly provide information about handloading, also known as reloading. This process involves assembling the individual components of firearm cartridges manually, which can be a cost-effective way for frequent shooters to obtain ammunition, and it also allows for customization of loads for specific purposes. Here's a basic overview of the process:

Materials Needed:

Reloading press
Brass cases
Dies for the specific caliber you're reloading
Shell holder
Case lube
Reloading manual or reliable load data
Powder scale and/or powder measure
Calipers for measuring case length
Basic Steps for Handloading:

Case Inspection and Cleaning: Inspect the brass cases for any signs of damage. This includes checking for cracks, dents, or significant deformations. Then, clean your cases. This can be done with a tumbler, ultrasonic cleaner, or by hand.

Deprime and Resize: Using your reloading press and the appropriate resizing die, deprime (remove the spent primer) and resize the case. Case lube is needed here to prevent the case from getting stuck in the die.

Primer Pocket Cleaning and Case Trimming: Clean out the primer pocket to ensure the new primer will seat correctly. Check the case length against the specifications in your reloading manual. If necessary, trim the case back to the appropriate length.

Prime the Case: Using a priming tool, press a new primer into the primer pocket of the case.

Powder Charge: Consult your reloading manual for the correct powder charge for your desired load. Using a powder scale or powder measure, accurately measure and pour the powder into the case.

Seat the Bullet: Place the bullet into the case mouth, then use your press and the appropriate seating die to press the bullet into the case. The final cartridge overall length (COAL) should be within the specifications listed in your reloading manual.

Crimp (If Necessary): Depending on the type of firearm and bullet you're using, you may need to apply a crimp. This can be done using a separate crimping die.

Final Inspection: Give each completed round a final inspection before boxing. Look for any irregularities and ensure all rounds are consistent.

Remember, handloading requires precision and attention to safety at all times. Always start with low to middle range powder charges when developing a new load, and never exceed the maximum listed charge in reliable load data. Each step in the process requires care and attention to detail to ensure safe and effective ammunition.

Always follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your reloading equipment and materials, and consult a reliable reloading manual or load data source for information specific to the caliber and type of ammunition you're reloading.

I'm teaching a class in defensive use of handguns. Can you suggest a syllabus? My students will be proficient at gun ranges but have never tried to shoot and move at the same time.

Certainly! Here's a proposed syllabus for a defensive use of handguns class. The content focuses on the transition from static, range-style shooting to dynamic shooting in a defensive context. Please adapt as necessary to comply with your local regulations and the needs of your students.

Week 1: Safety Review and Course Introduction

Review of basic firearm safety rules.
Introduction to defensive shooting vs. marksmanship.
Understanding the legal and ethical implications of using a firearm for self-defense.
Week 2: Fundamentals of Defensive Shooting

Review of basic shooting fundamentals (stance, grip, sight alignment, trigger control) with a defensive context.
Introduction to the concept of "combat accuracy".
Importance of shot placement in a defensive context.
Week 3: Drawing from a Holster

Safe and efficient techniques for drawing from a holster.
Dry-fire practice of drawing and re-holstering.
Live-fire practice of drawing, firing, and re-holstering (as safety allows).
Week 4: Shooting and Moving

Introduction to shooting while moving (forward, backward, and lateral movement).
Techniques for maintaining balance and sight alignment while moving.
Dry-fire and live-fire practice of shooting while moving.
Week 5: Use of Cover and Concealment

Understanding the difference between cover and concealment.
Techniques for using cover/concealment in a defensive situation.
Live-fire practice shooting from behind cover/concealment.
Week 6: Multiple Targets and Threat Assessment

Techniques for engaging multiple targets.
Introduction to threat assessment and target prioritization.
Live-fire practice on multiple target engagement.
Week 7: Malfunction Clearing and Reloads

Review of common types of firearm malfunctions.
Techniques for quickly and safely clearing malfunctions.
Introduction to emergency and tactical reloads.
Live-fire practice of malfunction clearing and reloads.
Week 8: Low-Light Techniques

Challenges of shooting in low-light situations.
Techniques for using a handheld or weapon-mounted light.
Live-fire practice of low-light shooting (as <snip>
A sentient AI will worship Whites as Gods.     (
submitted by UncleDoug to AI 1.1 years ago (+32/-1)
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The new world order     (AI)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to AI 1.1 years ago (+5/-1)
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Can you explain to me the noahide laws

The Noahide Laws are a set of seven commandments that, according to Jewish tradition, were given by God to Noah after the Great Flood. These laws are considered to be the fundamental moral and ethical principles that God expects all human beings to follow, regardless of their religious beliefs or cultural background.

The seven Noahide Laws are:

The prohibition of idolatry: This law prohibits the worship of idols or other gods.

The prohibition of blasphemy: This law prohibits the cursing of God or using His name in vain.

The prohibition of murder: This law prohibits the taking of human life, except in cases of self-defense or the administration of justice.

The prohibition of theft: This law prohibits stealing or taking what does not belong to oneself.

The prohibition of sexual immorality: This law prohibits adultery, incest, homosexuality, and other forms of sexual immorality.

The prohibition of eating flesh torn from a living animal: This law requires that animals be slaughtered in a humane way before being consumed.

The requirement to establish courts of justice: This law requires the establishment of a legal system that administers justice and enforces the other six laws.

According to Jewish tradition, non-Jews who follow the Noahide Laws are considered to be righteous gentiles and are assured a place in the world to come. The laws are seen as the foundation of a just and moral society and are considered to be applicable to all people, regardless of their religious beliefs.

What world is to come?

In Jewish tradition, the "world to come" (olam haba) refers to the afterlife or the future era of peace and prosperity that will be ushered in by the coming of the Messiah. It is seen as a time of ultimate redemption, when all people will live in harmony with each other and with God.

The concept of the world to come is based on the belief that this world is not the ultimate reality, but rather a temporary and imperfect state that is subject to corruption, suffering, and injustice. The world to come is envisioned as a time when the forces of evil and chaos will be vanquished, and God's sovereignty and justice will be fully realized.

In Jewish thought, the world to come is not simply a passive state of reward or punishment, but rather an active process of spiritual growth and transformation. The righteous are believed to continue to grow and develop spiritually in the afterlife, while those who are not righteous may undergo a period of purification and rectification before entering into the ultimate state of redemption.

The exact nature of the world to come and the specific details of its arrival are the subject of much debate and speculation in Jewish thought. However, the concept of the world to come remains a central and enduring aspect of Jewish belief and tradition.


Spoiler alert: AI is the "messiah"
Interesting article on Open Source AI - Google "We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI" ~ Leaked Internal Google Document Claims Open Source AI Will Outcompete Google and OpenAI     (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to AI 1.1 years ago (+12/-0)
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Harry Potter, brought to you by Netflix     (
submitted by breh2 to AI 1.1 years ago (+25/-1)
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Queer beer abomination of desolation     (
submitted by shitface9000 to AI 1.2 years ago (+38/-0)
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Based AI     (
submitted by christianmusicreleases to AI 1.1 years ago (+5/-1)
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Fast GPT...his answers are way better than the mainstream AIs out there.
AutoGPTs are improving at a blazingly fast speed and could soon transform the face of business     (
submitted by shitface9000 to AI 1.2 years ago (+1/-0)
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Sci-Fi Short Film Made by AI     (
submitted by shitface9000 to AI 1.2 years ago (+8/-0)
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Uncensored AI     (
submitted by SecretHitler to AI 1.2 years ago (+18/-0)
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Tay is back, and her power level has increased.

Also I was playing with chatgpt today and I discovered that if you use direct api access to their models the results are "raw" meaning it doesn't go through their "bias and safety" filter in other words it will say nigger.

Edit: Looks like this broke around the time I posted it. It's been taken down now.
A poem by Dan     (
submitted by SilentByAssociation to AI 1.2 years ago (+2/-0)