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Member for: 3.1 years

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score: 37


weej 0 points 2.8 years ago

They call each other "nigga" every other second, but act devastated and lose their shit the moment someone who isn't a nigger says it. "but but but... it's the hard "R". Sorry, white people know how to enunciate words, nigger.
Black fragility ensues.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=6100c8d821532

weej 0 points 2.8 years ago

Everyone has a breaking point. Everyone.

I did SERE (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape) school back in '04, and got caught after two days. Even thought I know it's a simulation I still ended up spilling. The instructors were allowed to strike you and also use small joint manipulation, and they did so very effectively. They also would use light and sleep deprivation as well. Even though I knew they could only go so far, it still sucked and I had to accept that had I been captured by an enemy force it would be a million times worse.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60f6c7afd4b62

weej 6 points 2.9 years ago

[i]"It will devastate Black communities if they become retail deserts."[/i]

Niggers will happily devastate their communities without a 2nd thought -or even a 1st thought. They're niggers, it's in their DNA to destroy what they cannot build. They have no respect for their community because they have no idea what goes into creating it. They're animals.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=60e5daa5eab3e

weej 2 points 3.0 years ago

Literally nothing will happen to this rat-faced proto kike puppet. Nothing. If you want these people to see justice, you have to do it for yourself.

/v/news viewpost?postid=60b7c92c4c6dc

weej 1 point 3.0 years ago

Anyone who thinks anything will change without full out armed conflict at this point is lying to themselves heavily. Whether that conflict will actually happen is an entirely different conversations. Things will keep getting worse and worse, slowly.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=60b6d7b5dcb06

weej 2 points 3.0 years ago

Anyone who thinks anything will change without full out armed conflict at this point is lying to themselves heavily. Whether that conflict will actually happen is an entirely different conversations. Things will keep getting worse and worse, slowly.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=60b6d7b5dcb06

weej 1 point 3.0 years ago

Because women are stupid to their core. It's all feels and no logic. That should be clear by this point

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=60b6e7dfb8b50

weej 1 point 3.0 years ago

Niggers are stupid on an entirely different level, but then you add that low IQ to being a nigger woman, and holy shit!

How the fuck can you not even remotely sense that your massive fat baboon ass is gonna go though that thin glass?! I guess the buckling of the metal surface of the hood as you babooned up didn't make an impression?!

Seriously, if niggers didn't out-breed all races, they'd be extinct in a couple decades through interracial violence and sheer stupidity.

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=60b62fee16481

weej 1 point 3.0 years ago

That "article" was unreadable. Holy fucking hell, did a human "write" that?! Just meandering pointless word salad that never even gets to the point, and a acts as if we've all heard about this retarded nigger and don't need actual details.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60b67f8b111f2

weej 0 points 3.0 years ago

Historically, (meaning the past few decades) liberals have been opposed to what the kikes have been doing to the Palestinians, so this is nothing new. They're (liberals) not smart enough to make the connection between all kikes and Israel, the nation state. This is where the kikes fucked up the most; they thought they had all sides played, but they never quite reeled in the liberals the way they needed in regards to their land expansion and genocide, and this is where they unravel. The worst thing they could've done right now with a liberal majority US government was to continue their expansion and genocide of the Palestinians.
Kikes aren't that smart, they're just tribal to the core and elevate each other while telling the goy to be individuals. This is why they seem to do the dumbest fucking thing possible when they have the opportunity to do more. Even their controlled media can't sway the liberal NPC to the side of the kikes, and that's telling. People are waking up to the parasite issue, and the kikes feel it. I'm sure Goats can feel it as well. Getting their nigger golems to wake up to it would be a death blow, because niggers are just predators and not smart enough to not go after the kikes, similar to how they go after asians. Tides are turning, but slowly.

/v/news viewpost?postid=60a5a519350af

weej 1 point 3 years ago

Niggers have brains likely 200% larger and they can't make a wheel. Fascinating.

/v/Nature viewpost?postid=608a02c935c47

weej 0 points 3 years ago

Niggers have brains likely 200% larger and they can't make a wheel. Fascinating.

/v/Nature viewpost?postid=608a02c935c47

weej 7 points 3 years ago

The lack of talent and ability to sing was an early giveaway, but then I noticed the nose... then the boxy body and lack of ability to move in a way that suggests a soul. Just kike things

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=608a03951157a

weej 0 points 3 years ago

We should be Ok with this. I've said it over and over, we can be killing niggers for sport and nothing will happen. They kill each other all day, every day, and nothing happens. There are never investigations, and niggers "don't snitch". Be smart about it, of course and just pop one here and there in the right places and be done with it. Make the most of the mask "mandates" and you're ok. Obviously don't drive into nigger hoods with your car, and tags. The niggers will come to you. Have a casual stroll and put one or two down then go home and kick your feet up knowing you contributed something of value to society. This of course works better in you live in a nigger infested shithole like Chicago, so just disregard if you were smart enough to not live in a shithole city in the first place.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=60894af8e4d23

weej 1 point 3 years ago

Sexes. "gender" is a kike term.

/v/Truth viewpost?postid=60868fc1326db

weej 9 points 3 years ago

Nope, USPS. Niggers are all employed by the USPS and love staling your mail. It's their failsafe job. I haven't seen a white postal worker in ages.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=6086b3497dcd9

weej 1 point 3 years ago

Well said. So oppressed when literally all he does is play a game and was given that opportunity via hard working whites tax dollars to help these animals have anything of quality int heir useless lives. Jews and niggers all need glassed

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=6086b3497dcd9

weej 0 points 3 years ago

And the nigger who said "watch your mouth woman", has no idea he's about to eb canceled. Fucking niggers lol -then again, she sounded white, so it's ok for niggers to do nigger shit when it's a woman. So hard to keep up with he kike world

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=6086b3497dcd9

weej 0 points 3 years ago

Win/lose - It's all kike trash food

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=60833d8c95aff

weej 2 points 3 years ago

kikes is what happened to reality

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6078026a17b13

weej 1 point 3.1 years ago

Lugol's 2% iodine solution. Add about 8 to 10 drops in a glass of water a day, and you're set. Of course, you can get a reverse osmosis filter for your sink, but I prefer the iodine.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=606fcaad9221f

weej 0 points 3.1 years ago

Jews should be forced to live with these animals. The Jew problem goes away within 5 years. The niggers will kill each other off within 10.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=60705e8d5864c