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Member for: 3.0 years

scp: 40 (+47/-7)
ccp: 227 (+246/-19)
votes given: 707 (+682/-25)
score: 267

Didn't properly introduce myself post old-Voat     (introductions)

submitted by totalniggerdeath to introductions 1.1 years ago


I used to be "foltaisaprovenshill" on old-Voat which was a reference to some fucking kike "academic" who shilled for (((Monsanto))) and was proven to have taken $25k to spew their kike talking points about Roundup (I swear to fucking god if some kike pops up shilling that shit, I will fucking LOSE IT because I've spent years tracking and disrupting these Monsanto kikes - ask me how, fun stories).

I haven't been very active on here because I mostly lurk.


Love you niggerfaggots.
This didn't get much interest on ConPro, curious what Voat thinks: How to win the "culture war" and indoctrinate normalfags to our side using AI     (AI)

submitted by totalniggerdeath to AI 1.1 years ago


Not some gay post humanist bullshit like embedding AI in your brain or something, but AI for content creation.

Jews understand that normalfags respond most heavily to emotion and that "media", specifically fictional video content (movies and TV) are the easiest way to elicit emotional responses, and thus emotional connection, to .

In the case of the filthy shekel grubbing baby raping pedo jews, the is making kids want to cut off their dicks, making Whites want to support miscegenation, unlimited nigger immigration and so on.

So they put those messages and make the heroes of those pieces of content have those things they want to push as their moral values in said media content.

Jews understand this of course to a high degree at this point, though they're getting sloppier and sloppier.

Enter image and text generation AIs:

Not really interested in making some sort of TV show type content and writing a script, hiring people, spending money, etc. for something that will probably only be able to be posted (at first) on dissident social media, and can't be monetized effectively? Me either.

I'm not a writer. That's where things like ChatGPT come in, which can easily expound small descriptions into enough content to pass muster or be easily re-written to be better.

Then of course you have the fact that making sets (even CG ones) is hard and expensive, as is hiring people and filming them talking with fake stuff in the background.

And this is where the image generation AI comes in (Stable Diffusion is the free/open source one, and right now the best one because of the point I'll mention next). Now we don't need to hire artists to make extremely high quality images. But images of course aren't enough, and by default (until recently) it wasn't very easy to control how the composition of images were laid out. "ControlNet" is a new addon model to SD that allows you to specify things like depth maps, line drawings etc to it and it will use them to guide the generation.

But that's still just images, until you take a video (generated in a 3d program of some sort, Unreal Engine, Blender etc.) and then pass the frames from it to Stable Diffusion with ControlNet guidance (and various other tweaks to improve the frame-to-frame coherence of the generated image frames).

Now you've got something that is high quality normie relatable and looks good and is directable, and was relatively easy to produce without hiring a bunch of people or knowing a ton about film making.

Voice the characters with ElevenLabs AI or alter your own voice and you have the ability to make any show you want, such as "Niggers in the Motherland" where a group of diversity hire niggers working for the CIA get sent to Russia to be spies, and hilarity ensues when niggers nig.

That's a shit example but the point is that we can all now produce content like this that is super high quality, bringing the right wing era of MS Paint memes as the most common type of content among pro-White meme creators.

Imagine in 2016 if we'd been able to make high quality production versions of the types of memes of Hillary that were flying around, for instance.

We all need to get better at producing normalfag tier content that pushes our ideals.
MFW I'm a White man who hates jews AND browns, watching the Israel v Palestine fight     (i.imgur.com)

submitted by totalniggerdeath to funny 3.0 years ago