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Member for: 3 years

scp: 40 (+47/-7)
ccp: 227 (+246/-19)
votes given: 707 (+682/-25)
score: 267


"Perfectly good nigger" makes sense in the context of grinding them up into niggerburger and selling them to China.

/v/owned viewpost?postid=64137a25e9f71

It's too bad Ian is an anti-White cuck.

/v/Guns viewpost?postid=641431b5d9e4c

Glowniggers are just as retarded and pathetic as we always assumed.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63abf6845bea1

Anyone dumb enough to take the poison gene therapy should know they won't get paid out by insurance... but of course they're retarded so they don't know.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=63abcf16da36a

I don't think they took the signs down, all I saw was the one cop grab the sign that the fatty had ripped down after she did it. They probably returned them.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63ab1e714c8e8

These people are a liability. I know it's impacting a lot of people that we like or care about but honestly maybe it's better this way, that they're dying off.

They have no willpower at all, will fold to jewish tricks instantly and without a shred of resistance, and will go along with the most insane, obviously bullshit things imaginable at the drop of a hat all because the TV played a couple of ads saying they should.

/v/Covid1984 viewpost?postid=63aa2dd74fc85

That's silly. These are boomer normies. Of course they're not going to offend their precious chosen ones, but that doesn't necessarily mean they *aren't* against something as heinous as holding people down and injecting them with an experimental gene therapy.

/v/news viewpost?postid=613ab509772f5

The kike also repeated what the nog said incorrectly and changed it to "racist nationalist" rather than "racial nationalist" which is what the nog in the hat said originally.

/v/basedblacks viewpost?postid=61397a20724b4

I think it's made of keratin, the actual segments aren't very hard. Not sure how it grows exactly, though.

/v/Nature viewpost?postid=613ab5a078886

>1. You (unvaxxed) are being primed to be the footsoldier of the NWO
>2. The vaxxed will be the threat (due to knowledge imminent death)

I'm failing to see the downside (half-joking). Killing off the type of utter fucking RETARD that would willingly take a poison gene therapy that was developed in a matter of days (look it up, from the time they were delivered the sequence, not even live virus, to the time they had sequenced their "vaccine" was only about 2-3 days) and go along with kike government mandates doesn't deserve to breathe air.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=613b16b5174b0

On the plus side, everyone who stays in the military and gets the poison gene therapy will be crippled or dead in 5 years from it, so they won't be able to effectively go door to door confiscating weapons even after they've replaced all the White men with shitskins and foreigners.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=613a79af526ba

Smart decision, there isn't a single vaccine that doesn't have a ton of poison adjuvants in it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=613b02a44cebe

Shut up you fucking nigger. If you love pharma kikes so much go suck their dicks elsewhere.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=613b02a44cebe

The only replies that weren't outright hostile to the idea of NOT being held down and forced to take a poison gene therapy were those on the Montana governor's thread.

Fucking shitskins and foreigners all need the rope.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=613abf06c697a

Look at this filthy fucking yenta

/v/Whitepill viewpost?postid=613a6704e846b

Well corporations are people too (that shit goes both ways). They are infringing on many "rights" of corporations with this "requirement".

/v/politics viewpost?postid=613a79af526ba

For those types, use emotional attacks instead of rational attacks: e.g., shaming and ridicule.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6139d950e40cd

Debating is gay and bluepilled. Using shaming and ridicule instead.

Normies and libtards didn't get brainwashed because kikes and niggers debated them into it, they got that way by emotional manipulation. You aren't going to debate them out of their brainwash either, but you *can* utilize your own emotional manipulation.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6139d950e40cd

> racist

LOL sure. By which they meant "accurate".

/v/funny viewpost?postid=6137169d92b2a

Finally a story other than controlled demo that's physically plausible.

/v/FatPeopleHate viewpost?postid=6123e576e2228

I think it was simply overfilled tbh, if it had less water in it it wouldn't have started to overflow on the opposite side, causing the side to collapse.

/v/FatPeopleHate viewpost?postid=6139e652a5f70

Sandjews are just brown jews, always have been. They're jews' greatest allies, share >50% DNA with their jew brothers, share the same religion (with some name swaps, Talmud == Quran) and culture.

/v/MemoryHole viewpost?postid=613a1597513c5