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Member for: 3 years

scp: 447 (+540/-93)
ccp: 926 (+1064/-138)
votes given: 2094 (+1761/-333)
score: 1373


Feds misspell on purpose to "blend in" with their target audience. Also it attracts only the dumbest of the bunch IE: retards who the FBI then indoctrinates/grooms for some fake crime that the FBI manufactures and then captures the same retards for the crime and the FBI becomes heros on the news and gets a bigger budget to continue creating fake crimes and criminals.

They also do it to see who's paying attention. So if you read the comment they can get you to comment on it by saying "hey you spelled that wrong". They use that against you later in court. "He payed so much attention to the propaganda they posted that he would become upset when they spelled things wrong".

They have a lot of tricks up their sleeze.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=61d852b55e74b

Using God as an excuse to sit around and not do anything and claim "the high road"... fuck you faggot

/v/BuckBreaking viewpost?postid=61c9128b25d15

1. it's probably not true. they lie about everything

2. if it is true they are killing their own to self-fullfil another bullshit jew prophecy in order to go ahead with their world government. if the idiots who follow them think it's happening then they can rile them up and start more wars.

/v/shitisraeldoes viewpost?postid=61c559ad9a444

I DNC? I don't think so. How about I Hitler.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c5595e3640c

What a shit website. Picture of niggers raping white girls and other weird shit. FUCK YOU

/v/news viewpost?postid=61c114bb17af7

>Christian Church support immigrants as much as Jewish NGO's WHY?

Because it was infiltrated by faggot pedo jews.

>Christian Church protects LGBT perverts, especially fake gay priests who raped and molested children. WHY?

Because it was infiltrated by faggot pedo jews.

>Christian Church charities shaming White people. Salvation Army told that all White should apologies and prey for forgiveness for oppressing non Whites. WHY?

Because it was infiltrated by faggot pedo jews.

>Christian Church now have transgender pastors and many churches are flying LGBT flags. WHY?

Because it was infiltrated by faggot pedo jews.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c0b017a7662

I like hunting down cheaters and killing them in game.

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=61be78e919232

I downloaded an episode because I do like gold mining and stuff like that.

First episode I watched was King of Keno. The entire time I was eyeballing them because the looked like jews and acted exactly how all anti-white propaganda acts. IE: dumb white boys who say and do stupid shit or jews dressed up acting like country white boys who act stupid and do stupid shit.

Then not a few minutes into the episode the one guy brings in some tranny looking whore skank who was his boyfriend (they said GF but that thing was a tranny for sure). Nope. Turned the shit off.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61bfb453e1986

There's a free DLC on steam.


/v/funny viewpost?postid=61bfcd310c5c4

Owning plants is not a crime. Jailing people and killing people for owning plants is. They create the problem and act as the solution. Meanwhile the governments are running the drugs using doctors, creating all the drugs themselves using pharmaceutical companies and their thug armies arrest or kill anyone who goes against them.

What a fucking joke.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=61bd6b78ef6fd

They want the guns taken from the people so they can do what they're doing in australia. Put everyone who doesn't go along with the communist narrative in camps. Then they will starve them all to death. This is how they prep NPC brains before staging a school shooting.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=61bca951e2c50

someone could take the floyd video and mix it in with this video

/v/Nature viewpost?postid=61bc93482629c


/v/pics viewpost?postid=61bc84f5bf07e

They record those numbers as something other than vaccine related. You will never know the actual number.

/v/HolocoughHoax viewpost?postid=61bb501dda5eb

And I hate that plastic shit woman put on their eyes. The fake eyebrows too (I don't think this woman has fake eyebrows though). Woman are fucking dumb.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=61bba6d7c29df

Yeah this guy should've dumbed it down so they could understand it and read it slower. He would also have to make it shorter but to the point. He really threw in a lot of words that didn't need to be in there. I could've wrote: He used a lot of unnecessary words. Sorten it up, be brief and to the point.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61bb789fcb599

That is what it does already but they claim it's racist because they don't have an IQ high enough to recognize how fucking stupid they actually are.

/v/Racism viewpost?postid=61bb832bb284b

Thank god I'm not the only one who computes in a bathing suit.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=61b36d92ad076

I'm not a financial adviser but:

If you buy gold and silver you're going to get screwed no matter what.

- Gold and silver markets are manipulated.

- The price of gold and silver is the same that it was over ten years ago.

- Gold and silver are a shitty investment. If you put your money into something and ten years later the price hasn't changed and inflation is going up dramatically over ten years you just lost a lot of buying power of your money.

If you want a good investment find some good stocks that actually preform well or put your money into different cryptos like bitcoin, eth, dash, ltc. You will be thankful you did.

Don't expect to buy gold and silver and then ten years from now to make a profit. Your money will remain unchanged or even worse be worth LESS than what you put in it.

Boomers all tell you to put your money in gold and silver. They never tell you that the price is unchanged in over ten years. Look it up.

You want something that will be worth more in ten years, five years, 1 year... whatever. Learn how to trade stocks and crypto the right way and you will actually make money.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=61b35afb72a5c

You never tried standing on your bike and coasting? It was never hard for me. I never fell. Never claimed I was a superman for doing such a simple task but I guess that's why people like you always call me a genius, because compared to you I am.

It's sad that morons like you will always hate me for my high IQ. I'm better at things without even trying. My life is a struggle. I always have to correct the things people like you say and it always causes people like you to chimp out. I try my best to educate you on lifes simple realities but you resist and get violent when proven wrong and unable to debate.

It's a never-ending struggle and it's getting oh so tiresome. But I'll never quit. I have truth on my side. You only have the conformity bias of disingenuous remnants of antiquated communist propaganda twisted into your occipital lobe causing your "what" to be "is" therefore hindering your perception of reality.

Hit me up when you do another live dorsal stream.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=61a3ae69e36b8

Don't be a genre fan boy. "Fuck off"? Really? Because YOU like RTS games... dude I am Hitler and like Phasmo so suck it. Why the fuck would I want to do the same shit I do all day.

Hmm... I've been managing the empire all day and now it's time I sit down on the computer and play a game where I manage the empire all day...

fucking logic dude. You don't have it. You're not Hitler. I am.

/v/Whitepill viewpost?postid=61ad460aa747c