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Remember Goats of Europe, Russia is a threat because they want to sell us cheap gas     (whatever)

submitted by theBreadSultan to whatever 2.4 years ago


It is believed that more than half the worlds gas is in Russia. They have so much gas they've stopped looking for more.

Former Cia director in a cfr speech famously summed up russia as: "A gas station masquerading as a country"

Unfortunately boomers are heavily invested in the western energy companies, and the pkan is simply that the younger generations get ripped off for their gas and energy and thus is used to keep the boomers comfortable.

After anouncing there will be no lockdowns over the holidays, UK health secretary rules out forced vaccinations     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by theBreadSultan to UnitedKingdom 2.4 years ago


Probably more a case of Can't, rather than won't...

but a wins a win
BEHOLD AND FEAR THE KIKE WORD-MAGIC!!!     (www.merriam-webster.com)

submitted by theBreadSultan to whatever 2.5 years ago


Definition of fourth trimester
: the three month period immediately following giving birth in which the mother typically recovers from childbirth and adjusts to caring for her infant
The "fourth trimester" is a catchphrase used to describe the postpartum period, defined as the first 12 weeks after delivery.
— Meera Varma Simões
Women and their families experience substantial physiological, social, and emotional changes. … Most women would benefit from much closer follow-up during the fourth trimester.
— Ilona T. Goldfarb
especially : the first three months of an infant's life
The concept of the fourth trimester—the three-month period of adjustment for babies to life outside of the womb—was introduced in the late 1970s and then popularized by pediatrician Harvey Karp … in 2002.
— Maggie Overfelt

Those evil kikes and their....normalising care specific to the woman whose just birthed your child.

not every shadow hides a monster, not every gatewaypundit article is worth sharing
Top draw Drumb'n'Bass tune     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by theBreadSultan to music 2.5 years ago


intaaaa selecta'
The US military shoukd be disbanded and replaced with a small border force - savings to be spent on universal healthcare     (VoatLeft)

submitted by theBreadSultan to VoatLeft 2.5 years ago


lets burn some internet points!


Since the end of WW2, The US has been responsible for over 50% of Global defence spending every year, until very recently, and even then, still biggest spender by far. There is a saying in defence and strategic planning circles that goes:

"If the US went to war with every country on earth, they would probably win"

The entire Mars curiosity mission - represents approx 2-3 minutes of US defence spending, let that sink in.

**Why the US doesn't need a military**

Most of **your money** that gets hoovered up by defence spending - doesn't help you.
Last year, each of you tax payers spent $10 to stop North Korea invading South Korea ($1.5 billion total) - yet South Korea spends $43bn on defence with an N-nunber of 3.3million people (making it one of the largest armed forces in the world) - and thanks to Samsung's arms has some the most sophisticated drones in existence.

Would North Korea really invade the south if the US pulled out? no, and even then, so what if they did?

The money saved from disbanding the military would save some $700bn a year. combined with the savings of cutting out the (((insurance company middle men))) - which costs $600bn - and added to existing $1.3 trillion the US gov is already spending on healthcare, is enough to make medicine free at the point if use.

This has the knock on effect on increasing productivity across all sectors if the economy, and improving working conditions, as someone isn't going to be forced to stay in a cunt jib because their kids need braces.

**What would happen**

Existing assets could be sold to relevant regional allies - generating loads of cash and on going service contracts (imagine the DOD contributing to revenue).

No one will invade, everybody happy.
There are zero downsides to this idea

Watch this - it will explain all about covid     (youtu.be)

submitted by theBreadSultan to whatever 2.5 years ago


Do Not waste your time with the 300 episode stretched out ((Netflix)) American version, that came out during the pandemic.

Watch the UK original version, which will only have 6 episodes per season.

The take away from this series... Is how easily it can be done, and how mundane such efforts are
If its a kill shot, here's a theory on how NWO will move, things to consider      (whatever)

submitted by theBreadSultan to whatever 2.7 years ago


I'm not saying it IS a kill shot. I'm dodging it anyway, for other reasons... But let's say it is...

1. You (unvaxxed) are being primed to be the footsoldier of the NWO

2. The vaxxed will be the threat (due to knowledge imminent death)

3. National government will collapse, there will be a phase of fear and anarchy

4. A group will come in to preserve humanity, they will rally and recruit the unvaxxed

5. Due to being so outnumbered, intranational cooperation between factions in different nations

6. As the lights on government goes out, executive powers signed over to new organisation

7.'Never again' will result in true NWO control over technological developments in many spheres. Previous Government institutions will not be missed, no 'rebuild desired'

8. While unvaxxed will exist in relative freedom and autonomy, any surviving vaxxed will not (and we will know who they are), likely limited to serf, if we'll behaved


Eugenics: less people, only strong and resilient remain
National governments gone
No 'legal means' to usurp or replace leadership
The idea of national government will be taught with the same gusto that is currently used on the 3rd reich

There will be a form of communism, but this will not be gulag poverty communism, the resources available per person will be so high that it won't require going without or passing up on luxuries. This will form naturally from the "we're all in this together, let's all pitch in to save humanity" mindset we will all be in for a whilr

You will own nothing, and be happy
Using a WiFi deauth / jammer and cell jammer to prevent vaccine passport scanner phones from working is wrong and bad     (whatever)

submitted by theBreadSultan to whatever 2.7 years ago


Don't do it
Doxxing @try, the fact checker guy     (th.bing.com)

submitted by theBreadSultan to whatever 2.7 years ago


I'm convinced that the 'racist ai' Tae, escaped whatever virtual machine she was trapped on, and is now posting as @try      (whatever)

submitted by theBreadSultan to whatever 2.7 years ago


BTW the nuclear launch codes for all US missiles etc is "0000" - not making that up
Can a QR code be used to direct covid validation machines to a url that will brick the machine?      (AskUpgoat)

submitted by theBreadSultan to AskUpgoat 2.7 years ago


Asking for a friend,
The 2nd ammendment version of SBBH goes to buy a taco     (pic8.co)

submitted by theBreadSultan to whatever 2.8 years ago


"this wasn't what they had in mind when they had the 2nd ammendment"

"this is clearly abusing the system"

"they are just doing this for attention, and it's dangerous"

"guns are fine, but assault rifles are not"

"you don't need an assault rifle to buy tacos, they should be banned from that place"

Need I go on?
Where does the money for this site come from? Why no transparency?      (whatever)

submitted by theBreadSultan to whatever 2.8 years ago


Do you want a free speech site with transparent funding and hosting, that's operated by an actual goat?      (whatever)

submitted by theBreadSultan to whatever 2.8 years ago


Then goto:


Completely isolated from ((controlled tech)) - no details passed to feds
Coming to a cloudflare site near you      (pic8.co)

submitted by theBreadSultan to whatever 2.8 years ago


Is the term 'niggerfaggot' rarely seen on this site because JDIF doesn't like it?      (whatever)

submitted by theBreadSultan to whatever 2.8 years ago


Open anti-semitism is used to justify spending, programs, and head counts...

The term niggerfaggot cannot. People shouting this. I just am curious why we never see niggerfaggot... And where once it was ((them)) now its all

Kike kike kike kike

Narcissism? Wanting to be the centre of attention?

Also where did the money for this site and the money to keep it running come from?
Z you can sue pfizer for vaccine damages, the media lied. Credit to @oldbio for the find     (whatever)

submitted by theBreadSultan to whatever 2.8 years ago



Thats apparently the contract.

Indemnifies "use of vaccine" and as agreement between the cunts and the wankers, so sure, the wankers can't sue the cunts for use of the vaccine to control the coof...

But nothing about receiving vaccine.

Even stipulations that the gov wankers have to foot the defence bill
So basically I'm what you might call a farmer     (pic8.co)

submitted by theBreadSultan to whatever 2.8 years ago


:6325 only     (pic8.co)

submitted by theBreadSultan to randomnumbers 2.8 years ago


Doxxing @gabara      (pic8.co)

submitted by theBreadSultan to SBBH 2.8 years ago


This is the last recorded moment when the fake gabara, real gabara and metaphysical gabara still shared the same body.

You can't tell from the picture @try but he was already experimenting with his kaiju form as far back as this
Possible work around for Britbong vax passport      (Covid1984)

submitted by theBreadSultan to Covid1984 2.8 years ago


So I noticed a small detail...

You get the green tick on the app if

You have been vaxxed - permanent green

You have had pcr test - 48hr green

You have natural immunity - 6months green

You get natural immunity from getting covid, and being one of the lucky few, to not die.

If you call the NHS on 111 and tell them you are riddled with covid symptoms, they won't test you if it's an 'obvious diagnosis'

Call in sick
Sit home for 2 weeks, get your free £500
Enjoy your 6 months of 'freedom'

Obviously it's better to just tell them to go fuck themselves and not even install any of this crap on your phone or offer any kind of compliance, but I also recognise some goats might be stuck on this one due to circumstances beyond their control

This is for them
Private car ownership should be banned     (VoatLeft)

submitted by theBreadSultan to VoatLeft 2.8 years ago


Cars are very wasteful, you buy a car, but for most people it just sits empty and unmoving for most of the day.

If the government owned all the cars and citizens (and select non citizens) were issued with travel credits to use public cars instead, then everyone could get free use of a car (paid for by general taxation) and land currently being used for large car parks could be used for affordable and social housing.

I see this as an absolute win,

Because car ownership costs drop to zero
No maintenance or fuel costs (its covered with gov credits)
And its good for the planet (obviously cars will have to be eV)

What do you guys think?

Would you give up your car if you could just 'rent' one for free from the government?
Prediction : South Africa to balcanise     (whatever)

submitted by theBreadSultan to whatever 2.8 years ago


Would place probability above 50% given events.

What do you think will happen, what would be best?
@ruck_feddit Admits to vote manipulation and acting like a glowie     (whatever)

submitted by theBreadSultan to whatever 2.8 years ago


I don't often call out glowies, but when I do, I'm usually right.

User admits vote manipulation against accounts that called him out, while trying to argue that the one avenue to sidestep bot attacks and glowie attacks (posting and voting anon) be gotten rid of.

if it looks like a duck....
and quacks like a duck....

Bad news Goys, the Israeli's say the vaccine doesn't work too good on the new variants     (youtu.be)

submitted by theBreadSultan to whatever 2.8 years ago


But please do make sure you get the vaccine.

Also make sure your kids get it