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Member for: 2.6 years

scp: 235 (+805/-570)
ccp: -121 (+4283/-4404)
votes given: 6239 (+4873/-1366)
score: 114


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God haters out trolling today.
Coward punks

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66313e03dfca3

Moved out just in time.
Fuck that blue State

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6633cbe0c2503

Fuckin trolls jump all over facts presented,but are free to abuse "tin foil"as their kike bands call assembly

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=663318985c291

Same shit as SIX years ago playing 24/7.
You just see more of what you have been missing(being hidden).
This shit show is decades old all the way back to Rome.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6632eb7c3bc98

Google it or just read the book.
Those with eyes SEE
Guess you ain't got your eyes yet,you asking pretty basic questions

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6632c80a09336

Millennial faggott with a twat knot cries nigger on departure.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6632a02e4515b

Dirt poor often times
Large families always survived the worst of times.
That was a blessed man

/v/funny viewpost?postid=6631d41b4028c

Just cut the throats on a 268lb pig and three goats over 60lbs.
Gonna let'em drain awhile before butchering CLEAN well raised proteins.
You have to feed yourself or be poisoned

/v/Health viewpost?postid=6631f1a6b3b41

LOL...nope just a witch.
Oprah,Hillery,Madonna are high rank

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=6631c257ae0a8

Put it back in context of the whole book.
It's not about a building!!!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66313e03dfca3

You ain't sucking nothing here junior.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6631783b7ef46

It's already happened.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66313e03dfca3

That has already happened,Jesus did it as he said.
That west wall was never part of the temple.
It's all bullshit if you read the book.
Jesus FULLFILLED the law.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66313e03dfca3

First off,I don't attend places like court houses and such.
Second,I do carry everyday IWB 9mm Ruger MAX9 or Glock48
Glock is often open carried but IWB is easy enough.
DC Tundra is a war wagon that's well provisioned should Kyle require backup

/v/Guns viewpost?postid=663016278965c

Likely lasted longer than me.
File 13

/v/news viewpost?postid=6631220c71e44

That ass kicking is long over due.
Several tasty northeastern targets DESERVE IT!

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=66309c8976cc0

They need to torch the city like Portland.
To many aren't paying attention to Abbotts bullshit AGAIN!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6630906533eaa