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score: 7608


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We will hold the executives of the heads of the major media companies responsible for any murders of our people committed migrants.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662d73b2d7bd9

Why do you think they wanted to sterilize/kill them with the vax?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6629058749779

Try not to use AI to write your replies TX.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6626553cdbfde

> And what evidence from history do you have which suggests that would actually work.

Anywhere where destabilization projects succeeded. Culture jamming is one example.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6626553cdbfde

Thanks cheesenigger.

This is a new one. Unfortunately it appears you left off the '-' when signing your signature.
I fixed it for you.

p.s. you guys should remove benjamin from office. He's gonna get all you shekelsniffers holocausted, when you coulda just settled for the two-state solution and welched on the deal later.

edit: god damn, de-anon trick. Go collect your shekel bonus in the office cafeteria, I'm sure you're gonna get one.

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=66264fcbd42f9

> Give us some examples of where accelerationism caused a societal improvement.

It doesn't. It's designed to make things worse in the short and medium term, because thats how you fix things in the long term when they are otherwise beyond repair: destroy cancer with cancer. It substitutes anger and inevitability in place of despair, despair in place of hope. Thats the entire engine and fuel for the process.

Another way of putting it is to say, lead a nation or culture right up to the abyss, and then give it a bit of a nudge, and let gravity do the rest.

Collect the pieces at the bottom of the cliff, reassemble to how it should originally operate, or some sufficient facsimile.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6626553cdbfde

Seeing as we're here recognizing people, I'll post another good one, by no means necessary but very informative:

It lays out the basics of repeater theory, how censorship and mass media control works strategically and logistically. Very good read.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662106008aab2

Incorrect. Anyone who is by blood, jewish, is admitted upon entry, as a dual citizen of israel, under the policy of return.

/v/Jew viewpost?postid=66206385a2a26

Walgreens forced their customers to mask, forced their employees to vax, turned the non-masked away, donated to blm and by extension antifa.

Fuck them cunts. I hope the blacks burn down every walgreens in america.
I hope the officials, stockholders, and executives who own and run walgreen, along with their families, all die in black and antifa riots. I won't call for, encourage, or endorse any of that, but it's not illegal to hope it happens.

/v/ThirdWorldUnitedStates viewpost?postid=662076b179753

Appears that the link doesn't go anywhere, so apparently its been nuked by twitter.

Elon is a fucking commie cut out for the intelligence agencies, as usual.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662089384e6b1

As usual communist bluehair school teachers defending the abusive, the violent, and neurotic, and punishing the victims.

When the purges come, every teacher in america, especially teachers union officials, deserves to be put first in line for the work/starvation camps.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66208405dd5e1

I knew a guy who when he died wanted to be taxidermied and fitted with a based AI fine-tuned to his biography and beliefs.

Then set up at thanksgiving, at the dinner table, to rave about blacks and jews.

He wrote it into his will.

His quote "The second coming of taxidermy-hitler will be glorious."

/v/based_department viewpost?postid=661f2e2c25fc0

It resulted in his suspension simply because he asked a clarifying question.

This happened in north carolina, the last place you'd expect this shit.

The teacher, the principal and all the other officials involved deserve to be put on trial and sent away to a work camp.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=661ee259ef7ca

> How are these fuckers still able to safely walk the streets?

They won't be in power forever.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=661ec6e500f82

> His kill switch didn't work.

When most people talk of 'kill switches' or implement them, it is in the form of leverage shared with someone else. Those sort of relationships are easily discovered through social graphs, so loose ends are easily tied up by regimes.

Most people don't know how to build and distribute hardware/software kill switches.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=661da3ec870bd

I like to put upper limits on my estimates. My person view is that within the bounds of 2024 is where we should be looking for the conflict to escalate starting with a state sponsored attack. I'd put good money on april to mid may.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661bb79373ec6

Frankly he looks kinda like a yid to me.

Is race skin deep?

Joe seems to think so.

Go back to sleep joe, you're practically in a coma anyway.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=661b039a92e94

If they do the bird flu 'outbreak'/disease x gambit, all bets are off.

/v/news viewpost?postid=661b2991d1b06

Nothing of value was lost here.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661b7a9a07417

> If they'd state the race of all these incidents, normal people wouldn't cower when they were called racists.

And now you know why they don't state the race.

Poster tactic was effective enough that they moved to ban it in places.

The "its okay to be white" meme was so subversive because it didn't utilize 'hate' or finger pointing.

Likewise merely posting "xyz white was killed by a black suspect" might work because we're not adding any additional editorialization.

The control over people's perception of reality works by distorting the innate process of the public's mind: we automatically derive statistical distributions that become intuitions (or as the left says 'stereotypes') from the news and media we view. Thats where the 'reality control' aspect of media and news comes from. Take all the blacks cast with white counterparts in ads and movies. It's to normalize this in the publics mind.

If competition is a sin, then pointing out race, without any other invective, or any editorialization, is the ultimate competition to the junta's propaganda.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6619b5b1a08c2

A lot of the pacifists believe it, but won't say it.

Personally, I definitely, for real, don't believe in violence.

I also think it never works in the long run.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=66198a0ed4264

islet's got a real chill caribbean sense to it.

Silver strand was absolutely fantastic. Almost western, but with a modern south-american feel, like a b-side gustavo santaolalla. Very well done.

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=6619c7eb7e741

> Niggers are living in a science fiction parallel universe where there is no continuity with themselves 15-seconds into the future.

Schrodingers nigger: In all places at all times, especially where he isn't supposed to be. Simultaneously alive and dead until he is shot.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=6619b62404ed0

> Who is responsible for inflating away the savings, 401k's, and purchasing power of the Boomers again?

Congress and the senate, run by the mil-intelligence junta, bough out completely by chinese and israeli/british governments.

And before you go on with "w H o E L e C t E d them then?"

No one did.

Your elections have been fraudulent, whole cloth, not a single vote mattering to the outcome, for at least twenty years, probably longer. If you don't accept this, its because you're a faggot thats still asleep at the wheel, one who doesn't realize we are in a war started against us by an occupation government run on blackmail and open bribery, mostly beholden to the national security council.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=661994ad1a98d