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Member for: 2.7 years

scp: 714 (+734/-20)
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score: 1845

Chicken Catching Machine     (youtu.be)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to Mildlyinteresting 1.8 years ago


A Boy Ate 180 Gummy Melatonins For Lunch. [Woman Poisons her Kid]     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 1.8 years ago


I'm a big fan of Melatonin. But, this is some bullshit.
Jew kike ((( )))     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to AI_art 1.8 years ago


nigga nigger     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to AI_art 1.8 years ago


Little Code if You Hate Teams Status     (programming)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to programming 1.8 years ago


$sh = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.shell
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
*powershell script.*
How to Switch Accounts Rapidly     (whatever)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 1.8 years ago


Sign into one tab with talk.lol and the other tab with voat.xyz, repeat with a private tab.
That's four accounts with one browser.
Repeat with multiple browsers.
Now you know.
Why do blonde babies turn into brunettes?     (AskGoats)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to AskGoats 1.9 years ago


This has been puzzling me for some time. I look at my baby photos. Up till about 3 years old I was blond haired and blue eyed. But, pictures from when I'm four my hair turned a dark brown and my eyes went hazel.

I'm not the only one I've seen this happen to. Friends had their childhood pictures where their children looked like they were directly out of the children of the corn.

Everywhere I look for any research on this just brushes this off as an increase of melanin. But, nowhere that I've seen looks into why it happens in a prepubescent stage. No research into if this is environmental, or purely genetic. In general, because it's deemed as harmless nobody has done any research beyond "your kid has more melanin then your other kid." Just wondering if anybody has seen any research come out about this that dives deeper.
More Adventures in Outsourcing     (whatever)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 1.9 years ago


So, relatively new contract for me.
Work for IT contractor that specializes in pajeet tech.
Come into contract that's been going on about two years now.

Client : We'll call Goldstein Inc.
Goldstein Inc acquired Noseberg Inc a couple of years ago. Goldstein had already gutted their IT department and replaced a large chunk with pajeet tech. This worked out for them as they did this in a way that didn't cause a massive brain drain. Something changed on this acquisition. Goldstein thought that they had enough internal IT and pajeets. So, they locked everybody from Noseberg out of the systems and told them they were fired. They'd get a compensation package if they'd stay on three months and train pajeet techs crew. Classy you know.

This was about a month before I came on. When I actually got in Noseberg's employees where already pissed, and having a hard time because of common communication issues "can you repeat that" all over the place. Training was surface level. How to click on this, do this, add person here. Very L1 knowledge. Eventually they depart.

Well, now Goldstein wants L1 pajeets to answer architectural questions about software that's all third party. They are hammering them with issues that were not covered in training. You know, general managers don't know shit. The best part is that about all of pajeet tech is locked out of everything and can't actually do their job. They're having to work through VDI to get into legacy Noseberg systems, and the fiber between the US and India does not facilitate this level of communication well. It's all rather glorious to watch as everything is falling apart. Even pajeets are getting angry and leaving pajeet tech. I haven't seen a 90% burn rate in a six month period before, but the brain drain of what little was learned is amazing.

So, if your company ever decides to pull this bullshit off on you. Understand that going with the flow and still giving basic training will leave room for everything to blow up on your replacements.

Ultimately, when companies decide that pajeet tech is cheaper and will magically make them profit they're just shooting themselves in the face.

Note : kept things vague and time lines off because it makes it a bit harder to tell who I am and who's my client.
I want to Tar and Feather the Guy that Invented Popcorn Ceilings and Walls     (whatever)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 1.9 years ago


It's not difficult to remove, some water and scraping. But, the fucking mess it makes. My poor little shop vac.
I Bonds - Bonds that grow with current inflation rates     (www.treasurydirect.gov)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 1.9 years ago


Strange product that I just learned about.
Considering how shit everything is for savings lately, thought I'd share.

How it works, you buy bond.
Bond compounds every 6 months and value changes.
You have to hold for at least one year.
You can release after that.
If released before 5 years you lose 3 months of interest.
Will mature up to 30 years.

So, if you bought a $50 ibond (cost $25) in 1998 (when these started) it'd be worth : $55.06
Not exactly amazing, but better then a savings account.
How The Cantillon Effect Creates Communism     (bombthrower.com)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 1.9 years ago


Why Everything is Getting More Expensive     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 1.9 years ago


Fairly obvious that inflation is driven by banks.

Breakdown of my graph.
Blue - What I like to call the productivity line.
Interestingly, value add per employee is currently up 42.6% on average from 1985
Red - CPI of rent
Green - US Population
Purple - loans in billions / CPI

I like to think of this result like I like to think about college loans. Before college loans the price of tuition could be paid off working a summer job. Now a days you may get a degree for both of your kidneys.

MONEY PRINTERS GO BURRR -> everything costs more.



Cantillon Effect (Just found this)

> When money first appears, it is channeled into the economy only to some actors or into industries previously selected by the central authority. The new money increases the spending availability and purchasing power of these initial actors, increasing their well-being and purchasing capacity without any price increase at first. This positive effect comes at the expense of the people at the end of the monetary stimulus chain; those who receive it after it has already circulated around the economy will face higher prices than the initial individuals. This therefore damages their expending power and produces a zero-sum game.

> After the money has circulated, it raised enough prices so that the last people see an increase in their cost of living, diminishing their purchasing power and their quality of life. Consequently income and wealth are being redistributed or even more expropriated from the last receivers to the benefit of the “enlightened” individuals who received the stimulus first. Therefore monetary stimulus led by government interventions is always discretionary and predestined to favor only a part of society.

Neuron Chip     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 1.9 years ago


Chemistry Stuff : Making Crystals to Capture Water in Low Humidity     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 1.9 years ago


Cool Animation of the Wind Over the US     (hint.fm)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 1.9 years ago


Updated daily. Thought it looked nice.
5G Going to Melt Your Brains : Conspiracy Saves People Billions     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 1.9 years ago


HAHAHAHAAA, fucking China can't figure out what to do with 5G. Total scam that cost them Billions of dollars. Nothing to show from it other then angry cellphone owners and poorer peasants.
Just a Reminder on White Supremacy Statistics     (whatever)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 1.9 years ago


MOISES LUIS ZAGALA GONZALEZ <- A jewish Mexican is considered White in the numbers.
(Unrelated crime, but he does count towards White crimes).
Funny Idea : Walk around EV charging stations and unplug the cars from the charger.     (whatever)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 1.9 years ago


Very much a dick move, and kind of funny.
Bacterial Biofilm     (youtu.be)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 1.9 years ago


I've heard a lot about super bacteria. But, I wonder if this is what they meant by that.
George Carlin on Stupid People     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 2.0 years ago


I'm surrounded most days.
EVs Replacing Fuel and Saving the Planet is One of the Funniest Jokes     (whatever)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 2.0 years ago



^^^ Look at the graph for the electric power sector. 65% energy loss.

So, to change to everything electric they'd have to increase the electric grid to handle 6x the load, increase nuclear/solar/wind/hydro by 30x. That would then cover the USA. This would cost roughly 10T if we just used nuclear and did the upgrades.

I don't ever see this happening on a global scale in my lifetime.
A stone was left on my driveway     (whatever)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 2.0 years ago


I wrapped it in an NRA sticker.

Hopefully the burglar get's the hint.
Times are getting strange lately.
On Inflation     (whatever)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 2.0 years ago


So, basically I've come to several conclusions on my research lately.

1.) The current economic bottleneck is the railway system.

The railways have been running a Lean system for at least 4 years now. They are no longer concerned about customer service or the devastation they are creating. Rather, they're attempting to cut down on operational costs and take only extremely profitable contracts. This is to entice investors and raise share prices. The same thing I've seen starting with GE and going everywhere. This destroys industries.

This bottleneck is causing other industries like chemical refining to drop performance because they are not getting ingredients on time. Refineries require ingredients to be there to operate. They are still even a system that has storage capacity on input and output to deal with transit bumps and delays. When a refinery has to shut down it costs them a lot of money. The railway system has been fucking them over hard and have gone to the point that refineries are desperate to move their product and get ingredients.

2.) There are currently no shortages

We have everything we need as a country in the US. In fact, we've been having a strong economic year that it has pushed everything into inflation. Demand was running hot as was production.

3.) The ports are full because of the railways

We've been hearing for some time that the ports are backed up. For several reasons. But, the ports are backed up because they're not cleared. Rail lines used to support ports in a timely manner. This is no longer the case, which is hosing over the ports.

4.) The FED

The fed is seeing that inflation is high because demand is high (people are being productive, and thereby had cash) and supply is low (goods were not getting to supply centers). So, instead of investing on cleaning up the bottlenecks in the economy they're going to crash demand.

What does this mean. Raise interest rates to kill the housing market / auto industry. This will not help with diesel prices, but the diesel prices will kill trucking which will lower supply farther.

In essence. They're going to crash the economy, and it's going to spiral down until nobody can afford to buy anything. This will cause a lot of people to be unemployed.

5.) Why the crash

The FED is too stupid to look for the economic bottleneck. The government just heard about it and will do nothing. The railway is making a killing and will not do the right thing.

We're all fucked because of LEAN being placed where it shouldn't.

6.) The cover up

Vanguard and Blackrock own major shares in the railway systems and the media. You can figure out why they wouldn't want you to understand why everything is going to shit.
Asian Trucker has Interesting Theory on High Diesel Prices     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 2.0 years ago


Basically, Pilot & Flying J CEO told to cut shipments through Union Pacific by 20%

He then talks about blackrock & vanguard holding the largest shares of UP

This then leads into a question of if they're trying to push truckers out for auto trucking to take over.

I personally doubt this. It seems like the railways are being downgraded in capacity so they can charge more.

This is a better economic model for the railways sadly. And, it's been going on long enough that they've probably scrapped much of their freight cars and engines.

Edit 3 hours later: https://youtu.be/Q0rk5tnrFqA?t=3132 <- timestamp for an interesting testimony on the subject. Chem cars have hit capacity, although the whole talk is showing that the railways for everything is at max capacity at this time.
Bad News : No real food shortage [PDF]     (apps.fas.usda.gov)

submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to whatever 2.0 years ago


The link is to a recent paper by the USDA. Initial part is all doom and gloom, but if you go to the final table the amount of change to the world wheat production will be down about 2%. Not enough to actually fuck with anything. Transport & Trade may fuck with things, but this is all a wall street psyop and I fell for it.