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Women ~~say~~ they want a man "over 6 feet" (as well as other ridiculous requirements) because the propaganda machine has picked numbers that are well into a bell curve where the numbers taper off, which excuses their shortcomings trying to match a man's sexual drive     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by osomperne to JustSaying 4 months ago


and this only makes sense in an age where women are trying to be men (and remember, they only ever reach beta male status, which is why you see those female beta orbiters around attractive women at the bar; just because a dog barks at and chases cars doesn't mean there is meaning behind it once it catches up to the car)

women aren't smart enough to know why these numbers were given to them to make excuses for a lesser sex drive than men, but they know if they repeat it they think they've excused themselves on others' behalf.

Just saying.
friendly reminder that women, especially white women have been having sex with dogs and snubbing men, and that's why Canada legalized beastiality in a hurry     (JustSaying)

submitted by osomperne to JustSaying 4 months ago


Just saying
What is going on out there? IRL people have been quiet and my online feeds are suuuuper slow.      (AskUpgoat)

submitted by osomperne to AskUpgoat 4 months ago


haven't heard from people and they're not saying much about anything when I talk to them IRL or over the phone. And all my online feeds are slow and not much is being posted.
[CONFIRMED] Bob Lazar raised Jewish. Now we need to confirm if he's ethnically Jewish. that's what matters most.      (www.youtube.com)

submitted by osomperne to Jews 5 months ago


He can practice Judaism all he wants but without that ethnic component they're never going to reach the evil of the sons of Satan, they'll just be cheap copies, which are totally manageable.
Anyone got video of the jews flooding Hamas's tunnels with sea water in their ongoing genocide?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by osomperne to AskUpgoat 5 months ago


This website in a nutshell     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by osomperne to TellUpgoat 5 months ago


this is totally true and anyone who disagrees is one of the people causing the results in the image
You will pay     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by osomperne to videos 5 months ago


Why don't these Muslim factions use chemical weapons to fight the jews?      (AskUpgoat)

submitted by osomperne to AskUpgoat 6 months ago


I never hear about any jews getting gassed or anything
Can any of you search wizards find me a video/audio clip of a pre-columbian indian doing that thing where they yell yeeyeeyeeyeeyeeyee!!!     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by osomperne to AskUpgoat 6 months ago


i thought that indian scene in The Maverick had it, but it's not quite right.
Anyone know of any good telegram channels to chat in?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by osomperne to AskUpgoat 6 months ago


I got the police called on me for informing someone in the parking lot today about Israel being a terrorist state and I have videos of them using chemical weapons and killing children and that they're the children of satan     (TheJewishProblem)

submitted by osomperne to TheJewishProblem 6 months ago


I was coming out of the store with my Army veterans hat on to my vehicle parked in a vets-only parking space. and this old timer was waiting by my car and asked if I was in the army. we got to talking and he just started talking about Israel and how the syrians didn't note wear they put these mines and there was a sign up in 3 languages (english, hebrew and arabic) and yadda yadda yadda. I told him how Israel is a terrorist nation and he got all uppity with me. as uppity as an elderly man can get anyways. and he kept saying one thing after another that was incorrect, and it became obvious he was trying to drum up support for israel's genocide in Palestine. So i asked him if he had seen the videos of the chemical weapons attacks and the arab children dying, the schools that were bombed and the christian churches that were bombed, and he said "you have videos of that? they don't exist". and I told him I could show him the videos if he pulled out his phone. he then asks where I heard about these attacks, and I said i sure didn't hear it from the jew media. then a person overhearing our conversation interjected to say that george soros was causing all kinds of problems in the media. and then I said that's right and told the old timer that soros is jewish too, and he asked me why that was a problem. i then asked him if he read his bible John 8:43 and how it talks about how jesus said jews are the sons of satan, and I told him he'd better keep and eye on the synagouges because these jews might try to carry out a terrorist attack on us. he then said he was jewish and proud of it. i got in the car and left.

i don't think that guy was a vet based on all my past experiences at the VA and he had that story and information all too ready. i think jews are going around trying to drum up support for isreal.

about 45 minutes later I get a call from the police department on my phone, and here's the kicker - i have never used that phone number for anything except my job. not a single person I know has that phone number. how are the police getting these phone numbers? I answered the call and they said my name straight away.... I just hung up, since there is no need to talk to police.

anyway, I want to tell you guys that you'd better start making your moves. we have to practice civil disobedience and getting the word out about the Jewish Problem in little chunks while you're out in public is a great way to do a lot of good. I'm out here on the record now, so I'm going to keep going, but don't dial back your efforts because that will guarantee defeat. victory will not come for free.

get out there in front of the synagouges and protest the blatant terrorist genocide going on in occupied palestine. Let them know that you know, and let them know you're prepared in case any of them decide to carry out a terrorist attack on your own soil. this is it! we have an opening like we've never had before. Get signs that say to free palestine and let them know that you're absolutely not on their side.
White teachers successfully earn pass into atheist AND Christian heaven by attempting to deny niggers their desire to kill each other     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by osomperne to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 10 months ago


They definitely wasted their time by the looks of this video. I'd say they're getting in.
I wish I could say that I didn't do anything this weekend because I'm such a fag that no one wants to hang out with me     (ThatIsAll)

submitted by osomperne to ThatIsAll 11 months ago


But no. No one does shit anymore. No one ever has any stories to tell. Just that they stayed home all day every day.

That is all.
Youre not going to believe this     (YoureNotGoingToBelieveThis)

submitted by osomperne to YoureNotGoingToBelieveThis 11 months ago


My little brother had a court date about his new born daughter (yes because for some reason the courts are telling families how to go about their lives). And for some reason our sister shows up at the court date with the mother of his daughter. Weird, right?

It turns out our sister showed up just to tell the courts a completely fabricated story about how my brother was trying to harm everyone and said he'd beat the child's mother before. and just saying anything nasty she could think of - i don't know why she was able to talk to the court or what, but they let this happen. she was doing this just to try and see if she could get HER OWN BROTHER thrown in prison for extended periods of time. that's it.

This was a religious duty she felt to attack men. She has rabidly driven off the father of her daughter for no reason other than she's trying to copy the situations of other women around her with kids. then they bitch that the guy isn't there!! my other sister did the same thing, her child's father makes great money and has skills to fix cars, build houses, landscaping, concrete,and so on. I asked her 2 years ago why she wasn't with him and she just stared blankly and avoided answering the question. she didn't have have a reason, she was just following what other women were doing.

I feel like I have the only family in the world that what do something like this. This sister and my other sister are TOOOTALLY fabricating stories about our childhoods now trying to say that we lived abusive childhoods. we DID NOT live abusive childhoods by any stretch of the imagination. we got spanked when we were little because we were doing stupid shit but that's it. and without those spankings I'd probably be a piece of shit today.

I had also heard that my one sister was telling my dad that he was a woman beater (he wasn't) and that he taught me and my brother to be woman beaters too - no such thing has happened even once to any of us. She's just making shit up, and I guess she's been telling the few people she's in contact with (since no one can stand to be around her) that all this is her past and who her family is.

This is what happens when you become the lonely cat mom with no friends (she just had a kid though, so hopefully that shop has sailed), and have no friends and you scroll through social media propaganda, you start believe the nonsense on there and try to make your life about it.

don't get me wrong, women do deserve to be hit and beaten or even killed for crimes they do, but that's never happened to us.
@mikenigger wants you to know negroes were given automatic weapons by the ATF and for you to be very scared of negroes      (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by osomperne to WarningShotsToTalk 12 months ago


You've been warned. fuck with negroes and you'll be Swiss cheese. Be afraid
is anyone using YouTube-dl? I haven't been able to get it to work for months     (AskGoats)

submitted by osomperne to AskGoats 12 months ago


I feel like we have finally reached the precipice of video games. they're either going to go to the next level we've never seen before or die     (gaming)

submitted by osomperne to gaming 1 year ago


rockstar will damage its brand badly

So now that resident evil 4 remake is out. There are NO known AAA games in the pipeline that I'm aware of that anyone cares about. ... except GTA 6.

Now, by the time gta 6 comes out it will have a starving army of consumerist gamers waiting to consume the next product. This is something that hasn't happened since halo1 debuted and halo 1 reaped the benefits of that.

IIT we conjecture, for some maybe even pontificate, their posits on how rockstar will botch this easily obtained legendary status.


(___o__________} ~~~

^ that's a fancy cigar I'm smoking

Where do we go from here?
too much. it's too much cake     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by osomperne to whatever 1.1 years ago


Does anyone know if the survival mode has been cracked on Doom Eternal?      (gaming)

submitted by osomperne to gaming 1.1 years ago


I want to fight some waves of demons without connecting to the internet.
Does anyone know where to buy decent, fairly priced glock mag springs?      (AskGoats)

submitted by osomperne to AskGoats 1.2 years ago


I'm seeing them for $8+ a pop, and I recall having seen these for sale recently for 10$ for a 10 or 20 pack.

Here's some of what I'm seeing






cheapest (?but quality?): https://www.midwestgunworks.com/glock/magazine-spring.html

most options, though the deescriptions seem incorrect for some of them: https://www.gunsprings.com/index.cfm?page=items&cID=1&mID=5#148


Does anyone else who uses email at work notice emails chains or text conversations people have where they'll switch topics and neither the person saying it nor the responder acknowledges it?     (AskGoats)

submitted by osomperne to AskGoats 1.2 years ago


I find this especially strange because people will switch to disconnected topics frequently, and it looks like nothing is really being communicated. I'd give an example, but if I do I know I'll get responses only about that, as if that's the only thing i was talking about in my generalized statement.
baby boomers @con77 once again propagates the enemy's message. this time a popular Hillary Clinton saying. we have met the enemy and he is us!     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by osomperne to TalkPropagatesTheEnemysMessage 1.2 years ago


People, you need to be aware of people "on your side" with these contradictory thinking processes. THIS IS HOW WE'RE LOSING - these people are constantly turning a blind eye to key points to fight back on. They don't so much as practice civil disobedience and I've even seen these "allies" CRUMBLE at every single opportunity; they'll grovel in front of trannies and coloreds and send them at other white people in order to deflect.

You need to beat verbally or physically these people into getting stronger. If you see con77 IRL feel free to do what you know you need to do to get him to stop his degenerate, libtard nonsense
where are the naturally attractive women? I constantly see women with basically a face mask on.     (AskGoats)

submitted by osomperne to AskGoats 1.2 years ago


Said it before, but there are limits on how much make up you should wear

But where are the naturally beautiful women
If these AI chatbots are just saying what the politically charged people funding them want them to say, are they even AI? Or are they just telling us it's AI?     (AskGoats)

submitted by osomperne to AskGoats 1.2 years ago


Anyone know a repository for DefCad files? I'm surprised there isn't a collection on TPB or something     (AskGoats)

submitted by osomperne to AskGoats 1.2 years ago


DefCad wants me to sign in, verify my identity and not use a VPN. I have a friend who says he'll get me files, but I hate to bug him every time I want something on there. Are there any mirrors or anything like that?

Side note: so everyone knows there is nothing that can happen to you for downloading any of these files, I just want to minimize my own footprint online.