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Member for: 2.8 years

scp: 391 (+439/-48)
ccp: 774 (+921/-147)
votes given: 1186 (+790/-396)
score: 1165


[Hey OP, they are NOT 'jews' they are shape-shifting impostors from eurasia, a mixture of turk, italian and gypsy.](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/01/130116195333.htm)

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=664cc163e3842

[NOT a sheboon, OP is a dumbass](https://files.catbox.moe/cotio6.png)

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=664bde01edf29

[Pissed at boomers huh? The kike laughs and rubs his hands while reading your displeasure... Disregard your elders, goyim!](https://files.catbox.moe/drk7gj.jpg)

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=66491bc673a4a

No sjit? He saves them for later, huh? Isn't that the same as "Dead nigger Storage"...Wat he gonna do with them anyway?

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=6649060b46315


/v/WhiteGenocide viewpost?postid=6647626883664

Yet the UN does absolutely nothing this go'round.. Anyone else remember Kosovo?

/v/WhiteGenocide viewpost?postid=6647626883664

Thank GOD there are people in this world who tackle these *really important* issues.

/v/Food viewpost?postid=664765c4a8535

When I was a kid I watched grown men suck down half-gallons of Ancient Age (a cheap Canadian whiskey), then turn their face and puke until they passed out... Sometimes if I was lucky I could catch the stream with a trashcan before it hit the floor. What you should do is burn the odor of puked-up liquor into your subconscious so that when you smell alcohol it triggers a wave of nausea. (Cleaning up after drunks is what cured me of *ever* being one and is the primary reason I only smoke weed on a regular basis.)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664780269f637

Greedy kikes are hilarious... Their money-grubbing antics never fail to get a good laugh from me.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=66477238c969c

The kikes will murder Mr. Massie before long.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=66477d65d1b2a

[Pervert nigger cook in a nigger restaurant is no surprise at all... This is somehow some Honkey's fault. The moral of this story is never eat food made by niggers.](https://files.catbox.moe/ifgkcw.jpg)

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6647780316c32

It's the day of the Rake for the Foo...

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6644d52a615c6


/v/Jews viewpost?postid=66425647dae59

What does OP think of them who call themselves 'jews'?

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=66425c71e3ce1

Who would have thought that pesky supply and demand rule of economics applies to evolving job markets also? Turns out employers simply don't *need* all those millions of women's studies/philosophy graduates standing around the water cooler playing pocket pool all day... FYI: Construction trades pay BANK for those with balls who aren't afraid of dirt or harsh elements.
Off yerass and on yer feet, out the shade and in the heat - As the parlance goes.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=6642365b3805b

Why, whatever will all the niggers ***DO*** when they can't see naked White wimmens?

/v/technology viewpost?postid=66423ae42b028

Not to imply that I'm sorry for the nigger, but *any* transplant is playing roulette at best, especially with such an experiment.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=664124065b996

[I'll just leave this here...](https://files.catbox.moe/0ci8no.jpg)

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6633c6b9c094e

...Might be a good time to stock up on dairy.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=6633ccb0bdcc7

How much nigger blood does an edomite have, anyway? Asking for science.

/v/WhiteGenocide viewpost?postid=6632b96ed0548