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"So whats wrong with my work ChatGPT?"

"Youre a retard, kill yourself."

/v/askanon viewpost?postid=664b8438de3f1


but arent gonna.

great game that, say publically you wont do the illegal thing youre being paid to do, so the person paying you to do the illegal thing, decides they need to pay you more.

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=664c1b2f58142

they did listen to the doctors. the doctors told them to do it or get fired. the nurses job is to say 'fuck you, thats malpractice, im reporting you, im not having an intentional death to a medical experiment on my conscience.

they didnt. all medical staff are equally as criminal as each other. there are checks and balances that were overridden at every level for this shit to happen, and it required co-operation. the vast majority did whatever the fuck they could to make it easier for themselves and kept extra money in their pocket. those that said no were fired.

shit no one even offered to try and pay me to make people wear masks or get jabs, i might have taken the money, but i sure as fuck wouldnt have made anyone wear shit, and they can suck my dick to get the hush money back.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664badca20678

they werent scared of a fucking thing. they had dollar signs in their eyes.

they absolutely *did not* know any contraindications and yet they gave the jabs anyway. At BEST that is called Medical Malpractice. If they dont know what the effect of a treatment is going to be 'herp derp we didnt know about any side effects' then they are *FORBIDDEN* from prescribing that treatment.

if they *did* know the contraindications because 'im a professional and its my job to know these things and im forbidden from prescribing something i dont know the effects of' and prescribed something despite knowing its inappropriate and that person dies its called *MANSLAUGHTER*

if they *did* and *knew* it was going to kill people, then it goes up to *MURDER*

there is absolutely no spin on any of the fucking bullshit that went on where anyone in the medical profession is legally in the clear. they absolutely broke the law, regardless of if there were any deaths as a result. they claim they didnt know the side effects and they couldnt explain what was in it or the contraindications then every jab they gave is a charge of Malpractice. Thats not even grey. Thats about as black and fucking white as it gets in medical terms.

What *is* a grey area, is whether theyre guilty of Malpractice alone, or with added Manslaughter and Murder charges. Their job was to fucking say no. They didnt.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664badca20678

they were paid to do what they did. the only reason for them to have been lurking here is if they were getting paid to rat out 'right wing nazi man baby conspiracy theorists'

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664badca20678

you know the funny thing about the 'no intelligent dialogue between characters' is OG Mad Max had to be redubbed with a yank because americans couldnt understand it.

that being said i can understand why you might not be able to understand whats happening in the rest of the movie. you want to hear music we hear clearly but youll not understand a word of would be 'Australian Crawl'

/v/movies viewpost?postid=664b375225370

semi related but i can still remember as a kid one of the winning 'Funniest Home Videos' was a fucker leading a 6 and a half foot goanna into someones tent, zipping it up, then waking his mate up.

/v/Reptiles viewpost?postid=6648a7e955113

"HAH! Ive turned the tables on ya, ya *CUNT*! Not hard is it. Nooo.... because you dumb bastards *never invented the table*"

/v/Reptiles viewpost?postid=6648a7e955113

finally a song that represents my life.

/v/ANONRADIO viewpost?postid=664ad37fd1b81

Man i totally forgot this part of Robert Plants career.

Loved his solo stuff, didnt like the Honeydrippers

/v/GenerationX_Radio viewpost?postid=664acc9cc734f

I watched a great vid the other day... a pair of russians got a medal from Sukhoi i think, because they found out, by accident, that the ejection seats in the su-24 were zero zero capable.

hydraulic system unpowered, no pressure, elevators pitch up, co-pilot short stick goes dead against the seat.... behind the ejector seat handle. engine gets powered up, hydraulic pressure goes up, elevators move back to neutral, stick pushes forward, hooks into ejector handle, co-pilot goes bye bye through the canopy without touching a thing. the fucking cartoon the presenter did for it was hilarious.

the fix - that plane now has 'balls' polystyrene cups on a string which hold the elevators in place when its parked.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=6644803fa481c

'indulgences' have been a catholic thing since rome decided they were in charge. paying money to a priest to forgive your sin. the shit you used to get up to to need that in medieval history either sent you to war or jail. slapping a wad of benjamins in front of a catholic priest and walking out whistling as part of your every day life is a catholic italian thing. having a patron saint for every crime and sin you can think of seems to be a catholic mexican/south american thing.

weve already had wars over this shit.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66449739e2baf

oh holy fucking shit how obnoxious would that be at christmas if you could rig it up to sing and dance to some damn nsync christmas album.... great way to make sure the in laws never show up again.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66449f1d425b5

one side of me is like... why. fuck this. why would you even bother. was never in to boy bands or their music, and funkos are ... yeah.

the other side of me is like ... its a full set in pretty good nick....

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66449f1d425b5

your mum.

(sorry mate, but where im from thats the only correct answer to that question)

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=6644956ed234b

man i want one of them wall lights. i kind of like the woodgrain room look.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=6644956ed234b

yep but im also relatively lucky to be single and childless (im not anti kids before anyone jumps on me. just sayin, i dont have to factor anyone else in on my decisions. or wallet.)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6644446dbed89

Yeah we are missing a highly paid orgy pro tho

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66416e87da3f1


the jews got handed palestine in the 1800s bloke. about 40 years before wwii

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6640e77230259

Christians don't follow the Torah

Torah says Jews own everything. Bible says Christians. Jews hate Christians because they took what they mistakenly believed to be their inheritance.

Anyone can follow Christ. If you believe jesus is the messiah which Jews don't you ain't Jewish.

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=663ece8283724

Luke 3 is Jesus genealogy you disingenuous faggot.

‭Luke 3:33 ESV‬
[33] "... the son of Amminadab, the son of Admin, the son of Arni, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah"

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=663ece8283724

Heh Sun Theatre is Yarraville, Melbourne. Still going too.

"The Wog Boy" pizza shop "During war, i hide in *chickencoopfucking*" is across the street from it.

Grandad had a factory around the corner.

/v/VoatFmRadio viewpost?postid=663ee0d141b9f