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can ollama scan and extract text from jpeg or pdfs as effectively as chat gpt plus can? I paid for gpt plus because it can scan and read my documents and then explain to me the problems. when I tried using regular ocr scanners the text they kept outputting was horrible. but gpt plus did it right--

submitted by anon to askanon 1 weekMay 20, 2024 13:11:20 ago (+1/-3)     (askanon)

--perfectly. I think out of 40 pages it got one or two digits incorrect. It made studying seamless especially because ocr scaning failed or outputted the text incorrectly. And gpt can even go over and explain what problems I did wrong. I just need to to know if ollama is capable of this?

4 comments block

[ - ] anon 3252851 0 points 1 weekMay 21, 2024 02:51:14 ago (+0/-0)

I haven't used ollama but it looks like that's just a chat client that can load models. So it's just one piece of the puzzle.

ollamma will load a model for you. There are a bunch to choose from and some of them suck and some are decent. But it would also need to load your documents to do what you ask. So for that you need to read through their docs but I took a look and didn't see anything about parsing documents.

Also you need good hardware to run models, or it will be slooooow.

So I don't know if ollama will work, but I do know gpt4all might. It's an easy install, loads different models, and can also load documents. I only tried with a pdf on my machine and it seemed to do ok. And it's not difficult to set it up either. You can also find (somewhat) uncensored models for it if you want your ai to talk dirty to you or complain about niggers.

[ - ] anon 2211252 [op] 0 points 1 weekMay 22, 2024 20:57:45 ago (+0/-0)

Can you give us a guide on how to setup an uncensored model for gpt4all

[ - ] anon 3252851 0 points 1 weekMay 23, 2024 12:22:33 ago (+0/-0)

Sure, it's real easy.

1 download and run the gpt4all installer

2 run gpt4all. You can search for and download models directly from the interface. Two that might be a good start are:

Llama 3 Instruct 8B GGUF - pretty smart and fast. Censored, but you can jailbreak it pretty easy

My uncensored model of choice.

You will want to tweak your settings to get it to run better. And work with the system prompt (also in the interface) so the model behaves how you want it to.

[ - ] i_scream_trucks -1 points 1 weekMay 20, 2024 23:59:43 ago (+0/-1)

"So whats wrong with my work ChatGPT?"

"Youre a retard, kill yourself."