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Member for: 1.9 years

scp: 82 (+84/-2)
ccp: 66 (+71/-5)
votes given: 37 (+37/-0)
score: 148

Tragedy     (u.smutty.horse)

submitted by hadrians_wall to whatever 1.7 years ago


Remember all the talk about self-driving cars in the last decade?     (www.reuters.com)

submitted by hadrians_wall to whatever 1.7 years ago


Some days it seems like we're in this weird twilight zone where nearly all the information swirling around us is purely to sell products or movements, with truth not even being a factor.
The Rings Of Power, And Why Companies Go Woke     (pic8.co)

submitted by hadrians_wall to whatever 1.7 years ago



There's increasing talk about ESG scores being the force behind companies going woke these days. This article breaks down why that's not really the case.

"...the Taliban destroyed Buddhist monuments that had been uncovered from the 6th century, so as not to allow the blasphemy that might inspire pushback against their own cultural agenda. Jewish ethno-nationalists seemed to have much the same agenda when they burned down the Baptist Church of Jerusalem in 1982, and subjected the rebuilt church to arson in 2007."
I want to thank you guys for not being Poal     (random)

submitted by hadrians_wall to random 1.7 years ago


I've never had a problem with Poal before, and even defended it when people talked about it here.

I've previously used a family member's account on both Poal and here, but decided to make my own accounts. I don't know if it was because two accounts were used by the same IP address recently or what, but Poal dropped me and my family member's accounts to -100 so that we couldn't post anything, along with a little jew icon.

My family member did manage to get AOU's attention and try to figure out what was going on when he logged into his account. He had a civil conversation, but the dude just kept calling us jews who were using alts to try to demoralize the site, despite my family member having a year+ old account with no issues. It wasn't really frustrating so much as it was just weird.

Anyways, I apologize for the people I argued with who tried to tell me about AOU's antics back in the day. Now that I've seen him talked to directly, I guess I understand why so many people were happy to be done with Poal.
What's The Most Good You Can Do For The World?     (branchandbone.substack.com)

submitted by hadrians_wall to random 1.7 years ago


an article sharing a perspective on why you should have children that's not so common today
