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Member for: 2.6 years

scp: 155 (+159/-4)
ccp: 3285 (+3606/-321)
votes given: 2967 (+2641/-326)
score: 3440


niggers don't really get lice, even parasites find them repulsive.

/v/Crime viewpost?postid=6632470dda133

great snap a pic of to verify what you typed.

/v/History viewpost?postid=662e38f1dc8e6

bud you didn't think after what I said I knew about Parishes? lol. But don't kid yourself, Kenner is like 55% white, then 25% spics, and 20% nigger. It's lazy white flight at best. And the spics are running the whites outta Kenner faster than the niggers.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=662f92b450849

just so you boys and girls understand "Kenner" is part of greater New Orleans.

A great CHOCOLATE CITY as named by its former Mayor Ray Nagin, who btw was in jail for being a corrupt nigger democrat politician but was let out early during the corona virus "free da niggers cause prison can be gettin us sick and sheeeeiit" point in time.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=662f92b450849

Get that Capernick effect, adopt them, raise them, give them opportunities, STILL END UP A NIGGER.

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=662e7d5630b9d

yea the ashkenazi are most closely related to modern turk blood. Hitites were east turkey, not really as far south as Jerusalem, maybe you need to brush up. Besides that area has been conquered and abandoned so many times in the last 5k years it no one's "home land"

You tell Uncle H when u see him, I didn't say it, he did. He probably didn't care where they went as long as they went away.

/v/History viewpost?postid=662e38f1dc8e6

hitler was ok with Israel being created. he wanted a place for every race to call home, including niggers mainly cause he didnt know how cancerous they were.

havaara (sp) agreement. he wanted them to leave germany and go to israel.

/v/History viewpost?postid=662e38f1dc8e6

best part is the sleeping right wing christcucks will be angry at the mudslimes like st tarrant was. But will ignore the hook noses kikes that flooded their white world with them. the jews want u to haye muslims so u are ok with them wiping them out.

kikes are devious fucks.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=662cdc97bae70

you never heard of any fucking women quiting society and going live alone in the woods, there are 0 female hermits.

/v/FeminismIsCancer viewpost?postid=662b61de1dbc7

reminds me of that mightywhitesoap company. He used to have 1488 soap and Fuhrer fragrance, but in the last few years he has just gone with naming the soaps regular names, he still as one link for "Caucasian abrasion."

/v/based_department viewpost?postid=662943d0e3154

says the christuck who believes a magic jew died for him altruistically.

/v/Tartaria viewpost?postid=662902ab9c910

so he guessed 43 and she is 39.... I mean that's not even an insult, that's pretty close.

/v/news viewpost?postid=6627971e21961

not to mention they can just claim to find a flash drive, or text message some photos to your phone and claim "its on his phone". doesn't need to be ur PC even. Hell a 15 year old slut can send her tit pics to her 15 year old boyfriend and they can both be convicted of child porn possession.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66269789bd0dd

in a country where your life is ruined if the feds put cp on your computer and throw u in jail for 50 years it may be a better system. remeber the vegas shooters brother started talking about his brother innocense then claimed he could prove it. and a week later in jail for CP.

paying for it or uploading / producing should be a crime. but local cops or feds who confiscate your pc amd "find cp" should always be questioned. i live in a small white county and in the last 5 years 3 sheriffs have been fored for sex crimes with kids.... these fuckers can frame any1.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66269789bd0dd

now he will get hate crime charges and get 12 years. lol

/v/Canada viewpost?postid=6625166f61ea9

after just answering a call from a scamming street shitter using a local spoofed phone number this makes me happy.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66240ad007909

how good do wasps taste that being cut in half doesnt even distract you?

/v/Nature viewpost?postid=6623b6409c970

damn that one pic they were able to get the voice/cadence/tone of her voice, nice!

/v/AI viewpost?postid=6621c9bf27011

In the last 5 years they have climbed their way up to number 3 on my shit list behind niggers and kikes.

The constant calls I get from spoofed local numbers trying to scam me every time I just call them street shitting shit skins and they are a shit race of subhumans and hang up. one tried to curse me back as I was hanging up and called me a "fuck shit."

Incoming calls from india should be illegal, its 98% scam calls and corporations avoiding paying whites worth wages.

/v/IndiaRaw viewpost?postid=6621024631539

I coulda told you that. Years ago I was getting fat I decided to do the atkin's diet when it first came out 2003ish, figured a diet where I could have chicken and steak would be easy. After a few days I craved sweets...

So i went to the store, bought a bunch of sugar free candy to scratch the sweets itch, bough sugar free drinks. I quit that diet about 10 days afte when I shit my pants leaning over to pick something up. I had bought a 1 lb bag of haribo sugar free gummy bears and between that and the pitchers of sugar free kool-aid I was drinking I had pressure washer BM's the whole time. All that sugar free stuff back then was all sugar alcohols, it was b4 all these fake sugar substitutes that they have now.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661ff82840856

He just found out the big tiddy goth girl he had been chatting with and went to that town to meet was a dude that looked just like him using a female WoW charater model.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661fb308b84d4

i have such confidence in breeds that i would be willing to stick my hand in any retreiver's mouth even if i didnt know the dog.

i wouldnt do that a chow, chihuahua, or pitbull if i had been around it 100 times.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661f520601cec