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Member for: 2.8 years

scp: 10 (+12/-2)
ccp: 26 (+28/-2)
votes given: 16 (+16/-0)
score: 36


The Bill of Rights should be amended to have a explicitly stated 0'th amendment stating that the "central" gov't can be neither a lender nor a borrower. The 0'th Amendment would make the "central" gov't into quasi self regulating traditional bank.

And not a mock FTX crypto trading center.

I'm also sure that some Amendment like a 0^-1 = ∞, could be added somewhere that makes it so that no state can deficit lend to another state to backup the 0'th amendment

To prevent a minority of states becoming borrowers and a majority of the state's becoming indentured lenders.

This is essentially already in the constitution...albeit they somehow worked around that all debts having to be squashed
from either Gold or Silver.

/v/jewsShowThemselves viewpost?postid=65fddb7158d18

The facts are essentially irrefutable. The psychological operations of generational inter-family dynamics are open wounds. That is some difficult shit America has to come out of...

We can't blame Jon Voight for having a parent he though he knew (Israel,) but he actually never knew.

This displacement is systemic.

Jon Voight
Truth and lies

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=657e69d3cb71c

Edit: found it
Preventing the Collapse of Civilization / Jonathan Blow (Thekla, Inc)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=630bbe168d742

A stock-exchange system that predicts human behavior.

We Were Warned about Computer Driven Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6235f2bab66b2

the high-speed "databases" that google uses are especially equipped "hardware databases"...that uses CPU L1-L3 cache, massive in memory cached searches, optimized SSD drives, and spindle drives...to return results in milli-second time..

This cpu-speed database meta-data is populated through massive machine imaging, audio, etc...tensor-flow...through massive "Hadoop" file-system clusters...working distributed/clustered to "index" raw data to the "3+ layer database cpu,memory,ssd, and spindle drives) many Terabytes..

They can use this super fast/cpu-speed database to generate solutions to just about any subset of problems except "university graduate level computing problems"

So, a search on "Google" could just as well of have solved all your research in a single search rather than a gazillion individual searches.

The search engine that is inside google, microsoft, facebook, etc. has to be absolutely beyond imagination.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6235f2bab66b2