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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 14770 (+14979/-209)
ccp: 4176 (+4392/-216)
votes given: 4771 (+4635/-136)
score: 18946


Owner of:
TheEternalJew, IsraelCrimes,
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The German people historically did not want to emancipate the jew. Napoleon when he conquered German land, introduced French laws which included jewish emancipation.. but as soon as the French lost control of that land, jewish emancipation was quickly overturned as that was the desire of the German people as they were astute when it came to the jewish problem.

It was easier for the jew to get themselves emancipated by offering the Germans something that would be beneficial to them as well.. But this benefit wouldn't last as with jews being emancipated, they could quickly use the ill-gotten wealth that they've collected over the centuries to buy off the press, flock the political, financial, and education system, and take Germany over from within without any legislation hindering them from doing so. That's what happened, and the devastation that caused Germany due to jewish emancipation was not worth whatever benefit that was received from the unification.

The problem wasn't the unification itself but what CAME WITH the unification.

/v/TheEternalJew viewpost?postid=6632191589851

It's different factors all in one to ensure loyalty to the jew.
Blackmail is one way to guarantee the support of congress. But then you also have to consider that most of the individuals in congress are most likely just psychopaths with no loyalty to anyone but themselves. They have no conscience so they don't care who they work for as long as their pockets gets filled with jew money and they sure don't care about the consequences of their own actions as long as it doesn't affect them which thus far, it hasn't. In order to even get into congress, you have to bow down to the jew and pledge your alligence to their evil agenda, so what kind of individuals will congress be filled with when this is the prerequisite to get into congress in the first place?
Scumbags, liars and psychopaths which are usually the qualities of a TRAITOR.

Then you also have to take into consideration the crypto factor. How many within congress have jewish heritage that's not public knowledge? I would bet plenty of them.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=66321a4eaaa28

Now that's a veteran expert.

/v/Cats viewpost?postid=6631863c488ae

My educated guess would be that it's still under jewish control. If you look at Deutsche Bank, they constantly kvetch about anti-Semitism and how evil it is and it must never be allowed to happen and all that nonsense. They employ the same policies we see with other jewish controlled entities with ''diversity, equity and inclusion'' being part of their foundation.

However, if you are looking for names, I have not looked into that. Paul Achleitner is one, on his wikipedia page it says he is jewish, however I did a double check on that, and found nothing on his heritage. But he looks jewish though and he's made numerous statements against 'anti-semitism'.

/v/TheEternalJew viewpost?postid=663019922e3cf

It was broken up into regional banks, then these regional banks formed into three big banking firms but a few years later all these three banks merged together into Deutsche Bank AG and from there Deutsche Bank has continued its practice of consuming other banking firms. A practice that went on during Hitler's rule of Germany as well.

/v/TheEternalJew viewpost?postid=663019922e3cf

No matter which historic period you look into, there's always going to be many jews that claimed that 'they are scared'... what's he scared of when they have pretty much all the governments of the world under their control?

I will start believing it once I am starting to see with my own eyes their power disintegrating because currently, there's no reason for this jew to be scared and this rat knows it.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=6629f9f74569c

Another thing that can not be underestimated when it comes to the jewish rats, is their ability to come up with very long-term plans in which they will have the patience to work towards fulfilling the goals of those plans for centuries if needed.

Like their goal to establish a jewish state in Palestine, it was a goal they had since 70 A.D, a goal they kept working towards for thousands of years until they finally got it because they never gave up.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=662940ba51c9a

Only kikes can come up with something this sinister.

/v/War viewpost?postid=662562a994f4a

If WW3 happens, all you cowardly little rats will run to hide in your little sewage tunnels.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6623e5a4014fe


/v/Niggerfaggots viewpost?postid=661ea0f48a590

Thanks for sharing, I was unaware that Black men had more estrogen. Makes sense.

/v/Niggerfaggots viewpost?postid=661ea0f48a590


/v/Niggerfaggots viewpost?postid=661ea0f48a590

I agree. It's multiple factors all at once, all aimed at reducing the number of the population. People sometimes forget that there is strength in manpower, and the fewer White people there are globally, the less power White people have overall.. which of course is what the jews want.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=661e5f3a10e3f

Yes. Their population might get reduced but as long as they have a portion of the population that's still fertile, they are not going extinct and their population can rise again with time.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=661e5f3a10e3f

Condolences for your loss. I know a lot of people give a lot of shit to those who got the vax, but many were both coerced and also lied to about the vax being safe and effective and foolishly believed it, but no one deserves to die or suffer for one foolish decision. A vax like this should have never been available for anyone to take to begin with and those responsible for putting it out there and manipulating others to take it are the one's we should direct our anger towards.

/v/CovidWorldOrder viewpost?postid=661c25da4a3b1

Which would make sense if the vax damaged their heart, from an article in 2007;

>Myocarditis also is associated with exercise-related deaths in young individuals

>Compelling evidence indicates that vigorous physical activity acutely increases the risk of cardiovascular events among young individuals and adults with both occult and diagnosed heart disease


/v/CovidWorldOrder viewpost?postid=661c25da4a3b1

And right under him is an elephant.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661c1c749e103


/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=66199796dca55


/v/IsraelCrimes viewpost?postid=66186a55df6aa

Looked for ghosts but found a nigger instead.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=6617cc8fa689d

confirmation you're on the right side of history

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=661780a2ebf55

You shouldn't. The whole feud between her and Shapiro is what I suspect an elaborate PR move to get so called 'jew-wise' truthers on the side of Trump once more..

Supposedly they have all these political disagreements but here's one big inconsistency, they both support the massive Zio-pig that is Trump. You'd think that Candace with her ''awakening'' would denounce Trump, but no she hasn't.

Let's not forget she also supported Trump in the first election and celebrated his decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem and went as far as to travel to Jerusalem to do this celebration.

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=6617690032d6c

No, that's just dumb. The reaction is certainly not anger. Why would I care if you call me a jew if I know that I am not?
You can like the guy and appreciate his work, but don't come here and lie about him not being jewish. It's already been confirmed that his father is an Iranian jew. His father was the director and writer for a short holocaust movie, which Sepehr was a producer of.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66143497c9f2a

And the big record label owners like that jew faggot Clive Davis are the ring leaders.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=66149df5845da