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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 82 (+82/-0)
ccp: 44 (+44/-0)
votes given: 335 (+335/-0)
score: 126


correctus 0 points 2.4 years ago*

Aye... There are far better ways to use the 100+ GB of SSD space and network bandwidth, for sure. Not to mention that this 'remake' basically covers only 1 out of 3, ps1 discs of original Final Fantasy VII story...

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=61b386f6aed0e

Cohen... Heh, won't even gonna have check the wikipedia 'early life' section, lmao...

/v/PureFuckingKikery viewpost?postid=6190cc53b61f6

The Day Of The Rope Can't Come Soon Enough.

/v/NotEvenHidingIt viewpost?postid=6190e82bac9db

correctus 1 point 2.5 years ago

LMAO! God Bless Lovecraft...


/v/funny viewpost?postid=6190d19b2362d

...and Shakespeare, and Dostoyevsky. Too bad normies can't read.

/v/Quotes viewpost?postid=6190e301b866e

So glad to see you right here, dawg... I occasionally read your posts on stonetoss. Cheers!

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=618a3ce575062

correctus 1 point 2.6 years ago

Noice... Been waiting for this gem.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=615a65b3028ff

correctus 1 point 2.6 years ago

sub-human spic whore of questionable hygiene and ancestry *fixed

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=614dd51810243

Around Elves... Watch Yourselves!

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=614e2c326b79f

The purge will never end... They'll just keep eating each other.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=6141e37add553

Yeah, the 4th one went omegawoke and 'the lost legacy' is even worse... I won't be bothering with this port myself (barely endured completing it on the PS4), but I guess the hardware simpthusiasts will have a new tech demo / benchmark to masturbate to, at least.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=613b7630a5671

I was done with these cunts in 2012 after the Diablo 3 debacle... Haven't touched their shit ever since.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=61355082d9008

Just typical (((current year))) kikery... I suspect that this dude actually wanted to retire, so why not go out with a bang. Working with a bunch of niggers, faggots, trannies and feminist whores must take a real toll on one's sanity.

Excellent write-up, by the way Witty. Keep up the good work.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=61369df3bda0a

Gotta respect a man who takes his job seriously.

/v/SouthAfrica viewpost?postid=6123e9b75e551

correctus 1 point 2.7 years ago

Wow... so much utter cluelessness from jewbisoft tranny-devs... Croats are as close as you can get to a modern neo-nazi state... They still lynch faggots publicly, They have national holidays every year, celebrating their genocides from WW2 and the 90s. Their military is super far-right, as is the majority of the general populace... Aside from several cucked politicians they are pretty based overall.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=611c6ee3defdd

In the (((current year))) anything is possible...

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=60fa323090a1d

correctus 1 point 2.8 years ago

I agree. Video game should have never gone mainstream.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=60fa323090a1d

Honestly if you're into 'VR' and have a VR-headset and/or play VR games, you are already an irredeemable faggot... Buying/Playing this censored nigger shit would only be a cherry on top...

Poles are cucks, especially so when you throw some money their way. I bet that this dev would whore out his own mother for fame and money. Game devs and journos should be gassed.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=60fa323090a1d

Quite grim... Looks like this is the beginning of the end for Japan. Perhaps they are even past that point.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=60fb46a5ef293

Key points / Interesting quotes:

1. "Games can no longer be pirated as they are today. Because each game is stored and executed at the hosting service, users are not provided with access to the underlying program code, so [b]there is nothing to pirate[/b]."

2. "New game consoles are [i]very expensive[/i], and some people (niggers and spics) simply can’t afford to pay for these devices. This would be fixed by cloud gaming too, as muh people would no longer need to buy expensive consoles." (LoL)

3. "Sony highlights some other cloud gaming advantages for copyright holders as well. For example, the [b]re-sale of used games will be a thing of the past[/b]."

Not that I give two shits about Soyny these days, but I thought it was interesting, nonetheless. Looks like they are fully embracing the [i]"By 2030, You'll Own Nothing And Be Happy"[/i] meme... Fuck 'em...

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=60dd72d281369

correctus 1 point 2.9 years ago

Let's just hope that Elden Ring is mostly untainted, and that short fat kike George R. R. Martin had little to no influence on the creative process...


/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=60c6f1754f777






/v/TalkLolDev viewpost?postid=60c4388a5cd8f

correctus 1 point 2.9 years ago*

Same here, although I am also cautiously looking forward to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl...
GSC Game World has received funding from both Microsoft and Epic/Tencent, so there is a lot to be worried about...

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=60c6f1754f777