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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 1216 (+1346/-130)
ccp: 6594 (+8687/-2093)
votes given: 17268 (+11796/-5472)
score: 7810


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Russtard thinks meatwaves and oil refineries are free.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=663ff12d3233b

"Today we successfully sent another meatwave to take over a treeline and parts of a destroyed village. We will repeat the meatwave attacks tomorrow. We also lost another oil refinery to some unfortunate person smoking in the wrong place."

Blood for the blood gods!

/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=664140928b4e7

Maybe the problem lies in worshiping the god of Israel, Yahweh, who has split personal disorder and also goes by Rabbi Jebus. Or maybe it's following the teachings of Saul the Pharisee.

No, that's not it. It must be the pastors! Yeah, that's the ticket!

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=6641826c3100a

He posts to his own verse, which is easy enough to block.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66418cdf69b9e

More Russtards need to be ground up along with the Ukrainians. More Russian oil refineries go boom. More ships sunk. More planes downed. More tanks destroyed.

Blood for the blood gods!

/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=664140928b4e7

Make retarded arguments, get the standard reply for retards.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=663ff12d3233b

Russtard will alternately pretend Ukrainian territory belongs to Russia, then pretend it's not Russian when Russia obliterates it to "liberate" it. Ok, Russtard.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=663ff12d3233b

> The death ratio is well over 10:1.

We don't know what the true ratio is. Both sides have a reason to lie and not disclose.

> Ukraine is conscripting literal retards and women by gunpoint.

Russia is hiring blacks and pajeets into its army. They emptied their prisons, allowing even murderers to serve. They already went through one mobilization, and will likely enact another after they finish exhausting their meat reserves.

> It's the Ukrainian's that are being seiged, not the Russians.

Russtard ignores all the oil refineries going boom, the ships in the Black Sea going belly up, and the fact that it's supposed "Russian territory" that's being sieged and blown to bits in the name of "liberation".

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=663ff12d3233b

So Russia is going to continue wrecking itself in the process, Russtard? How many of it's people is it willing to sacrifice? How many oil refineries need to go boom? How many tanks, planes, and ships destroyed?

You act like it's only the Ukrainians who have choice and are losing people.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=663ff12d3233b

I state basic facts. You're a Russtard. Not a question.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=663ff12d3233b

Putin can withdraw at any time, Russtard.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=663ff12d3233b

> Same kind of goes for the 'meat attack' segments of the Russian army, although they at least know they're defending their country from (((NATO))).

"Defending" by invading a sovereign country. Ok, Russtard.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=663ff12d3233b

Cool, glad you got to see it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663ed5ce7526b

Forecast maps of viewing area:


I'm theoretically within the viewing area, but between hills, city lights, and trees and shit I can't get a clear view of the north horizon. Plus I doubt I'd see much if I could. Pretty close to the limit.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663ed5ce7526b

> You didn't answer the quotation, nigger.

I pointed out you moved the goalposts, Christcuck.

> So, the last interventions by God were thousands of years before Christ, right?

So after losing, you want to play again, but with the goalposts moved closer? A yes or no response will do. Christcuck tapdancing will be ignored.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663e53fbb2585

> So, the examples of these interventions are from the old Testament and in days thousands of years before Christ?

And here's the retarded tapdancing, as expected.

> According to the Bible, the flood of Noah and the Arc was the last intervention with a promise to no longer intervene.

Those are your words, Christcuck. What part of "last intervention" of your own sentence do you not understand? How many times would you like to move the goalposts before declaring victory? Now if I come back with a New Testament intervention, what is your response going to be?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663e53fbb2585

> Show me examples of God's intervention. According to the Bible, the flood of Noah and the Arc was the last intervention with a promise to no longer intervene.

Quoting to save your ignorance and stupidity for posterity. Do you not know the mythology behind Moses and Egypt, the "Let my people go!" story? The Plagues of Egypt? The murder of every firstborn son in Egypt? The parting of the Red Sea?

Inb4 whatever retarded, tapdancing excuse you come up with.

Fucking Christcucks.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663e53fbb2585

Cite one reference, Dem whore. Should be easy since it's "plenty", and I'm just "too dumb to see it". It was trivial for me to highlight your Dem whore posting history.

Inb4 "it's not my job" excuse.

/v/MAGA viewpost?postid=663c0114d2017

You're a Dem whore, as I've amply demonstrated. I have no problem criticizing Trump or Biden. But you've never once said a bad thing about Biden or the Dems on this site, have you?

/v/MAGA viewpost?postid=663c0114d2017

More than leaders, we need mindset. A willingness to defend and self-organize. Leaders can be killed. There are millions of conservative, gun-owning Whites.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663cedbaaa7bc