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Member for: 1.7 years

scp: 38 (+82/-44)
ccp: -55 (+184/-239)
votes given: 53 (+53/-0)
score: -17



/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=633e0c00f0607

Greatest story ever told. Screenplay value= priceless.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=633e0c9f368fd

blastbeat -1 points 1.6 years ago*


It was to avoid decency laws in effect in the east. Television has been kiked from day one, retard. But keep simping for the electric jew like the clueless boomer npc you are.

"B-but muh golden era!" Pathetic.

/v/television viewpost?postid=633bf83c47431

This is why no one takes boomers like you seriously. Imagine simping for the electric jew. But I suppose you have no choice, seeing as you have no original thought of your own, only regurgitated lines from the talmudvision.

Here's a question for you, midwit: why is it hollywood was founded on the west coast, way back when it started?

/v/television viewpost?postid=633bf83c47431

Go back to watching your goybox shows retard.

/v/television viewpost?postid=633bf83c47431

Whoa a boomer who argues like a jew, I'm shocked.

/v/television viewpost?postid=633bf83c47431

Typical dumbshit boomer looking to the television for life lessons.

/v/television viewpost?postid=633bf83c47431

>jewgle does something gay, whoa guys breaking news

This shit is "water is wet" tier at this point.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=633bdf7e3b155

RIP in pieces, it's Rumble for the likes of us me hearty.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=633b88dc6362c

You'll NEVER get paid more for good work you're already doing. Best bet is to detail how you will take on MORE work and how well you'll do that in addition to what you're already doing. Then be firm about the salary expectation related to said extra work. Decide ahead of time if it'll be worth it.

/v/askanon viewpost?postid=633b5603b6825

Actually we're just laughing at what a dumb cocksucker you are.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6338b156f234b

blastbeat 1 point 1.6 years ago

We all know you're a mewling little bitch trying (and failing) to tag along with the big dogs. It's pathetic.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=63388ee28895d

Old news but interesting story. I was impressed by her ability to be honest and say "holy shit I was totally wrong", with regard to that documentary she made.

RIP in pieces, there was never going to be a happy ending to her life story imo.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6338a4f4d9674

Kek that guy is such a faggot. Literally zero redeeming qualities.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6338b156f234b

Over the years I've gained real confidence in my ability to navigate shitty situations and talk myself out of things. I don't worry hardly at all because I've come through every time unscathed if not stronger.

Only thing that can still get to me is bitches, so I just stay uninvolved. ez mode.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=63388ee28895d

This is some real midwit bs. It was the Saudis after an arms deal went bad. Saudi royalty was in the building and the guy they pinned it on had a huge weapons cache he was obviously planning to sell.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63389f3051b59

blastbeat 1 point 1.6 years ago

SoCo is one of only a few things I'll never drink again. Truly vile. Some schnapps styles are alright (Goldschlager), SoCo gives it a bad name. Right up there with charm soju and Dewars in the worst of the worst category.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=633605310b550

Have some yucks on https://www.talk.lol/v/tlolocaust usually.

Otherwise, I just wanna grill, man.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=633605310b550