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Member for: 1.2 years

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: 68 (+110/-42)
votes given: 20 (+14/-6)
score: 68


Don't you have an elementary school to shoot up after your latest dilation session?

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=64349a3dadb0b

The FBI decided that you were really the biggest threat. They openly talked about it for years. So when a tranny kills your kid it's really your fault. You should have killed yourself for being white after making your kid a tranny and voting whatever the fuck was most socialist and "reasonable and adult" or whatever the fuck liberals tell themselves these days.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64347354570f9

Lots of liberals pretending to be conservatives on all the sites today.

Obviously what we need is more taxation, more spending on our victory with clear purpose and reason in ukraine, and feminism. lots of feminism. more government really. like those new armed irs agents. thank goodness for that. everything will be fixed once they take our money and give it to pappa z and aoc. let's post a jpeg artifacted image as "content" and call it good on this dead website. Alright, back to work, I love being in the FBI.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=643448721510e

The catholic church is a heretical organization since at least vatican II. Some would argue since the 1300s when the church changed the scripture and created "hell." Others believe that the church is the ultimate jewish subversion and intended to make you worship the wrong god and be their slaves.

Who knows.

This certainly isn't scripture. We know that much.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=642fca239e40a

All those people and no one gave a fuck. Extreme density of human beings all around in their little boxes. Thousands of them within earshot.

Please take that lesson if none other from this website.

/v/news viewpost?postid=64301de66847b

Don't some people insist they believe that their "magic" is more powerful if they tell us beforehand? They told us they were doing this several times a year every year growing up.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=642fbadd4c200

Our local news has started referring to them as "tall people."

As in "these tall people [so tall they could play ball!] can be seen in this image vandalizing this store. If you have any information, please contact authorities." Other, very helpful, identifying information which would quickly winnow down the population is of course omitted. They were armed with "a black gun" though so that if you see that tiny object, let us know, but the color of their skin, fucking mystery.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=642fa616be659

Alcohol causes brain damage even in low to moderate use. Enjoy!

/v/news viewpost?postid=642e198fdad97

IDK man. White drunks love fighting people.

And yes, people are stupid. But they have for been a while.

Boomers suffered from lead poisoning as children and that shit stays with you forever. They were estimated to have lost something like 3 IQ points each.

/v/chicago viewpost?postid=642dbd91b7c92

Ya'll are still fucking deep in a sleep.

You know how you hate how the fucking republicans always turncoat and are "reasonable" when they agree to more liberal bullshit, and that's one of the reasons we see it entirely as a "uniparty?"

That's the same shit you do with feminism. Women for thousands of years were married off and were kept in the house. They did not boss around men. They were not in charge of men. They did not vote. They did not choose men. They did not sleep around. They did not divorce. They did not "work" with men. They certainly weren't in charge of men.

And how many of those things do you support? You still don't see the very simple failings in your own self yet? Log eye, other bullshit, glass houses and all. "Oh no, feminism!" ... Yes honey...

/v/movies viewpost?postid=642d68891247c

Microchimerism means that if a woman has sex with another man, he permanently changes the genetic material she passes down when her "husband" has a child with her. So everyone who married a woman with >0 sexual partners is genetically a cuckold and they don't even know it. You'll never hear the covidcrazies be concerned over "science" when it comes to microchimerism, that's for certain.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=642d4e3c7d26e

Good for it. Women shouldn't be "competing" in sports to start with. Real talk. It's fucking uncanny disgusting every time I see a woman emulate a black man she secretly wants to fuck.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=642d07789c558

That's what you wanted.

Every time you promoted women's equality, and ALL of you did, this is what you wanted. You wanted mommy to put you in time out. She did.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=642d04f3959a1

Oh well. She'd end up being some dumbfuck feminist slut anyway. This is the world you created and continue to create. You are harbor feminist sentiments, and therefore deserve the diversity that that will inevitably, as anyone who actually fucking understands women would know, bring about that very diversity and "goodness" that is your end.

/v/news viewpost?postid=642cc4bc288cb

Why are there so many faggot cuckolds on this website promoting the liberal feminist social order? Of course you're an "outlaw aryan" who is inherently promoting feminism. Is this secretly a liberal troll website?

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=642cc785015f5

Dude, you're from the "race" that collective cuckolded itself and ate its young alive while the other, "inferior" races naturally selected you out of the fucking gene pool and you cheered it on because, deep down you were afraid of your own mortality and took it out on all the young white people around you until they, out of survival, turned away from you and turned to your enemies. You truly do reap what you sow.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=642cc785015f5

God damn you cuckolds are fucking stupid.

Cannabis is a neuroprotectant and antioxidant as said so by a patent owned by the US Government.


Go destroy your dumb fuck boomer cuckold feminist brains some more and go white knight the poor innocent womenfolk and pretend that reality is something else than what it is.

You all are so brainwashed it's terrifying. Is this a troll website?

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=642d3351086b6

My question is: why do you all suddenly care about children? The second they hit puberty you'll be boomering it up and bitching about them as well as everyone else younger than you until you croak. Rather than lift the younger white people up you'll stomp on their feat, yell at them, and deny them opportunities out of spite while they sit there defeated, confused as fuck what the hell is wrong with the older generation and why they were birthed from such angry fucks, as a symbol of your own cultural impotence.

And then you all really don't see the connection between your culture and civilization being taken over by civilizations that for all of their fucking faults, aren't cannibals. 2+2 truely equals 5.

/v/Retarded viewpost?postid=642c9cae3bf0e

LMAO, think of the children! Ya'll are a bunch of edgy karens.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=642b042b5f998

Circumcision is a soft word used to hide the terrifying truth.

Also the myth that babies often don't cry when the practice is done because it is painless, when we "now know" (they always knew) that the babies don't cry because they are in shock.

Men are terrorized from birth to death. Everything you were taught is false. Everything.

"When everything they know is false, then we will have accomplished our goal" - or some shit like that

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=642b925e8f254

What I want to know is what was the deal with all of the "christcuck" shit that was being promoted here, and how all the trannies with guns are saying that shit...

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=642c0000dc5f2

They're guarding the school too and the girl statue that stands in front of the bull preventing it from charging and our economy doing well again. It's a fantastic metaphor. Are you not familiar with NYPD? It's a small fucking army bro.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=642baf628af06

He's correct. "White" was never a thing. It was disparate distinct groups (i.e. Anglos, Saxons, etc.), and only the liberals started using it against everyone. There used to be endless Polish jokes. Nazism was inherently liberal -- they got their ideas from early 1900s eugenics in California. This is common though unpopular knowledge.

/v/WhiteNationalism viewpost?postid=642b9359cbef5