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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 12 (+19/-7)
ccp: 51 (+53/-2)
votes given: 17 (+17/-0)
score: 63


a 0 points 3.1 years ago

I had to make this account after you disabled my first account during one of your dragnets. How do I get it restored?

/v/TalkLolDev viewpost?postid=606d3310c05d7

a 0 points 3.1 years ago

You monster! You just eliminated 90% of gabara's reason to exist!

/v/TalkLolDev viewpost?postid=606c96cfcf0b1

a 1 point 3.1 years ago

This was suggested on Voat, but Putt ignored it completely.

Poal implementing it in a selective way was almost as bad.

Just make all votes transparent like the Voat suggestion.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6068e46d98758

a 2 points 3.1 years ago

Bingo, thanks. From 2013, no less. Imagine hos much more sophisticated the propaganda paid for by stolen taxpayer dollars has become.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=60677ae883172

a 0 points 3.1 years ago

No, it's not.

There's shitlording, and then there's autistic SBBH shitlording.

Very different things.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6065d80619a33

a 0 points 3.1 years ago*


Most of SBBH is gabara. All the way back to the hackerforums days when Draaaaaaaak/Nosfagjew got doxxed.

What would REALLY blow your mind is if you knew who piloted the Morbo account.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60671aea9de7c

a 0 points 3.1 years ago

You'd be an expert, so I'll accept the compliment.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6065d80619a33

a 0 points 3.1 years ago

Dunno, seems about identical to me.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6065d80619a33

a 1 point 3.1 years ago

He has a valid point, though. Voat was bogged down because it had multiple algorithms overlayed for various purposes.

"Voat is just a social experiment" - Justin Chastain

/v/introductions viewpost?postid=6064466aa5acc

a 1 point 3.1 years ago

The US legal system is no longer functional.

Obeying unjust laws is voluntary.

If everyone woke up tomorrow and simply opted out of things like paying taxes, there is absolutely nothing this tyrannical "government" could do about it.

You get the system you deserve when you fail to hold it accountable.


/v/politics viewpost?postid=6065e54f6c7b6

a 0 points 3.1 years ago

The ultimate way to conquer any ideology is with force. History demonstrates this reality.

The methods have changed, but the outcome is the same.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6065d959332cd

a 8 points 3.1 years ago

AOU is no longer even trying to pretend to be unbiased. He's now acting so much like a SBBH shitlord, I'm somewhat open to the previous suggestions in that direction.

He runs around all day just calling people schlomo and niggers to get a rise out of them. One-man army to try and run people off the site on an epic scale.

gabara ain't got shit on that level of troll.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6065d80619a33

a 2 points 3.1 years ago

The best way to fight any ideology is with violence.

All conflict between humans has a natural trend of escalation that ultimately ends up in deadly force as a last resort.

Humans are tribal. We kill each other to prove how right we are.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6065d959332cd

a 1 point 3.1 years ago

AKA H-1B Visa program.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6064c01892a01

a 0 points 3.1 years ago

You can manually upvote 100 topics pretty fast with ease. This will help, but ultimately won't do a bunch to prevent those who just downvote everything on new.

CSS was abused by the script kiddie SBBH/SDBH to harvest IP addresses on Voat. Resource intensive or not, CSS is a security vulnerability.

/v/TalkLolDev viewpost?postid=6064ae8d5217a

a 6 points 3.1 years ago

Atko did that.

Atko worked for Microsoft.

Justin probably did, too.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6064c01892a01

a 2 points 3.1 years ago

Justin once claimed he couldn't hire the right staff to replace him because everyone's code was spaghetti so he had to do it all himself.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6064c01892a01

a 0 points 3.1 years ago

Still missing the forest for the trees. Ignored what I said completely, or didn't understand it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60616d922822c

a 1 point 3.1 years ago

Voat is just a social experiment.

So is Poal.

Different strokes.

You're missing the forest for the trees.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60616d922822c

a 0 points 3.1 years ago

I created this account when System made my initial account inaccessible. Dunno why. When I log in, it just goes back to a login page.

Now I use this one. @System was I caught up on a dragnet from past events? I generally lurk.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60616d922822c

a 0 points 3.1 years ago

Is that bar in Dayton closed now?

If not, I'll visit and you can have your attention.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6062817bd247c

a 1 point 3.1 years ago

GrandMaster will rise again

/v/soapdoxbanhammer viewpost?postid=606288f22e890

a 0 points 3.1 years ago

What if I don't have any social media?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=605f30f52d720

a 0 points 3.1 years ago

I sometimes wonder how interesting some of you would find your trigger words.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=605f30f52d720

a 1 point 3.1 years ago

Do you legitimately sympathize with him? After everything he's done?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=605de7623be25