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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 9 (+16/-7)
ccp: 46 (+52/-6)
votes given: 8 (+8/-0)
score: 55


WisDumbb 1 point 2.3 years ago

The left needs to get rid of our standing army to overthrow the country. They are our last line of defense against tyranny. whether the story is true, I have no idea, but they will spin it to make cops look bad in an effort to coerce pin heads to rally against cops. George Fentanyl Floyd is a fine example of their handiwork.

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WisDumbb 0 points 2.3 years ago

Fucking cunts, They think they are playing the winning game, but they will find they are playing the I got fucked by a creepy old man named George Soros game.

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WisDumbb 0 points 2.3 years ago

Careful, these fags will pounce on you for hitting the p key instead of the o key. They will skewer you rather than appreciating the effort you took to post material.

/v/Newsofthestupid viewpost?postid=61fb1ec9ab9d6

Sorry; I mistook this for voat.co , I should have noticed all the fags around here before I posted. My Bad, I'll move along. The "TALK.LOL" should have alerted me that I had stumbled into fag world. Rather than referencing the information in my post, You fags were more worried about me. "he's a 'novelty' " , assuming or hoping I'm a dude. fucking fags.

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You faggots sure are picky to be such illiterate and stoopid fucks!

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WisDumbb 1 point 2.3 years ago

The Golden rule, He who owns the Gold; Rules. problem is, they have made the gold worthless and negated the rule. The fiat currency is no longer as valuable as it was. The Shekel ; once backed by gold or silver is now backed by "It's worth what I say it's worth" and credit/debt is worth even less. the peasants tend to steal rather than go in debt. They made crime and theft fashionable. a virtue if you will. It's only bound to get worse. good times are coming.

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WisDumbb 0 points 2.3 years ago

It's all fun and games till ya knock a whore up and start thinking about all the other guys that have fucked her and you were the one that got the lifelong prize of being shackled to a whore. Every girl's dream is to have a baby that will love her unconditionally. The abortion is because she thinks she can do better. Lots of circumstances in play to have the answer to abortions. one size doesn't fit all.

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WisDumbb 0 points 2.3 years ago

I got dizzy reading that bullshit. Whomever imported Niggers are the real racist. they saw Niggers as less than human and hoisted upon us that mindset.

The story of the slaves in America begins with Christopher Columbus. His voyage to America was not financed by Queen Isabella, but by Luis de Santangelo, who advanced the sum of 17,000 ducats (about 5,000 pounds-today equal to 50,000 pounds) to finance the voyage, which began on August 3, 1492.

Columbus was accompanied by five 'maranos' (Jews who had foresworn their religion and supposedly became Catholics), Luis de Torres, interpreter, Marco, the surgeon, Bemal, the physician, Alonzo de la Calle and Gabriel Sanchez (1).

Gabriel Sanchez, abetted by the other four Jews, sold Columbus on the idea of capturing 500 Indians and selling them as slaves in Seville, Spain, which was done. Columbus did not receive any of the money from the sale of the slaves, but he became the victim of a conspiracy fostered by Bemal, the ship's doctor. He, Columbus, suffered injustice and imprisonment as his reward. Betrayed by the five maranos (Jews) whom he had trusted and helped. This, ironically, was the beginning of slavery in the Americas (2)

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WisDumbb 3 points 2.3 years ago

And it went something like this : I'm sorry you were born a Nigger but it's out of my hands. I didn't drag you out of the jungles of Africa and try to make humans out of you. I will stand with you against the fucked up people who thought it was a good idea.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=61fb190a9cbcc

The Supreme court ruling stated that although Jews are Caucasians, They are likely to suffer the same hatred as Niggers so they will get classified as a race.

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WisDumbb 0 points 2.3 years ago

Fidel Castro was his father. Pierre was a cuck, look at the pic and tell me I'm wrong :


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WisDumbb 0 points 2.3 years ago

Surprise , Surprise, Surprise, Castro Jr likes con artist. who would have guessed it. The Son of a whore likes con artist.

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WisDumbb 0 points 2.3 years ago

I'm against abortion for white babies, but if a nigger wants to murder her nigglet, who am I to argue with her decision. It's really a mercy killing. after years of crime on the streets, the nigglet will end up dead anyway.

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WisDumbb 0 points 2.3 years ago

I was on VOAT for years and it got nixed. I had to find a new source for my fix. Both platforms have a lot to offer. I switched back and forth between the 2 long before poal got nixed. A lot of old goats were cast aside when voat was shut down. goats don't hate. Hope I am welcome here. We will find out I guess.

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WisDumbb 0 points 2.3 years ago

Hitler was right. Hitler was a Jew. Gotta admire a Jew who exterminated Jews.

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WisDumbb 0 points 2.3 years ago

Islam is the Religion of conquest. conquering a 3 yr old girl is perfectly normal to pedophiles. They seek to come to America due to our freedom of religion policies. They create a religion to facilitate their conquest. A religion they have been fighting over for a millennia.

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WisDumbb 0 points 2.3 years ago

Only a fool loans money to someone he knows will never repay it. Lebron James is worth half a billion, How much of that do you suppose he is loaning to Niggers? It's convenient to blame YT for not doing something that rich Niggers aren't willing to do. Oh wait; I'm sure Lebron is donating his time at the youth center in the hood.

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WisDumbb 0 points 2.3 years ago

It's not that they can call you a racist and harm you, They label you a racist and share their opinion with others to destroy you. They are loathsome.

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WisDumbb 0 points 2.3 years ago

But you now understand why they wanted Garland as a Supreme Court Justice. We dodged a bullet with that one. He is blatantly corrupt.

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WisDumbb 0 points 2.3 years ago


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WisDumbb 0 points 2.3 years ago*

Niggers can't get mortgages because they think a loan is a gift that they are owed. Reparations if you will. They are already living in free housing from the gubmint. I lived in a nice apartment complex that the gubmint started subsidizing Niggers to live there. wasn't long until I had to move out. Drug deals at the pool, you name it and you could blame it on Niggers. Mama goes and gets the gubmint handout then next thing you know, she has 12 grown ass chilren living with her. So I bought a house in a subdivision and the house next door, the gubmint started subsidizing for a woman with a kid in a wheel chair. next thing you know, 12 fucking Niggers living with her. They finally got evicted but the house wasn't fit to live in. it was sold and the buyer is much more suitable as a neighbor. So whne I say I don't give a shit if a Nigger can get a loan for a house, I mean it. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT.

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WisDumbb 0 points 2.3 years ago

The con is catching up to them and they need full control to keep it going. set down and shut up.

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WisDumbb 2 points 2.3 years ago

Viagra has been reported to work well on covid as well. dilates the blood vessels in the lungs. Too late if you done sacrificed your family member to the medical system. NEVER go to the hospital unless you absolutely have to They will kill you eventually after they run up the tab.

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WisDumbb 1 point 2.3 years ago

From watching the videos, Niggers are getting their reparations.

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WisDumbb 2 points 2.3 years ago

Their policies only apply to YT people.

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