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Member for: 2.8 years

scp: 91 (+92/-1)
ccp: 219 (+244/-25)
votes given: 189 (+183/-6)
score: 310


Ask for God's forgiveness, not theirs.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=616857f49b960

The Chinese are like Nazis now. The West is pissed because they can't do what they do.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6166d93a3fcba

Looking for more clear description of video. Refuse to watch myself.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6160fc872d60f

But but we're going to the moon! I mean mars!

Look over there! Free porn!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615db8a96d202

Good writeup. Just watched Manchurian Candidate from 1962 and it made me realize some things

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=6158203d22905

You're a true her0.

I'm doing a similar route, but Muslim version. Even Muslim women in America will crypto-control you, that's how bad it really is. Instead of her making a new family under YOU, she wants to Freemasonically make you join "hers". Any manner of sexual "submission" is all a trick to lead an imbalanced, Satanic lifestyle.

I'd argue it's easy to find a good woman at any age, it just takes awareness that society is EVIL and all information is designed to kidnap women as CIA assets for "national security". We are in a giant gay biker gang.

I built my first tiny home in the corner of my parents house for backup, now i'm transferring to kentucky to do the real deal.

Women LOVE house builders. It's the least Jewish thing possible.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6156d6f0d8291

The whole world is a Jew-Muslim war. Or rather Evil-Good dialectic. Christians can be either.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6156826ad2146

People think Jews are smart enough to "master plan."

The Zionists are functionally retarded, paper tigers.

The Devil guides them through this unbeknownst to them.

Only elite Chabad-Lubavitch types are Satanic enough to know some of the Satanic "masterplan," but only insofar as the Devil pretends he's God to them.

The liberal and cuckservative Jews/Masons have no clue what's going on. They genuinely think they're "good" people.

Ever notice how the Zionist/Atheist Jews genuinely think they're fighting each other?

The Zio-Atheists are so, so misguided, Allah is humilating them beyond all reason.

They think they're doing some "masterplan," when in reality they're backing themselves into a corner.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61551bbb3b676

Very interesting psycological insight. I bet the CIA threw some papers off desks when they read your poast.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

/v/videos viewpost?postid=615508ae9f345

This is worse than them admitting "JEWS OWN HOLLYWOOD" when the COVID vaccine kills everyone.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6154d3c04fe92

Gab would ban you for this post.

It's ridiculous how "muh liberal democracy" is somehow in a totally different category than all other governments.

All governmente are the same.

/v/AnarchoCapitalism viewpost?postid=615118f19b8eb


You ruined my excuse to quit Voat! If 0.001% of posts aren't racist, then Voat isn't "all racist".

/v/AnarchoCapitalism viewpost?postid=615118f19b8eb

I noticed that too. It's like they sit there and go,

"Should we allow the beauty of Yin and Yang, the Sun and the Moon?"

"No! COVID RISK. If we are grey blobs we can't get human diseases!"

/v/AnarchoCapitalism viewpost?postid=615118f19b8eb

Unless you're Jewish. Then it's 0th-world for you.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6150d554e77a3

The running "joke" is that Jews are 1000x worse than Nazis.

Nazis had/have a supremacist idealogy. But the Jews have a MEGA-supremacist idealogy. As in, make everyone extinct but Jews. The esoteric Rabbis literally believe in extermination of all races but Jews. It's totally insane.

Only fence sitters compare Jews to Nazis. In fact, Jews are so much more extremely horrible, the comparison shows how uneducated people are.

It really is trolling them when a comparison is made. The Jews can't fathom that they're far, far worse than Nazis.

Nazism is a fallback for saving Judeo-Christian Rome. It's little kid stuff lol. Real niggas know Nazis are like Sunday School teachers compared to Jews.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6150b1f53c39d

Rookie numbers.

I use free healthcare, get adderall scripts for no reason, do all the random checkups for no reason. Lived in rehabs even though I wasnt an addict.

I did 1.5 years of unemployment during pandemic. I never paid back my student loans, nor will I ever.

The FBI/Mossad/CIA probably spent millions of dollars hacking all my phones.

War of Attrition. Honestly I think the investigations of me alone cost $10+ million.

Now Im trying for 10 baby Mommas on welfare.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=614ff7edb6ec5

She pretty much admits anti-semetism defense is the ONLY defense for genocide of the human race.

She admits she HATES GOD but belives in Judaism.. Satanists are walking contradictions. If she hates God... What does she pray to!? Satan.

Wow. I think this is the greatest post I've ever found on here.

Wow. Nice going, Splooge. This
.. This is the stuff you show people and they just walk away.

As a white Muslim anti-Jew, I recognize the Jews fund terrorism. This is proof.

There was once a Jew on old Voat who said something like "if we left the country, it would collapse." Implying Jews were trying to collapse the country.

This is so totally insane. Wild.

I've caught wind from random informants and messups by lawyers, Feds, etc. that the White government officials are in panic mode about what to do about JQ and all this stuff.

These are exicting times. Here's what the government goonies are admitting publicly:


/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=614ffc6b8ad70

I, for one, embrace our new hamster overlords. Smarter and more generous than our current overlords.

/v/Crypto viewpost?postid=614f9392d720b

Well, that makes sense then. Because it's arrogant people they target. That's why they own white people.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=614cde05eaa3c

Mossad works by putting "coincidences" into your life, as to be undetectable.

This is why the FBI and CIA are functionally retarded: they operate off a ridiuclous standard of proof. They get wreckt by Mossad, little known secret.

So, the whole point of Mossad is to "decompose" your mind through paranoia. Until you don't know real from imaginary anymore. Putin did this with KGB and Jews, now with Chabad-Lubavitch. They'll do stuff like rearrange your furniture and leave, just to "spike" paranoia.

Paranoia leads to schizophrenia which can be subjective. Big rabbit hole.

Once my buddy picked up drugs off the street, I was in the car, and one block-girl screams "SHALOM!" as we leave. They'll pay people shekels to do random stuff like that to "psych" you out.

Enjoy the nightmares lol.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=614cde05eaa3c

Hey Akhi, Quran 3:55 really set my heart at ease.

It's obvious now to me that "raised up" means he was saved from the Jews' punishment. Alongside "it was made to appear that way to them" it's making more sense. My Christian background truamatized me.

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=614811eea63cb

Lol. Half of these are ABSURDLY not true.

The other have are EXTREMELY out of context.

Here's a couple that aren't blatantly untrue:

1) "Murdering" apostates was for the military, not society. It's Mossads fault they warp the Islamic religion. Look at Afganistan: 4 decades of Jewish wars.

2) Unlimited sex slaves? Lol it's called slavery. And Muslims are more based than you. Whites did the SAME thing in America but worse undeniably. Now you're just weak, sorry?

3) Pedophilia lol. What. Half of you on here have whacked it to lolicon porn. Just stop. Lol. White kings have long histories of marrying the same age range. Post pubescence is womanhood. Puberty is manhood. Read your Bible. Like what even is this?

3) Rape of non Muslims? Lol. Your women run around in LITERAL THONGS NAKED IN PUBLIC LIKE WHAT. WHAT EVEN IS THIS.

All in all, it is the Crypto-Kike Muslims who do terrible things.

But all this Islamic hatred is HILARIOUS. The Jews fund this.

NonMuslims are so cucked it's ridiuclous. Just totally, undeniably ridiuclous. It's beyond Clown World. It's Circus World.

I can't even begin to unpack this. I used to be a cucked Judeo-White, even with multiple committed girlfriends and able to slap them, Ivy League status, all that nonsense. It still was empty. The CIA/Jews control white women. Let's just be honest.

Im sorry for being vicious bro but this post is HILARIOUSLY RIDICULOUS.

Did you know the Frecnh dude who got his head cutoff showed Muhammad NAKED praying in a suggestive pose?

What if I went up to your mother and showed her pictures of Jesus naked, posing like a gay supermodel? Is that "free speech"?

Lol. Im done with Voat. Ive grown up out of the sandbox. The Feds redirect hatred to blacks, women, and Muslims, all part of their dumb Jewish agenda here.


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=614a7072a1262

It's leader was a school teacher for kids too. The Jeffrey Dahmer comparison is equally hilarious.

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=61490ab86156e