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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 1211 (+1302/-91)
ccp: 2766 (+3186/-420)
votes given: 824 (+549/-275)
score: 3977


The show hasn’t even started yet.
What do you think it’s going to be like when the financial system shuts down?

Then people will have an idea about how bad it’s going to get.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6633af5f16ce0

Almost 20x that amount died, they just weren't jewish.
You think they'd be thankful.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6630f778a5c36

If I am forced to interact with faggots, Id perfer the diluted kind.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663073bc0c6c2

Interesting is meaningless word. If there is any value in this 3hr video, describe it, otherwise most will just assume its as pointless as all other rogan interviews.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=662e637626110

You're full of shit, you weren't going to volunteer at a hospital, you are just a virtue signaliing faggot.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=662e319f5a105

Drones are now autonomous, and suicidal, it requires no human on the other side.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662d55b379ab5

Sounds like they are just doing the bidding of the kikes.

/v/ClusterBglitches viewpost?postid=662be03480c10

To put it simply

/v/DeathVax19 viewpost?postid=662b1d2993f11

You could do it to all the space is fake faggots too! Get a whole long list of facts you can copy and paste at every possibility. You can prove all those disingenous niggers wr....errr shut them all the fuck up.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=662944d10e36a

Do you do this with all the nukes are fake people too.
If you want to tell someone to shut the fuck up just say it, trying to prove them wrong with facts, is not saying shut the fuck up
You are too easy to troll.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=662944d10e36a

Good idea, printing out nice neat little labels that fix the ones on the shelf.


What else?

/v/pics viewpost?postid=662aa6400b6bb

He got you for sure.
He doesn't believe that garbage, yet you feel the need to set him straight.
Its fucking hilarious, all you retards trying to prove the flat earthers wrong, who are just trolling your asses in the first place.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=662944d10e36a

Stealing bike owned by nigger = OK
Repossessing house owned by kikes = NOT OK

/v/Campfire viewpost?postid=66299fdcc579d

Because he is trolling you, and he got you.
As if your diatribe will stop his nonsense.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=662944d10e36a

About 10 years ago, i started laughing at all the idiots who were trying to convince flat earthers wrong. Imagine spending time trying to prove to a moron, something we figured out a thousand years ago. Something so fucking obvious, like the earth is a globe.
Lol and here you are, still doing it. haha.
FacelessOne has trolled your DUMB ASS so hard, its fucking hilarious.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=662944d10e36a

Who the fuck are you voting for? Trump?
Lol. They let the democrats cheat and get away with it. How dumb are you?

Seems like someone still doesn’t get it.

You are going to be given the president they want you to have. The next one will be in charge for the collapse. Trump, Biden, it matters not. They all have the same boss.

“Any person who desires to rule over you by no means should ever be given the ability to do so.”

“The job of the president is not to wield power, but draw attention away from it.”

By that measure, trump and biden are perfect at the job

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6628892a33f65

Any dog can bite your face if you stick your face too close to it. Some do it if you touch their ears wrong.
The dog is not the problem in this video, the dumb fucking woman is. There is just some shit you don't do to strange dogs.
Pitbulls are still a shit breed, but that woman is at fault.
This comment is stupid. Do you blame guns for all the murders? One gun kills, all guns are bad?

/v/shitbulls viewpost?postid=6627dfc4ec347

What if the bank fucked some decent white person out of the home?

Is there a point at which you could be pushed far enough to push back?

If all white people end up homeless with bugmen and kikes and taco niggers living or owning all our homes...do you occupy then?

Well PeckerwoodPerry, i am just curious.
Your orchid is gorgeous btw, congrats on that. My yard is filled with flowers right now its amazing.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=66282bd8ca51c

I am quite curious to the purpose behind the KIA Soul.

I think they put the bones of Americans in the cars they sell here somehow.

Jewliani filled the streets with the pulverized remains of New Yorkers, so its not that far of a stretch.

/v/cars viewpost?postid=662884788feec

maybe Prolapse was more fitting

/v/cars viewpost?postid=662884788feec

There are no vacancies where I live. Hundreds of homes burnt down years ago, thousands displaced. A Chinese dude bought the house next to me. His wife don’t like bears so they don’t live there. They don’t rent it. It just sits there for two years , empty while hundreds have no place to go. How many homes sit there, owned by foreigners, completely empty?
So where do you stand when the property is owned by a foreigner who just sits on it?
Seems like your main problem is that it could be owned by a white person.
What if black rock owns it? Or some disgusting rent manipulating kike?

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=66282bd8ca51c

Yeshua is not pleased with your poor attempt at archivary.

YacHWech demands blood, gold, and virgins for sacrifice. For sure what the creator of the universe desires. Not a snake. No way. Jews worship God, not a serpent.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6627b7abdc852

Hi I am Tucker, I spent 30 years lying to you on network cable, and I got paid quite handsomely to do it.

But I am a truth teller now!

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6622b354bc91c