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Member for: 3.2 years

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Yup. He said he wanted to get a guitar. He couldn't even name the parts of a guitar. So, if you go through the thread, he did not play any of those guitar parts and that YouTube channel is not him.

Speaking of him...

You've technically seen me drive. I am pretty sure you saw enough footage of the NEFR to see me drive. I try to keep some privacy but you've seen me drive.

Now, watch this video:


That's kinda how I drive some of the time. That's how I like to drive, but you're not gonna do that in a Bentley.

But, this was the first video I've seen in a long time that said, "Hey, I drive like that."

In short, I'll make you puke if you ride with me long enough. I'll give you a bag but I won't slow down!

Also, I'm a bit drunk. Yes, yes I am...

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=66357a65a7d69

He never shared anything. Your memory is broken. He asked about which guitar to purchase. He never said he had a guitar. I guarantee it. I'm 99.9% certain.

Put it this way, he didn't even know the parts of a guitar when he PMed me AND when he asked which guitar he might want to buy if he was going to learn to play guitar.

I'm literally 99.9% certain of this.

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LOL He did not say that to me. He was impressed with my ability to recreate and to create, but he made no comment about his ears being wet.

But, no... No, he didn't share anything in the FNGT. Also, the YouTube channel with his name isn't the same person. That's not Putt.

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=66357a65a7d69

I can say with 100% certainty that Putt never shared more than comments in the FNGT.

I have a 100% accurate archive made by COF that covers those years. The Poal years are also covered but our more recent activity here is not archived properly. We had someone start to do so, but they quit and disappeared.

So, no... He never shared any tracks in the FNGT (or in the guitar sub).

That much I'm 100% certain of.

I'm 99.9% sure the dude in the YouTube videos is not Putt. If you go by dates, he certainly wouldn't be able to play any of those songs in that amount of time. Additionally, they don't look the same as the pictures shared on Voat of Putt.

I don't know who's YouTube channel it is but I am 99.9% sure it's not the same Justin - just someone with the same name. That's not unusual. Even if you have a very unique name, it's statistically likely that someone else shares your name. In fact, it's almost a numerical certainty but some exceptions are going to exist for very unusual name combinations. The name Justin is quite common, as is their surname.

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=66357a65a7d69

They have a few other good songs, but not enough to warrant seeing them in concert. They suck in concert.

There's a dude here who's convinced that Putt plays guitar and shared in the FNGT. (He didn't. I went through the archives just to verify. I also recall him asking about learning to play and which guitar to buy - including one of his PMs to me asking about which guitar he should purchase to learn how to play.)

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=66357a65a7d69

LOL We have an archive of every single FNGT on Voat. Putt participated in many but never shared anything. If he played, he'd have shared something. He even asked about learning to play the guitar on several occasions and PMed me once about it to ask for my advice. (I suggested an Epiphone Les Paul or a Yamaha of any variety if he wanted an acoustic.)

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=66357a65a7d69

Notice how Putt didn't say anything to confirm it?

There are pictures of Putt. It's not the same guy, I'm pretty sure of this. Putt has reddish-brown hair and is older than the person in the video.

Also, when Putt was asking about guitar he'd never played it before. He hadn't a clue of which guitar to buy. He wasn't even sure about the names for the parts of a guitar.

He also sent a PM about it.

We have archives of every thread ever made on Voat. He's not in any of them. If he had posted, it would be in that database.

This is the only instance of his name in the archives:


I'm telling you, that's not Putt. You might have wanted to verify that before putting 'em in your video but it's a bit too late for that now.

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=66357a65a7d69

At least I'm pretty sure that's not Putt. I took a look at a few videos and thumbnails and they're not Putt.

Putt shared a couple of pictures of himself, and one of him and Atko. This person doesn't look like Putt. They just have the same name.

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=66357a65a7d69

That's not Putt. They just share the same name. Putt looks much different.

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It's my favorite of their songs, as well.

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=66357a65a7d69

Comments only, as far as I recall. He was planning on buying a guitar but I'm not sure if he ever did.

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=66357a65a7d69

As they should! It's a great song!

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=66357a65a7d69

LOL I love them.

I feel like shit.

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I'm surprised that you covered The Doors.

If it helps, that's an old German folksong.

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I love the song. It's one of my favorites.

It's pretty much about shagging crazy chicks. What's not to love?

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=66357a65a7d69

Verle doesn't sound much like Jim Morrison.

Also, you can just slide from the 5th to the 7th and play it 'close enough'.

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=66357a65a7d69

Here's one of *my* favorites from my archives.

[Black Crowes She Talks To Angels (EH #2; TB #1; & Guests)](https://share.fngt.gq/music/rock/classic/Black%20Crowes%20She%20Talks%20To%20Angels%20%28EH%20%232%3B%20TB%20%231%3B%20%26%20Guests%29.mp3)

Thanks for opening the thread.

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=66357a65a7d69

Hmm... Will you be online in time to start the thread?

Meh... If it's late, it's late. LOL I'll just wait for you, unless you're not here for like 30 minutes.

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=662c3c928379b

You might as well open it. I've been pretty busy this week.

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=662c3c928379b

Someone had to invent the FNGT. It has helped all sorts of people in ways they didn't expect. It's a shame that so few follow through with it.

Also, links don't work at YouTube. We need to find a way to share the link with Carl. I just learned this the other day. I just thought of this now.

"Okay, open your browser and type on 'upgoat' and then use the TLD of net, instead of com or anything like that." That might make it through the YouTube filters.

And, you have a whole collection of tracks that show your progress through life, friendships, relationships, and experience. That's a good thing. You have tons of tracks to bring back memories.

Finally, I have a song you and Chris need to do: Big Rock Candy Mountain

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=662c3c928379b

Your girlfriends is like an STD. She keeps coming back over and over again.

And, good job! Gotta cover for a brother hiding from the cops. Give 'em a head start, at any rate.

Well, maybe not if they murdered someone innocent. But, a bar fight? Yeah, that's just a bar fight. Ain't nobody innocent in a bar fight. Well, at least not usually...

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=662c3c928379b

They aren't *that* rare, but yes... They're not exactly common.

I'm kinda drunk. I need to play more bluegrass for the FNGT.


The missus left me for bed an hour or two ago. I picked wine for the night.

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=662c3c928379b

It was hard to give a description that didn't just give it away to anyone in the know.

So, anyone 'in the know' would guess an i8, but anyone not familiar with the line of cars wouldn't have a fuckin' clue. I said I'd have a hard time describing it well. It wasn't easy enough for some people and too easy for other people.

I should have skipped a couple of the descriptions - like the engine and the doors.

Ah well... He got it without a second guess.

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Your son deserves a goddamned cookie...


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