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I took the time to underline and circle the important parts so dummies can put two and two together.

/v/Strange_Coincidences viewpost?postid=6125488ed23c2


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61211179dd9e5

Radvinsky is already bankrolling a decentralized platform which will run on crypto in order to get around the banks.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61211179dd9e5

Strange indeed, but not really the type of coincidence this subverse is about.

/v/Strange_Coincidences viewpost?postid=61180ddd41288

I searched for hours trying to find definitive proof Radvinsky is jewish, but found nothing. The entire internet has been scrubbed of any mention of that. I found plenty of circumstantial evidence, but nothing directly proving it. The closest I came was this obscure video on Bitchute. Feel free to chip in some time and see if you can dig up anything.

/v/Strange_Coincidences viewpost?postid=611c58e7af064

Basically a mutual support/shitpost guild for users being targeted by the (((admins))).

/v/MeanwhileOnRuqqus viewpost?postid=61193a0653d88

Hmmm... I wonder. Two Z's in his last name and his ears don't go above his eye line.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6116b4ef9595c

I agree except being edgelord right of the bat doesn't redpill normies as easily. The point was just to point these things out without editorial commentary and let people decide for themselves.

Different subs for different approaches. I even had a long list of links to many of the other jewish subversion guilds on ruqqus, including yours (I called it the Notice Network). LoL, they probably used that list to find other guilds to ban.

/v/MeanwhileOnRuqqus viewpost?postid=6115d4bacd294

+StrangeCoincidences with a long sidebar and a lot of rules, going above and beyond to enforce the rules, more rules than ruqqus itself, where I deleted roughly 50-65% of all posts there for not following the rules--they still banned it. It wasn't about the rules, it was about control and squashing free speech.

I also stayed out of the drama for a long time, until suddenly they came to attack me and meddle in my guilds for no reason.

And that's a bullshit answer if I've seen one. Another strange coincidence. Shit just doesn't add up with them.

/v/MeanwhileOnRuqqus viewpost?postid=6115d4bacd294


/v/Strange_Coincidences viewpost?postid=6113eb57653f1

Yes because BIPOC's make more errors than wypipo when making posts due to their systematically oppressed reading & comprehension skills!

/v/VoatDev viewpost?postid=60db5db8e1acc


Cronos, AKA Saturn, AKA El, god of Hebrews to which it was custom to sacrifice children. But why the god of the (((Hebrews)))?

But he's sitting on a capital of rams/goat heads, which is Aries, AKA Baphomet, or Baal, AKA Molech.

/v/Strange_Coincidences viewpost?postid=60db6777dc514

Just a strange coincidence I noticed in this article.

/v/Strange_Coincidences viewpost?postid=60d609568f434