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Member for: 1.3 years

scp: 470 (+808/-338)
ccp: 549 (+1984/-1435)
votes given: 1074 (+755/-319)
score: 1019


Boomer dollars flyin free...but only if he has free shipping.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=64040ac9509f9

Or smartest.

Targets the weak willed and the low IQ those with poor impulse control...and kills them.

Cocaine safer than hfcs.

/v/Opinion viewpost?postid=640402cf15ce3

His numbers are many...


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6403f8839c03a

I stand by the science behind my highly factual and accurate assessment and subsequent analysis and synopsis.
After over twenty seven years in this particular field of study, several degrees and books authored, peer reviewed; I can say without error, based on my experience, that your mother is a filthy whore.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6403c2df80f91

Faggotron it breaks out of the cartoon eventually...


/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6403dda34bf69

I feel like asking him if he made the bagels.


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6403f22d93de3

Teddy Roosevelt have much wang. But tiny ritter grasses him.

You gonna git raped...https://thumbs.gfycat.com/FrequentSociableCowbird-size_restricted.gif


/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6403dda34bf69

Fellow white people, we are all in this together.

/v/TheJewishProblem viewpost?postid=6403e26c693bb

At no point in time have you been correct or aware of what the fuck is going on, much less the topic at hand, you schizoid word salad fuckwit jew polesmoking bastard tranny.

You don't pass... For anything. πŸ‘Ž

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=6403c7bb5c020

He (@honkeymcniggerspic) wouldn't send him dick pix and he wouldn't show him where on the doll Owen Benjamin touched him, so Doglegwarrior could fap to the dick pix while thinking about all three, him owen and honkeymcniggerspic in a gay triangle of squirming faggotry, him touching honkeymcniggerspic right where Owen had touched him... πŸ¦‘πŸ’¦
πŸ‘¨β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘¨πŸ§Žβ€β™‚οΈπŸ‘¬πŸ§Žβ€β™‚οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸ’© πŸ’© πŸ’©

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6403c2df80f91

That towel has negroid nutstank thoroughly ground into it; from *several* donor nigger bucks. 🦍

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6403c3b7ee6d7

Because paid Jewish shills have a strict narrative to uphold in their hawking of **christcuck mindfuckβ„’**.
They don't make sense, they make *shekels* off of *lying.*

When you know about the Melchizedek, the scythians and the council of nicea they get all butthurt. And when you know Paul the false apostle is a Jewish agent and serial liar and serial killer they get reaaaaally butthurt. God forbid you notice all the popes and the Vatican are Jewish and the Jesuits all Jewish. Lots of jewy shit going down because these Jews stole the identity of the rulers of Salem and inverted their religion with a suffering messiah to bring forth the warrior messiah who is the christcuck slave to the jew faggots ignorantly destroying the opponents of the Jews and finally themselves. Aka goy christcuck retards for Israel. ***Oh rapture!!***

Huge. Faggots.

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=6403c7bb5c020

An opportunity?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64039ada8ddeb




/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=6402e3e08ec46

Companionship animals seem like the only animals in the world when you are completely insulated from said world.
The entire mental construct of pets rules in the city should be foisted onto the farmer is part of a long list of Jewish lies to enforce industrialism over agrarian culture.

According to city folk brainwashed by Jews,
Farmers are cruel, dirty, ignorant, physically abusive to poor defenseless noble creatures with a beautiful soul who deserve all our love instead of the evil farmer's unrestrained satanic malice for all Disney characters and companion pets.

Meanwhile you are just getting shit done in front of faggots who never saw shit get done before because they do *nothing*.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=6402e3e08ec46

Three niggers had heart attacks.

The only thing running in relation to Bernie is his colostomy bag, down his leg.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=6403967cab7ed

Ask yourself this zen question...
If the Jews can print infinite money...why do they still collect taxes??

Answer...it is all about control via debt.

All of these corporations on the jew side can now be funded infinitely. They will do what they are told. I suggest you get on with researching how blackrock, vanguard, inflation and carbon credits with climate change laws are already resulting in massive asset forfeiture to the state.

The businesses targeted? Non esg business run by white dudes.

This is just the latest in a lonnnnng history of market manipulative and debt calling to grab white land and business for pennies on the dollar using taxpayer dollars...pure profit using other people's manufactured debt.

/v/Wokeness viewpost?postid=64037fc2090f8