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Member for: 3 years

scp: 3 (+3/-0)
ccp: 22 (+22/-0)
votes given: 2062 (+2059/-3)
score: 25


Ludovico is exceptional.

Ludovico Einaudi- Experience

/v/music viewpost?postid=6646f3822c1a7

Enya - On My Way Home

/v/music viewpost?postid=6646ca6e7e602

Quality vid.

Here's a Piped link for the lazy:


/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=663d9ec351fed

OP is correct. There is plenty of evidence that micro-evolution occurs. However, there is zero evidence that macro-evidence has ever occurred.

Evolutionism (aka Darwinism) is a theory based solely on the assumption that since we can observe micro-evolution, macro-evolution must surely exist.

Nice video about beef btw.

/v/Documentaries viewpost?postid=6614202cd3656

Catbox was added to my VPNs DNS filter, so I had to disable the filtering service. Otherwise, every time I loaded catbox I'd get some BS HSTS error.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=660c1b82d1d4d

I can access catbox with or without vpn. However, it seems to be down frequently.

About 10-20% of the time I visit a catbox link it's down. Usually comes back up later that day.

/v/AskUpgoat2 viewpost?postid=65d1bf3a415c9

Thats a lot of stats. Not much explanation.

Here's some notable 1971 events I found:

The US Dollar was decoupled from gold.

The worlds first electronic trading system, NASDAC, was launched.

A bomb was detonated in the US Capitol building.

26th ammendment passed lowering voting age from 21 to 18.

Chat rooms debuted on ARPANET.

The US blockade against China ends.

What did I miss?

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=65c82cfae2eb3


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65910bdb21e5d

You must be referring to Unit 731. Those experiments were not conducted by Germans. There is no evidence that the Germans ever conducted any such experiments. It's all hearsay and an attempt to paint the Germans as monsters.

/v/MeanwhileOnTwitter viewpost?postid=6571d8c1aac91


>"... it would be expected that the COVID-19 vaccines would shorten the time period before neurodegenerative disease manifests in susceptible individuals. We speculate that the age of onset of neurodegenerative disease at the population level will decrease in the future in countries where vaccine uptake has been high."

>"We acknowledge that the chain of pathological events described throughout [b]this paper is only hypothetical and not yet verified[/b]. We also acknowledge that the evidence we usher in, while grounded in the research literature, is currently largely circumstantial, not direct."

/v/Health viewpost?postid=65630ba820a59

This is actually well documented. There are several published studies about jewish predisposition to psychopathy.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=654f383567dd9

They might as well be aliens. Genetically, they are bottom of the barrel. The most prominent is their genetic predisposition
for psychopathy. It is well documented and explains a lot of their behaviors. Throw in the gods-chosen-people syndrome and you get a group of nepotistic psychopaths occupying all the positions of power.

Jews make pathocracy an inevitability.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6534fee82fe4f

Yes, ADB can to used to remove basically any app without the need to root your phone. I've remove some core apps this way.

/v/Linux viewpost?postid=653458d1f1cc5

It's been a long time since I checked, but the lurker count used to be much higher. I'm wondering if the user base split again.

Search Voat usually has some details on migrations. I'll have to check it out.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6534510d0a3b3

85 lurkers? I thought that number was closer to 300.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6534510d0a3b3

Spot on. Debt makes you subject to the lender. It's bad when the lender shares your same principles; but when It's conniving jews, you might as well offer your childrens' sphincters as collateral.

My place of employ is not grossly reliant on debt, but that shit is still creeping in.

/v/MeanwhileOnTwitter viewpost?postid=647461494f2d2

The forum at SearchVoat appears to still be active.

After the fall and fragmentation of voat, goats posted about new sites in the forum. I recall at least 7 different sites that voat refugees flocked to.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63e6fde653ab6

Look up Pathocracy as well as the jewish disposition to psychopathy.

It is inevitable that every society, given enough time, will end up with every power hierarchy saturated with psychopaths at the top. We are at that point.


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63db7ea17603e

You didn't include the link, faggot.


/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=63da100b35bf8

I loved R6. Played it from release and bought every season pass, which says a lot because I never buy season passes. It was good for about 4 or 5 years. Then, it went to absolute shit. They took away the season pass and introduced the battle pass which cost more but offered less in return. I stopped playing before they introduced the tranny. I revisited it a little bit ago and can't stand how they ruined the game. Gaming in general has lost it's fun for me anyway.

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=638806061f389