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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 650 (+685/-35)
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votes given: 7225 (+6741/-484)
score: 1964

The correct term is "Abortion Murder," not just "Abortion.     (whatever)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to whatever 1.8 years ago


That is all.

Thank You.
Syrian Migrant Kills German Teenager, Dumps Her Body at a Sewage Treatment Plant [InfoWars]     (www.infowars.com)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to news 1.8 years ago


Reddit admits almost all groomers are LGBTQ     (thepostmillennial.com)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to whatever 1.8 years ago


Better sentencing for sex offenders     (whatever)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to whatever 1.8 years ago


If a person commits a crime (including sex crimes and child abuse,) and then their victim goes on to victimize others, the perpetrator who harmed the victim that went on to commit crimes should be responsible for the crimes their victim commits.


A criminal who has no past of being abused abuses a child. This is the generation zero criminal.

That child, the first generation, abuses 2 children.
Of those 2 children in the second generation, one does not abuse anyone, but one abuses 3 children. Those 3 are the third generation.

The first-generation criminal is guilty of 6 counts of child abuse: 1 second generation, 2 second generation, and 3 third generation.

Every time a new case is discovered, this criminal is re-arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced. Generally whatever sentence is handed down to his victim or his victim’s victim for committing a crime is also given to the original (generation zero) offender.
Future Chinese Tank Driver (we're screwed)     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to whatever 1.8 years ago


Kids pick things up early. Maybe we should be training our pre-K kids to operate vehicles and to fly drones.
What's the bucket for?     (news)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to news 1.9 years ago


In a late-term abortion clinic, there is always a 5-gallon plastic bucket (think Home Depot buket or Lowes bucket) in the operating room. It's half full of water.

Question: what's the bucket for?

Answer: When the baby comes out and starts crying, they drop it head-first into the bucket to drown the baby. That is part of the "no liver births" guarantee.
FDA official in charge of approving drugs is sent a message     (www.dailywire.com)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to news 1.9 years ago



Is this corruption?
Racists believe whitesshould be equal to balcks under the law.      (whatever)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to whatever 1.9 years ago


Racists believe whitesshould be equal to balcks under the law.

Anti-racists believe this is not desirable.

"Our" government hunts down racists.
OK, FBI     (conspiracy)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to conspiracy 1.9 years ago


We know it was you in Uvalde, TX.

We are not going to support your gun confiscation efforts no matter how many you murder.

So stop murdering school children and concentrate on extending abortion to 30 days after birth like you have been trying to do for years.
Pervert: Hotline counselor sent obscene pics to teen caller     (abcnews.go.com)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to whatever 2 years ago


A teen girl calls for help and gets dick pics and offers for sex.
A dream     (whatever)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to whatever 2 years ago


Here is my day deam:

A Pearson's Puppeteer lands a spaceship near my work. The puppeteer says they need humans for their reproduction, which is like digger wasps. They will "sting" the human the their young will eat the human from the inside out.

I say "We have people like that. They are called liberals. I'm sure we can get millions to volunteer."
I'm on the libertarian end of NAZIism.     (whatever)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to whatever 2 years ago


Please help me refine this concept.

I believe there are 3 kinds of people:

Mensch take care of themselves and their families. Their work and effect on those around them is always a positive-sum interaction. They harm nobody except in a way that helps the greater good. For example, they might out-compete a competitor or shoot a rapist.

Untermensch do not take care of their own. They receive government benefits, or work in zero-sum-game jobs or even in negative-sum-game jobs. Swindlers and day traders fall into this category as do people who do not return their grocery store carts and litters are untermensch. Anyone who aborts a baby or raises a drug addict is untermensch.

Ubermensch take care of their own and help others. Ubermensch raise their litter of kids to be productive citizens and take in orphans. Ubermensch help those who they can help to become productive citizens.

Ubermensch should have as many votes as people they support. Mensch should have one vote per family. Untermensch should have no votes. Being untermensch should be a crime.

We do need to help those who are temporarily unable to break even for society (e.g., children) and help them become Mensch. We should not spent a cent on those who are not likely to become mensch (e.g., gangsta-americans, down syndrome retards, permanently disabled, elderly, etc.) I hope we never kill those people through committing acts. I hope we let them try to support themselves. I would love to teach elderly untermensch to teach children and to put them into classrooms as teaching assistants for a while. The ones who can not be helped should be allowed to perish in a capitalist system.

If this the libertarian fringe of NAZIism?
Jews trafficking kids in WW2     (conspiracy)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to conspiracy 2 years ago


I always knew something was wrong with the idea of parents sending their kids to America in WW2. The bombing of Britain was not that bad.

I just thought: What if it was a sex trafficking operation?

Look back at the news reels. Those are the prettiest kids going.
How I know the bad guys won in WW2     (conspiracy)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to conspiracy 2.1 years ago


I was just watching a series of videos on WW2 and realized that I can be certain the bad guys won.

I asked myself: Which gets more public acclaim? Traitors that serve the jews or real heroes? We know real heroes are forgotten in the media, but traitors that serve jews are given eternal accolades.

What have I seen in my life? Media gave great acclaim to the "heroes" who fought with the allies in WW2.

What have I personally seen in my life? The allied personnel I knew from WW2 were all crooks in the end. I never knew one of them who would not cheat me. The axis personnel from WW2 were all super-honorable people.

The NAZIs were the good guys.
The Hillary Clinton invasion of Ukraine     (conspiracy)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to conspiracy 2.2 years ago


Whereas Hillary Clinton sold half the US uranium stockpile to the Russians,
Whereas Hillary Clinton sold design for hypersonic missiles to the Russians,
Whereas Hillary Clinton falsely accused Donald Trump.(the only US President of the 21st Century who did not allow Russia to invade a neighboring country) of being a Russian spy,
The 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine is named the "Hillary Clinton Invasion of Ukraine," amd all Hillary Clinton supporters are to be publically shamed at every opportunity until the last Russian leaves Ukraine.
Russia & China did it to us first     (whatever)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to whatever 2.2 years ago


For those who are too stupid to remember, Russia and China funded the insurgents killing US troops in Afghanistan, Iraq (1st and 2nd war,) Vietnam, Korea, and many more small wars. I recall one meeting between US diplomats and their diplomats during the enforcement of a no-fly zone in Iraq between the 1st and 2nd wars, when Chinese and Russian SAMs were being fired at US aircraft every day. The US warned China and Russia to stop or there would be consequences. The bad guys asked what the consequences would be, and we said we would do it to them one day. They laughed.

That day is here.

If China invades Taiwan, we will get payback on that front as well.

You can tell me NATO should not provide fighter jets to Ukraine. I will ask you how many Russian-made MIGs were in the skies of Korea and Vietnam.

All large powers do this. I don't like it, but they did laugh at us when we told them to stop or else.
What happens when China invades Taiwan and stops sending stuff to the USA?     (conspiracy)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to conspiracy 2.2 years ago


You think inflation is bad now, just wait. Imagine 50% of the stuff in the store is GONE.
I see some Goats are already in Ukraine     (funny)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to funny 2.2 years ago


Pic 1: https://t.me/s/BellumActaNews/72029 (riding bicycle with lots of guns)

Pic 2: https://t.me/s/BellumActaNews/72083 (crates of ammo and several new .50 cals)

I'll be looking for them at the next gun show.
Political correctness is obedience to Satan and rebellion against God.     (whatever)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to whatever 2.2 years ago


That is all
I love you that much...     (funny)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to funny 2.3 years ago


A couple is in divorce court.

The judge says: "Ma'am, Your filing says you are divorcing your husband because every time he sees you he says 'I love you that much.'"

The woman holds up her fingers about one-eighth of an inch apart and says "I love you that much."
We live in a society that says...     (Jews)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to Jews 2.3 years ago


We live in a society that says: "Oh good, you found the online discount card for your medication, so you can survive for $99 a month."

We live in a society that also says: "You did not find the discount card online. That's funny. And you cannot afford to pay $1,300 a month for your medication so you can die."

Here's the discount card an elderly, disabled diabetic (who can not navigate the Internet after strokes) needed to get her insulin: https://www.mynovoinsulin.com/insulin-products/fiasp/savings.html?

Sieg Heil!
Salute our victory over the jews!
An exaplanation of the war between good and evil     (conspiracy)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to conspiracy 2.3 years ago


Satan has been trying to overthrow God since he rebelled. He needs more troops. That's the battle for human souls.

Satan gave us technology to allow our population to grow. He needs more troops. We've grown to billions and may grow further depending on our technology.

Satan gave us abortion to send even more souls to him - every aborted baby that is not baptized by a genuine Christian goes to hell. Even though they never had a chance to commit sins they carry the original sin of their parents and some other ancestors. Most baptisms of aborted babies are not done by people who know Jesus died on the cross to save them from their sins and that God is in charge, so they do not work. I remember baptizing some unborn babies that were about to be aborted. The abortionist and 2 of his people walked into the room after I finished the baptism; They could tell the baby had been baptized and wanted nothing to do with aborting that Child of God. They said something about that one not being theirs. I wish I could remember exactly. Jesus did descend into hell after he died on the cross to preach to those in Hell but it seems he saved / will save a small percentage. (God and Satan are outside of our time like a computer programmer is outside the timeline of the video game he/she creates. That makes tenses complicated here.)

Count the billions of people on Earth today, and imagine the number of abortions.

Abortion is a sacrament in Satanist religion. They want souls for Satan's legions. Humans may not be worth much in that fight, but given enough billions or trillions Satan wants them / us.

Satan gives those who send him souls power. You might call it magic. The more souls, the more power they get, but I do not know the formula.

Satan wants to rule the world to help him reap more souls. He probably has other goals, but gathering souls is one of his goals. Before he can take over, he needs the Anti-Christ to have significant power and then he needs everyone (or maybe every nation) to take part in the murder of a child. Satan plans to get this to happen by getting everyone to take injections made from cells made from aborted babies. Then Satan can being his 1,000 reign on Earth.

Do you see the technology for a previously impossible police state?

Do you know that children are murdered and it is called abortion?

Do you see a war of Armageddon coming?

My best guess is that Anthony Fauci is the Anti-Christ. He is Jewish, and his age fits. The Whore of Babylon may be Kamala Harris.
Don't mess with the Chicken Fuhrer     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to whatever 2.3 years ago


Chick-Fil-A managers will go after you.
Officers of the Cunt     (whatever)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to whatever 2.3 years ago


I'm so sick of the Officers of the Court (I call them Officers of the Cunt) thinking they have power the rest of us don't have.
Shocking video shows (nigger) woman armed with a PICKAXE shoplifting in broad daylight at a Rite Aid in crime-ridden Los Angeles     (www.dailymail.co.uk)

submitted by RecycledElectrons to Niggers 2.4 years ago


The worst thing about this is that shooting the nigger would earn someone hate crime charges and decades in prison.