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Member for: 3 years

scp: 279 (+384/-105)
ccp: 950 (+1066/-116)
votes given: 1223 (+1137/-86)
score: 1229


LOL...this place like running a daycare for autistic kids.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=614685fa8c4ce

You are kinda a dick tho...just sayin.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=614650d39837c

I would also like powers please.

/v/TalkDev viewpost?postid=6146095536cd0

Thor VS Jake Paul! I'd watch the fuck out of that...for the 20 seconds it would last...

/v/Sports viewpost?postid=6145dc2b0f0e2

It wouldn't even be a thought...instincts would kick in.

/v/PureFuckingKikery viewpost?postid=6145f5adb2a87

That's it? We gotta do way better than that.

/v/JewishPrivilege viewpost?postid=6145c53497040

Make sure to block u/PuttitoutIsGone. He is a niggerfaggot.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61453442cae34

ChefDong has a kick ass recipe for three legged cat.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6141a4b987724

Normies don't trust you if you tell them the truth. Think you trying to fuck them.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=614171de54f18

That is a nigger in your meme. I swear to fucking God we agreed to only use Bert and Ernie memes for now on.

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=6141226ac6a2d

That would suck. I'd just block everybody and chat with myself.

/v/ReportSpammers viewpost?postid=613fff5e4bb5a

All of it of course...what are you? Stupid?

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=613eaa0080b74

He should only let people with a verified IQ of 120 to comment. If you gonna get stupid...might as well go full on...

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=613e652d268d8

I would also like to to use this opportunity to kiss your ass.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=613cfa8bb4776

Soooo...it's all just a joke now?

/v/September11 viewpost?postid=613ce5a62c844