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Member for: 2.4 years

scp: 313 (+341/-28)
ccp: 96 (+110/-14)
votes given: 74 (+63/-11)
score: 409


PeBeFri 3 points 8 months ago

Nothing's stopping you from creating your own private library, [go ahead](https://gutenberg.org).

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=64f70f8e9436f

PeBeFri 2 points 8 months ago

What would that accomplish in the long run? Nothing but reinforce the perception of valiant warriors of free expression besieged by censorious lowlifes trying to silence their works of truth.

If you want to expose these works as falsehoods, you'll need to demonstrate that their claims don't hold up to scrutiny. And nothing will prove that more resoundingly than doing so while still managing to play by their rules.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=64f70f8e9436f

PeBeFri 12 points 8 months ago*

Librarian here. Remember, we're notorious proponents of free speech. Rather than demanding censorship, I suggest you beat them at their own game. Say that as a "member of the community," you will be well served if they offered [*Johnny the Walrus*](https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/johnny-the-walrus-matt-walsh/1140575925) and [*My Body is Me!*](https://www.transgendertrend.com/product/my-body-is-me/) Go ahead and organize readings of the book as well. And if they refuse, cry censorship. Complain to the higher-ups. Hold their feet to the fire.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=64f70f8e9436f

PeBeFri 0 points 8 months ago

The only results an internet search (on multiple engines) produces for this are articles about how it's a hoax.

The more visibility we give to fake stories like this on here, the less people will be inclined to believe any true stories posted on here.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64e985e0c5fe0

PeBeFri 0 points 9 months ago

For the love of Allah, Ibrahim!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64cd3f17c8c47

PeBeFri 0 points 9 months ago

Which claim is more extraordinary? That the earth orbits the sun rather than vice versa? Or that there exists a conscious, sentient, omnipresent, noncorporeal, immortal being who compels all people to do evil?

/v/religion viewpost?postid=64c5234c5b39f

PeBeFri 0 points 9 months ago

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Ever hear of the placebo effect?

/v/religion viewpost?postid=64c5234c5b39f

PeBeFri 2 points 10 months ago

Hey, the only reason I know why is because I've played *Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders*.

...Wait. Does having played that also mean I'm old?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=649989cad6a25

If I saw that sign, I'd take the priority lane. If they confronted me about it, I'd say that I realized that I'm trans. And if they asked when, I'd reply "When I saw that sign."

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6440510c8633a

PeBeFri 0 points 1.2 years ago

[There's an easier and cheaper way](https://blog.pebefri.com/2018/03/04/mass-shootings/)

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6411ad1307820

PeBeFri 1 point 1.2 years ago

For posterity's sake, you'll need a host that can reliably provide you with the file in the **PRESENT DAY.** Aheh. **PRESENT TIME.** Hahahahahahaha!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=640494d99cbb5

PeBeFri 0 points 1.2 years ago

If I were in his place (and this really happened as it supposedly did and wasn't staged), this is what I would have pointed out:

\* This is a public space and I have every right to be here.

\* You are demanding control of dozens of square feet worth of space, and I'm only demanding a few. So who's more demanding here?

\* If you're so sure your viewers are that opposed to seeing strangers in your video, why are you shooting in public, in front of a bench?

/v/funny viewpost?postid=63fca30e2d048

PeBeFri 0 points 1.3 years ago


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63bfb1f767b53

PeBeFri 0 points 1.4 years ago

We-el, that's more like it! Now, state your business.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6399a03c40030

PeBeFri 0 points 1.4 years ago

Guilt by association fallacy.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6396d26b8ab40

PeBeFri 0 points 1.5 years ago

[It's still not on the very bleeding edge, though.](https://blog.pebefri.com/2020/05/09/planck-derived-units/)

/v/world viewpost?postid=636e18027704b

PeBeFri 1 point 1.6 years ago

Interesting. Of course, the studio behind Tom and Jerry cartoons had a clear motive for not ending the show, as they received money as long as the show continued. What do the political parties stand to lose by "ending the show"?

I'm not saying this comparison isn't valid, just that it could stand some further elaboration.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6350e22b5888a

PeBeFri 0 points 1.6 years ago

Just do what I'm doing and will your body to science.

Cemeteries are a waste of space, they'll never be enjoyed by the people who inhabit them.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6348ab5562c55

PeBeFri 0 points 1.6 years ago

This is actually an interesting moral quandary. The medical professionals' refusal to treat this patient could certainly be seen as a breach of the Hippocratic Oath. However, they could argue that the patient's refusal to wear a mask endangered their own health, thus jeopardizing their potential to treat other patients; thus, knowingly endangering their own health could be seen as an indirect breach of the Hippocratic Oath. If all doctors disregarded their own health during a pandemic, there soon wouldn't be many doctors in a time when they are most needed. (Another way of looking at it: Would you accuse a doctor of breaking their oath if they refused to treat [the Toxic Lady](https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/analysis-of-a-toxic-death) without any PPE?)

In this scenario, however, I believe the patient should have been treated. The permitting of him to wear a mask improperly reveals the requirement to be a pointless formality.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=633f93344af83

PeBeFri 2 points 1.6 years ago

Long story. It involves Japanese culture (particularly manga, anime, light novels, and visual novels), as well as a *Perry Bible Fellowship* strip. To sum up, though, a "weeb night" combined with the subverse v/MoviesWithGoats presumably entails a bunch of anime movies.

/v/MoviesWithGoats viewpost?postid=633e0854dc790

PeBeFri 1 point 1.6 years ago

Thank you for your critique, @Anus_Expander.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6335aeacb12d8

PeBeFri 0 points 1.7 years ago

"Climate change is so untrue, so patently ridiculous a concept, that flat earthers believe it!"

"Climate change is so real, so blindingly obvious and undeniable, that even flat earthers believe it!"

Guilt by association is considered a fallacy for a reason, people.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6309a92183ae1

PeBeFri 0 points 1.7 years ago

Two things, actually, if you look closely. One is a Nintendo Game Boy, and the other is a Steam Deck.

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=63026ca8246e7

PeBeFri 0 points 1.7 years ago

About thirty years.

(OK, I know what you meant. Just a little over a year since I reserved it)

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=63026ca8246e7