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Member for: 3 years

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: 35 (+36/-1)
votes given: 2 (+2/-0)
score: 35


Considering space travel is fake and gay, you probably shouldn't hold your breath on some of those predictions.

See you in a couple years when "colonies on Mars could happen by 2040 and that's not even best case scenario"

/v/CovidWorldOrder viewpost?postid=61fcb0774d668

Well they are freemasons so I suppose subversion comes with the territory

/v/Covid1984 viewpost?postid=61378a9f04587

R.I.P in pieces, jew.S.A.

Pressing 's' to spit

/v/news viewpost?postid=612d421075d01

Those are some cool pups I'd never heard of before. Thanks!

/v/based_department viewpost?postid=612c9cb1259da

Close. Try police officer

/v/news viewpost?postid=611ea4dbb0c98

My life goal is to be a tree farmer.

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=611e5ac60b41e

Try saying "black person" and see how fast you get banned.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6119a8070e601

Devin Stack is pretty good. Idk why he wastes time with pedo apologists like 'ralph retort'.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=611a6f102efb9

Maroon is over on poal now, still waiting to see my dick.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6116cf21dfb47

Seriously. Dogleg on poal has appears to actually come to terms with the false prophet of Q.

/v/QPatriots viewpost?postid=610d9c60bdb0d

"better the devil you know than the devil you don't"

Are they really lesser evils if they are pulling off jewish tricks to keep cowed those of us who would rather see real solutions?

/v/QPatriots viewpost?postid=610d9c60bdb0d

A lot of us were calling him a jew lover from the moment we saw the pictures at the wailing wall.

He married his kids off to kikes, you fucking retard.

What more do you need, for him to spin a dradel on your head?

People voted for trump because they were mad about immigration and niggers. Zion don co-opted that movement and released steam in a kosher manner.

No wall, but the embassy is in jerusalem. Stupid faggot.

/v/QPatriots viewpost?postid=610d9c60bdb0d

I'm a quadruple double triple agent.

Fuck niggers, gas the kikes!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=610438639206e

I'm over the "blond Nordic babes" meme. Sweden team is a bunch of dyke 4s and 5s who are just as retarded and woke as the amerimutts

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=6100e215c5591

Ninjatacos 0 points 2.8 years ago*

That would be more possible if the Biden admin wasn't a complete laughable joke, and retards on the right weren't ramping up "MuH tRuMpF 2024!! SuCk It LiBs, We LoVe JeWs N nIgGeRs WaY mOaR tHeN U!!!!!"

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60fa945d47a64

They are still selling in israhell. Just not in the currently being genocide and forcibly settled areas of Palestine. So fucking fake and gay

/v/Gab viewpost?postid=60fa492e7ce0b

This is such a fake and gay fight. Who the fuck is even buying BJs ice cream in occupied Palestine. They aren't even stopping sales in israel 'proper', just in the areas jews are currently taking by force/ethnic genocide.

/v/news viewpost?postid=60faaa6050d2e

My understanding is that as a pill supplement, D is mostly useless. It must be absorbed through sunlight to be effective, and us whites are very good at doing so due to adapting to cold climates where we don't get outside much in the winter.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60f2f0ed14c34

I guess, seeing as we know jews lie everytime they speak, we now know that they were responsible for all that shit

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=60f386964e117

Rod dreher is such a pathetic faggot. Nice job victim blaming you fucking less than useless sack of shit. How about we create a country where we don't allow degenerate shit like "child sex dolls" to be sold online.

"Kindly old" pedophile kike. There rod, I fixed it for you.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=60f39343d7d6d

Awesome and informative write up. It sounds like this mRNA shot will infiltrate and subvert the immune system not unlike a certain long nosed tribe does to it's host nations.

Someone more meme savvy than myself should make an informative infographic with little yarmalukes on the viruses.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=607c0eeb98303