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Member for: 1.2 years

scp: 58 (+59/-1)
ccp: 39 (+42/-3)
votes given: 82 (+80/-2)
score: 97


But what about muh butler plan?

Hope they group up quick.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64b0a434700a3

I fucking hate chiggers so much bro. Every time I go to the beach I always have chigger bites after sitting in the sand.

This was a term used in my childhood. Maybe something thats only used around here.

If you tell them they are a diversity hire. They go home and eat more.
Do it.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=64b05a4c82441

That nigger would have missed the injection site no more than 5 times.

Smart move.

When she said "what are you going to do". She meant 90% of your local doctors are now niggers.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=64ae5216c4060



I listened to all of them.

My favorite is the fucking black guy in a field calling in to give his location to not get shot.

There is also a call from an off duty and he report suspicious people / Short arabs with tiny hats.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64ab481ec367a


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64a3a3ff4939a

That beefy infowars troll was top kek.

/v/tlolocaust viewpost?postid=6498bab915bb5


Her body is fine.

But her face looks like she got hit by truck.

Hence Butterface.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64988c1f29796

Thats crazy man I got the flu like ever sane person. It was alright, toughed it out like every fucking year before the kike control. Dont call it covid faggot your pushing kike propaganda.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=648d88f1e0934

That Chad with the pool floaty came for White boy summer kek.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=648c8a5dbcacf

I watched a few of your vids on bitchute I enjoyed them. I feel like this some days, but work in such a kiked industry I would have to have a back up in place before I start sperging in public. Although. Every opportunity I can say "that's fucking Jewish " during commerce or other professional exchanges in society it always makes my day.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=648cf2343b17a

How you escape NY unvaxxed will be a miracle, Don't go underground when they tell you to. Get out now big goy its almost to late.

/v/NYC viewpost?postid=647e64ee9547c


Tampa king sets example.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=647bf5cdde1ee

I had a feeling after reading the sat phone doomsday shit, I would find some sun activity. Are chemtrails as nefarious as I originally thought? Or maybe they are avoiding the next solar flare reset to further enslave us.

Either way, I am completely covered in spf150 and hope you guys have a great weekend.

/v/Space viewpost?postid=646fd4d7ed395

Shits in street, for authenticity.

/v/StreetShitters viewpost?postid=646f5773bd5ff

The crocs give them away. The NPC never leaves home without them.

Do they know that crocs are what you get when in prison?

I recently realized everyone from this movie has crocs. Ironic.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=6458928609bf6

I tried to submit twice and both ended with errors and it lost all the entered information. Takes about 10 mins.

The first was a stealth operation. Make some dumb nigger get red pilled.

Second I went all out.

Dumb diversity hire niggers can not set up a proper SurveyMonkey.

/v/news viewpost?postid=64564c4e6f943

She let her nose show. WHILE SHE WAS SUBVERTING.

/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=644ea30abe379

You might like https://www.youtube.com/@godgevlamste/videos

/v/EarthIsAFlatPlane viewpost?postid=64400ab206fcc

She looked to relaxed for the amount of chimping going on around her.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=643d9ecf36a58

After catsfive banned me for jew posting, A few messages later I called him a pedo and he stopped replying.

I was confused.

Thanks for sorting this out.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64306fc69eb9a