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Member for: 2 years

scp: 1825 (+1892/-67)
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score: 4294

An Antiracist Constitution      (www.amren.com)

submitted by Name to whatever 10 months ago


It is currently 11:06 AM Saturday, July 15 in Tel Aviv.     (whatever)

submitted by Name to whatever 10 months ago


Time in Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
11:06 AM
Saturday, July 15, 2023 (UTC+3)

Shabbos goys working it hard though….

Someone just dumped a couple hundred thousand dollars into this website.     (whatever)

submitted by Name to whatever 10 months ago


It was over the weekend. All of these people popped up. They didn’t come from nowhere.
You know you are a part of his army here on earth.     (RedditAdminsAreLoserTrannies)

submitted by Name to RedditAdminsAreLoserTrannies 10 months ago


Like it or not you must play your part.
Who is missing from here this weekend?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Name to AskUpgoat 10 months ago


Feds love their federal holidays!
France’s LeMonde news service is reporting that an emergency request has been made to the United States..     (whatever)

submitted by Name to whatever 10 months ago


AP Wire—Late Thursday evening it was reported that Macron issued a written request that the United States immediately issue a passport to Kyle Rittenhouse and allow him to exit the country with three long guns of his choice. At a brief press conference announcing the unprecedented international request he was quoted as saying “The French people must remember why we eat croissants and what they symbolize for our people.” The Biden administration is expected to enter negotiations Friday morning with an opening offer of eight underage trannies and 1500 assault dildos although experts say that France is not suffering a shortage of either item. Differences in the age of consent from country to country may complicate negotiations since both Biden and Macron prefer under age tranny’s but cannot agree on a legal age of consent.
Which groups super secret handshake involves folding your pinky or ring finger towards the palm?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Name to AskUpgoat 11 months ago


I can’t tell which finger they fold in but it feels really gay. I almost punched the dude the first time it was done to me. This is happening at open to the public suit and tie events. I’m guessing Mason’s or the remnants of the KKK; Any opinions?
On ews, lacks and Huites.      (whatever)

submitted by Name to whatever 1 year ago


I’ve had enough of spellcheck and auto correct. You are all now my beloved igger aggots.
Do you think that Putin respects the British?     (www.bbc.com)

submitted by Name to AskUpgoat 1 year ago


How many Americans really have a government jobs?     (whatever)

submitted by Name to whatever 1 year ago


TLDR; maybe about one out of three workers

Supposedly about 155 million of us go to work. The federal government checks in at about 2.7 million employees. Local and state employees combined number around 19 million. So we are at about one out of seven people that work for the govt, not including government contractors.

It’s a little more difficult to find numbers on the contractors. For example at the peak of our military involvement in the Middle East it is thought we had around 5.5 million contract workers working for the federal government. That number has dropped to around 3.5 million today, supposedly, implying that we had about 2 million mercenary troops in the Middle East at one point. Numbers on state and federal contract workers are pretty sketchy. **Does anyone know where I can find good numbers on this?** In my state the department of transportation subs out most of the road work to Contractor’s. The county that I live in contracts out a lot of services. The township that I live in contracts out a lot of services.

If the ratio of state and local contractors to state and local employees is the same as the federal ratios we could be looking at **one third** of working people in the United States getting cut a paycheck from our govt.
“ Wanting to emulate Hitler is to be committed to the methodical battle of winning White hearts and minds through reason and inspiration, no matter how hard it may seem. He has done it for us once, proving that it is possible. With that in mind, we have no excuse to not do it again.”     (whatever)

submitted by Name to whatever 1 year ago


niggerfaggots on this website keeps saying excellent stuff and I was wondering how many words were allowed in a title here.
Anyone ever try gassing groundhogs?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Name to AskUpgoat 1 year ago


I don’t have enough time to go after them this year with a rifle and I’m wondering do they die in their holes or do they pop up out of another hole and take off running?
It’s 5:27 on a Saturday morning. Very special time here.      (whatever)

submitted by Name to whatever 1 year ago


Half of us are about to walk out the door for work and the other half of us just walked through the door coming home. Either way we’re all a little tense and won’t be getting any good sleep anytime soon.

Except for that one person. Sitting there drinking coffee after a good nights sleep and having a whole weekend off. Fuck you person.
Happy birthday my Great Uncle.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Name to whatever 1 year ago


We. Are. Still. Here.
I am going to go to work today for the 22nd day in a row.     (whatever)

submitted by Name to whatever 1 year ago


I’m going to go do this thing I decided to do. It’s the Whitest thing I could think of doing. If I were a luckier person the risk of death would be greater and the work more glorious. But at any rate I have to go to this thing. I hope you all have a good day.
Blood Flag on the left at 4:33.     (gvid.tv)

submitted by Name to whatever 1.1 years ago


I come from among your ranks.
I was one of you, then progressively
Thanks to my perseverance, by
Educating myself and
Enduring great hunger,
I Lifted Myself Up.
How is Zoom making money?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Name to AskUpgoat 1.1 years ago


Using their product is becoming unavoidable. Who are they? Who are they selling their data too?
is also known for his 1928 satirical article, "A Real Case Against the Jews.     (ia601408.us.archive.org)

submitted by Name to Jews 1.1 years ago


pdf warning
So now it’s time repay the favor by implementing Sicut Iudeis non, whose first principle is that no one has the right to harm the Jew. This should calm the hysterical Jews who are the main supporters of the ADL and the SPLC. This will open the way to implementation of the second principle of Sicut I     (www.unz.com)

submitted by Name to whatever 1.2 years ago


So now it’s time repay the favor by implementing Sicut Iudeis non, whose first principle is that no one has the right to harm the Jew. This should calm the hysterical Jews who are the main supporters of the ADL and the SPLC. This will open the way to implementation of the second principle of Sicut Iudeis non, which is that Jews have no right to destroy our culture.
Did you hand your money over to a stranger who was in a brick building?     (whatever)

submitted by Name to whatever 1.2 years ago


I hear that these are called banks. We all take our money to people we don’t know, the people in the brick buildings, and hand it over. Everybody does it. And then every one wonders why the strange person in the brick building has so much control.
What’s up with the Gnostics?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Name to AskUpgoat 1.2 years ago


I was recently speaking with a proudly conservative Brother in one of the orders. He was pretty far out there but very open to challenging questions and I brought up how the Church restricts the books that layman are allowed to read, Index librorum prohibitorum. I asked him if this was an old antiquated guideline or if it should still be followed. He did the usual run around and then looked me right in the eye and said “The only ones that You really need to stay away from are the Gnostics.” He was pretty weird about it and I couldn’t tell if he was trying to encourage me to read them or to discourage me.

I know nothing about the Gnostics. Is it worth spending the time to look into? Do you think he was trying to encourage me or discourage me? Will reading the gnostic gospels turn me into an anti-semetic Protestant?
Wikipedia is pushing it a little too far.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Name to whatever 1.3 years ago


Maybe it’s just me. Go to look something up see visual imagery of WTF.
Are we bombing military related factories within Iran because they are sending munitions to the Ukrainian conflict?     (whatever)

submitted by Name to whatever 1.3 years ago


If we’re setting that precedent then wouldn’t it be reasonable for Mr. Putin to bomb weapons factories in the United States because they are sending munitions to the Ukrainian conflict?

This is how you get a world war.
1996 - Michael Jackson's "Jew Me Sue Me...Kike Me" Infuriates jews [3:19]     (catbox.moe)

submitted by Name to TheEternalJew 1.3 years ago


This vid is getting hard to find. bitchute and odysee won't show it in searches, worldtruth is down today. Goyim TV didn't have it. Had to pull it from poal. had to pull it from vid 8. What other vid sources are there.
Just out of curiosity, how many people here were active on 8chan?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Name to AskUpgoat 1.3 years ago


I’m thinking not a single fucking one. If I’m wrong let me know. I’m feeling lonely.