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Member for: 2.8 years

scp: 5 (+25/-20)
ccp: -181 (+767/-948)
votes given: 43 (+33/-10)
score: -176


Nagasaki 0 points 1.5 years ago

It was narrated from Aishah that some of the Jews came to the Prophet(ﷺ) and said:
"Assam o alaika (death be upon you), O Abul-Qasim!" He said: "Wa 'alayikum (and also upon you)."
حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو بَكْرٍ، حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو مُعَاوِيَةَ، عَنِ الأَعْمَشِ، عَنْ مُسْلِمٍ، عَنْ مَسْرُوقٍ، عَنْ عَائِشَةَ، أَنَّهُ أَتَى النَّبِيَّ ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ نَاسٌ مِنَ الْيَهُودِ فَقَالُوا السَّامُ عَلَيْكَ يَا أَبَا الْقَاسِمِ ‏.‏ فَقَالَ ‏ "‏ وَعَلَيْكُمْ ‏"‏ ‏.‏
Grade: Sahih

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=637031c7462a2

Nagasaki 0 points 1.6 years ago*

>Islam is a poison pill ideology just like communism, feminism, satanism and environmentalism! They aim is to get you to fuck up your life, community, family and country. It's ideological warfare and it all comes with labelling others and virtue signaling.

Islam literally means "submission" to God.

If you don't think that it's the singular Truth I share with you a single narration of the final Prophet of God (sallahu alayhi wasalam), as related by his companion Abu Huraira:

‘Umayr ibn Ishaq reported: Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, said in regards to signs before the Hour, “A woman will be taken and her stomach ripped open, then what is in her womb will be taken out and discarded for fear of giving birth.”

Source: Muṣannaf Ibn Abī Shaybah 37297

What more proof do you need? Elective cesarean abortion has been documented in the 1970s and 1980s in the United States.

I could go on with hundreds more statements, but I really hope that I need not.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=63556e30ec5cf

Nagasaki 0 points 1.6 years ago

What do you need bud? You want something to break up your illusion?

Go to Google maps and put in "29.9792458 N, 31.1342 E". Then notice that the speed of light is 299792458 meters per second, and that the second and meter were defined in France before the speed of light was known to more than 3 significant figures.

I really fear this falls on deaf ears.

I don't know how to make it any clearer to you. You are barreling towards absolute unbridled doom.

/v/Quotes viewpost?postid=635244e08b267

Those who die as pagans and atheists burn in hell for eternity. Their skin will be continually renewed and seared off and they will drink boiling water like thirsty camels. They will cry out to God to become nonexistent but there will not be any answer.

They used to commit the great crime of saying "When we are dust will we truly be brought forth again? This is a distant wishful thought."

And when someone invoked God alone they belied and turned away, but when another attributed to God a partner or associate, they at once partook in this calamity.

The creation of existence is more difficult than the creation of life.

/v/Quotes viewpost?postid=635244e08b267

Nagasaki 1 point 1.6 years ago


More likely imo

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6330a2eecf4d4

Nagasaki 0 points 1.7 years ago

What did the Prophet (sallahu alayhi wasalam) get out of fighting for 20 years against the idol worshippers amongst his own people? What was the goal?

Have you even read the Quran?


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6324a1cb51951

Nagasaki 0 points 1.7 years ago

>And what about cutting the clits off their women?

The famous scholars of Islam from 1000+ years ago are unanimous that a clitoral hood reduction is the only permissible cosmetic operation on a woman's genitals, with the sole purpose of making it easier for her to climax.

What you've just uttered is a blatant lie against the religion of God, trying to make it look twisted and sickly when it is perfection.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6324a1cb51951

Nagasaki 0 points 1.7 years ago


Here is what all Muslims believe that Jesus Christ will say to God on the day of resurrection, regarding the topic you've addressed here.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62d7a0944b0ba

Ibn Abbas reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Allah Almighty said: The son of Adam has lied against me and he has no right to do so, he has insulted me and he has no right to do so. As for his lie, it is his saying that I cannot recreate him as I did before. As for his insult, it is his saying that I have a son; I am glorified above taking a wife or a son.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 4212

/v/Jokes viewpost?postid=630d3b66e5098

Nagasaki 0 points 1.7 years ago*

>The reason the Jews are winning is that you all present as angry white men in their death throes.

I don't understand why you think the jews are winning... this world is absolutely insignificant in the view of God.

All of the usurious, murdering, lying, prophet-killing, satanic criminals amongst the jews will see the fruits of their actions on the day of resurrection.


>I'm 100% german. Born and raised in the USA.

If that's true, then you have a brain. Use it:


وَلَا تَحْسَبَنَّ ٱللَّهَ غَـٰفِلًا عَمَّا يَعْمَلُ ٱلظَّـٰلِمُونَ ۚ إِنَّمَا يُؤَخِّرُهُمْ لِيَوْمٍۢ تَشْخَصُ فِيهِ ٱلْأَبْصَـٰرُ ٤٢

Do not think [O Prophet] that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them until a Day when [their] eyes will stare in horror—


The army of the antichrist will be 70000 jews...

/v/NationalSocialism viewpost?postid=63025780dd679


Read/listen to the entirety.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62fc613988a39

>His disciples brutally lost their lives, because they knew HIM to be true.

Please. Just read the Quran. You'll be glad that you did, God-willing.


/v/religion viewpost?postid=62fa8c888a51c

>Allah is Satan.

"Allah" literally means God in Arabic. It's the same word in the Arabic translations of the Bible.

/v/religion viewpost?postid=62fa8c888a51c

>females are treated like shit in Islam.

"females" are just sisters, mothers, daughters, aunts, grandmothers...

I don't understand what you think "treated like shit" entails. Could you conceive that the behavior of Muslims might not align with what the religion teaches...

/v/religion viewpost?postid=62fa8c888a51c

Jesus isn't God. Saying that is itself disbelief in God. It's literal nonsense. Read the Quran. I am an earnest advisor to you. If you believe the Quran is wicked or wrong then read it and try to refute it. Muhammad (sallahu alayhi wasalam) was the paracletos about whom Jesus said "he will teach you all things"...

I tell you first hand that the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (sallahu alayhi wasalam) are comprehensive and complete.

/v/religion viewpost?postid=62fa8c888a51c

>Hundreds of people witnessed Jesus's resurrection

Guess what I'm going to ask... do you have a citation or any support for this claim?

/v/religion viewpost?postid=62fa8c888a51c

Nagasaki 1 point 1.8 years ago

Imagine supporting (((((democracy))))) or even a (((((republic))))).

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62fc147ad9d1a

>Spain had many mosques because Muslims raped the fuck out of the Spanish!


Wholesale conversion to Islam...

/v/religion viewpost?postid=62fa8c888a51c

Nagasaki -4 points 1.8 years ago*

At one point there were more mosques in Spain than anywhere else on Earth.

The Nords that invaded Portugal were routed by the Islamic armada in retreat and they accepted Islam and became cheese makers in Spain. 20,000 of them.

It's just funny how many English words come from Arabic but you don't know it because the etymology books of the 18th century onwards were written by cryptojew catholics.

Islam being a foreign religion to Europe is 16th century propaganda.

This idea was espoused by men forcing people to worship the human being Jesus (upon him be peace) as if he was something other than a prophet and slave of God.


Have a listen...

/v/religion viewpost?postid=62fa8c888a51c

Nagasaki 3 points 1.8 years ago

Don't cave they sound like feds. Classic "bruh" vibes... "pussyyyyy". Sounds like a 15 year old. Just meet people over Telegram on a burner or IRL.

/v/tlolocaust viewpost?postid=62fb09f583301

Nagasaki -1 points 1.8 years ago*

That carries a severe penalty in Islam.

Did you have anything interesting to say goy? Do they surprise you? The words of the last prophet of God (sallahu alayhi wasalam).

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62f48e75620f7