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Member for: 7 months

scp: 8 (+8/-0)
ccp: 6 (+6/-0)
votes given: 36 (+36/-0)
score: 14


Ok, now I will definitely print them too. But here in Europe people dont care.

/v/MeanwhileOnTelegram viewpost?postid=63351876d2231

Why them? Every funkin time its them.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=66256d22536bd

Yea, fuck churchill. Would be interesting if Rudolf Hess could finish his mission.

/v/Holohoax viewpost?postid=6625f5e8284a6

Lol nope, I am just still in learning curve (3 years already) and these documents are quality materials. I have all three backuped on multiple places, so they never disappear. You can check my history. But in my computer and few external drives and telegram groups I have so many material against kikes that I could be thrown in prison at least.

In my country is even against law question holohoax.

I am preparing my own document in local language and collecting and reading every material possible.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662582330b257

Nice, thanks. I dint know this. I was planning read Bible, but I dont know how much its modified by kikes and I am looking for something more original.

/v/HitlerWasRight viewpost?postid=65c6c873473a5

Whats different between retail Mein Kampf and Stalag edition?

/v/HitlerWasRight viewpost?postid=65b15e3a567a8

Yep, thats start, next Europa the last battle and Hellstorm. But I was thinking about different thinks, really short videos or quite short text with image, something what can "modern" retard process. Things like GSNT are for more dedicated searchers. Like really, 10+ hours? Yea I love it, but I have eyes opened already.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65ef032051cbb

I prefer original one even I cant understart shit.

/v/HitlerWasRight viewpost?postid=65caf932b2b08