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Member for: 2.5 years

scp: 133 (+155/-22)
ccp: 80 (+97/-17)
votes given: 87 (+79/-8)
score: 213


Probably the same way you blow loads in dudes asses? Amiright?! Stfu, fuckface. That's a pretty detailed story for a drunk post, don't you think? That's the problem with retards though, they don't think.

I assume all the people you have killed has landed you in prison? You sound pretty hard. 🤣😂🤣😂

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=6508f60cd0bca

I agree. We have a lot of vets from Afghanistan and Iraq. But I don't know if the ratio is enough to make a difference. I know the revolutionary war was fought with a pretty small contingent of the entire population. There is a possibility that it could work.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=6508a39a553f2

This is a woman who is pushing this. This is women's fault. I don't give a fuck what any of you retards say. White, liberal women are the destroyers of this society.

Dollars to donuts this kids cunt of a mother was encouraging his transition. The father agreed cause he didn't want to break up his family. This is called simping. He is simping to his wife because he is afraid of the consequences for disagreeing with her. This society is fucked cause of weak ass men kowtowing to women.

Cry about it faggots. "But muh white women!" Boo fucking hoo. These bitches need to be back in the kitchen with no voting rights. Fuck the 19th amendment. And fuck the feminization of this society.

/v/Troons viewpost?postid=65085946de341

Better be prepared not to have a lot of whites fight with you. And don't think the cops will be on your side. I know this is a nihilistic way to view things. But there is no unity amongst whites, nor is there amongst conservatives.

If anything, what these last couple of years have shown is that you are (mostly) on your own. Unless you can a) form a network of dudes that is so fuckin diehard, that they will kill police, and bail you out of jail if you are caught, or b) if you can install enough radicals in the federal government that they could stage a coup. Either option is risky-get caught and end up in federal prison for the rest of your life. As far as propaganda goes, straight propaganda is not going to work.

I have seen the "It's Okay to be White" campaign used against the leftists by 4chan. I have also seen them troll the shit out of them with the "okay" sign being used as a white supremacist salute. There have been many online campaigns that have been used, but nothing that would be enough to wake up the normies. Not to mention, most normies are extremely stupid when it comes to social structure and the political order.

I do have an idea of methods that seem to have worked. You could try to focus on what ANTIFA was doing by using VPN's to communicate over the net. They were also using private Discord servers to exchange info. Plus, they were getting monetary support.

If you wanna start a war, you need financiers. Wars are expensive. So that would be a great way to start. I would consolidate cash by having it laundered through an organization. In this manner, it can't be traced to a specific individual. The organization is the entity funding everything. You use the organization as a shell corporation. That was what Soros was doing to help ship leftists across the country during the riots. That was why you had a fucking asshole hippy from Denver, Colorado burning shit down in Portland, Oregon. As far as arrests go, they were using liberal lawyers to get them out of trouble. They actually had a liberal organization of lawyers bailing these fuckers out of jail. So if you could find a conservative group of lawyers to do this, it would be a great start.

These are the ways the leftists used. But you gotta be brutal. Never take any prisoners. Always wipe the feds out when they come for you or your brothers. Always defend your brothers. Never abide by local or federal laws. You have to convince people that your organization IS the authority. There is no such thing as this government. Only the organization.

These are just a few things to ponder if you want a Civil War. They are not mutually exclusive. But again, it's a good start.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=6508a39a553f2

I too was a Voat nigger. Then a Poal nigger. It feels good to make a full circle. Welcome back niggerfaggot.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65038cc380199

Inflation keeps rising. We keep funding a jew war with the Russians. There is massive debt not being accounted for. The Fed keeps printing money without any assets to backup our currency. Lots of angry single men. Lots of white women having sex with foreigners. And yes, BRICS is coming for the petro dollar.

So what's the problem? All seems well in the Jew. S. A.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=64febf13363fb

Violence is the answer. Spiritual war my ass. God has allowed all this shit to happen. He will not save you.

Niggers will rape your female family members. Feminists and immigrants will take your jobs. The government will take away your rights and tax you into debt. What will you do Christians? You can't pray your way out of this.

/v/RomanCatholicism viewpost?postid=64fb1262358d7

Medical fag here. The clot shot Jews who push the nonsense want to line their pockets. Just as Jews do, this is all about money.

It is really tiring to have to keep dealing with this shit. I would not recommend this garbage to any of my patients. I wish we could split from the feds. Initiating our own medical system, one that was reliant upon self pay, would eliminate a lot of this crap.

The insurance companies will push people to get the shot if they have comorbidities. Unfortunately, many Americans are obese, stupid pieces of shit. But the surgeon general has a good point. If you stay healthy, you won't acquire these comorbidities. You don't want diabetes, heart disease, stroke, etc. They lower your immune system and provide an easier port of entry to ALL viruses. Thus, take care of your bodies, and your bodies will take care of you.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64fd2ec30400e

Coming to an American city, town, and rural area near you! And the faux-conservatives won't do shit. Neither will they defend one another. There is no unity in the US.

/v/PoliticalMemes viewpost?postid=64fd41ef356a9

And the police will arrest the Italian. You're not allowed to defend yourself goy.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=64efe3852b30c

Thanks for the different options dudes! They were all helpful.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=64ea5b217d187

Guns don't mean shit if they are in the hands of cowards. The US is primarily composed of law abiding cowards. We love our guns and talk a big game. But when crunch time comes, it's nothing but barking. There is no bite.

The citizens of this country let the feds, states, and counties shut down our services during Covid. This was all in the name of a virus that primarily affected the sick and elderly. (Healthy young folks were fine.) The conservatives did nothing. They watched on the mainstream media as their brethren were arrested and thrown in federal prison for Jan 6th. They did nothing. The conservatives watched the soldiers that were left to die in Afghanistan after America lost that war. They did nothing. Conservatives watched the niggers loot and destroy the country. They did nothing. (With the acceptance of St. Rittenhouse.) Many conservatives accepted the clot shot due to being threatened with the loss of their jobs and their livelihood. They fucking did NOTHING.

As far as fighting back goes, we are listless. No one will unite against the police--who are the primary enemy of the people. Their jobs are to protect the interests of the cities, counties, and the state. They are not there to protect and serve. They only care about two things: their paychecks and their pensions. You are shit on the bottom of their boots.

There will be no uprising because of the fear that you will be doing everything on your own. It's always the thought that you will be a lone wolf. Then the Jew media will smear your name, make up a fake narrative, and ruin any legacy you made. America is lost. There are only cowards here.

Not a glownigger, don't go killing anyone. But if you did, we would be proud of you. Just know that there are those of us who care about shedding the blood of ZOG and that you would be a martyr.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=64ef45fa7564e

God, I gotta get out of the US. This place is so fucked. I'm setting up some kind of a 10 year exit plan. Fuck this shithole.

/v/America viewpost?postid=64ef435f3bc3d

Guys, we need to bring back witch burning.

/v/NewsoftheFucktards viewpost?postid=64ea347eb5ffd

😂🤣😂🤣 dudes will do anything for a piece of tang these days.

/v/RIP viewpost?postid=64ea2ec39dbc0

I don't believe women will have longer life expectancies. The data is not taking into account that a large portion of the workforce now consists of "strong, independent, whamen." More work means more stress, more strain on your joints, and a shorter lifespan. This isn't true for everyone, but when speaking in generalities this is true. Men know this quite well.

Women got their equal rights, they broke that glass ceiling. They will now have heart attacks and strokes at the same rates as men. Something that the mainstream media will not tell these females, is that there is risks when taking on male roles. They only want to glamorize being independent. They won't tell them the relationships with stress related illnesses that are associated with a career.

Not to mention, women in general are terrible with saving money. This is why the Jews wanted them in the workforce. They spend more than men.

It's all a great plan. Work women to death, lower the population because men aren't attracted to masculine women that carry themselves like men and have to work all day, increase spending on nonsensical non-utilitarian crap, crash the economy, and restart everything from scratch.

/v/America viewpost?postid=64e6e040d1cc5

That's a thing right now. The statistics show that something like 70% of women 18-25 are dating. But when you look at 18-25 year old males, it's about 20-15%. Shit is really fucked up.

So what does the data mean? Younger women are dating and marrying older men. Thus, we have a surplus of young, dumb, and full of cum, 18-25 year old males.

Throughout history, when ever this has happened, it is the formula for revolution. Young, military age males, if they wanted to, could kill the old Chad's in power and re-start everything. There is a very large surplus of sexually frustrated young men.

I think the difference is that modern young men have been feminized. This is due to the chemicals in our water, our cosmetics (deodorants, soaps, etc.). The social media shit they see online. And don't get me started on the fuckin colleges.

I don't know about you guys, but shit feels different this year. I think something may happen that could change the country. Whether that is war at home or abroad, I don't know. But the dominoes are falling into place almost perfectly. Stay safe out there.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64e69b3505cf5

This was true, and also hilarious. Thanks for the laugh, goat. 😂😂😂

/v/clusterBbitches viewpost?postid=64e6311d7bf2f

Our cut-off was 75% to pass. High standards make it harder, but you come out tougher. 🤷‍♂️

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=64e5419dd4bf2

That compound looks soluble. And good job in the bio. Shit is tough.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=64e5419dd4bf2

Real glad I voted Covid vaccines. They really are one of the most evil, corrupt, attempted wool over the eyes horseshit (((they))) have ever done. I mean, think about the coordination this took. The absolute size of the scam is mind-boggling. Only the Jews could come up with this shit.

Sure enough, Michelle Walensky ✡️(head of the CDC), Mikael Dolsten ✡️ (head scientist at Pfizer that helped create the vaccine), and many more were all behind this shit. The fact that the Jews are so organized is just mind-blowing to me. It's like they have Jew mind-reading powers, or use pheromones to communicate that only they can sniff out with their hook noses.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64e133865a8e8

Why would it be fake if she had been arrested numerous times for the same offenses? Plus, you should be able to look up arrest records in her county. You can prove this to be real. Not everything is a psy-op, fuckin' tards.

Here is a link to her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/abigail.shry?mibextid=ZbWKwL

She seems to be a heroin addict. Rambling on about nonsense does not help her cause. Make of it what you will. But it appears she is a real person. The account dates back to posts from March 12, 2021.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64dd6444329df

Do you know this Jews address? Possibly her email? Just wanted to have a nice conversation with her about her views on children.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=64dd92fea7c6a

Will conservatives do anything about it? When I see people on the right exploding heads of ANTIFA faggots, nigger-lib judges, and hanging Commi-Jew fucks from light posts, I will take this seriously. Until then, none of this matters.

People can say what they want about Trump-Jew-ties, but he is better for the stability of this country. I do think Trump may end up in jail. Even then, I don't think conservatives will do anything. We are fucked. 🤷

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=64dcc8040a68e

I think more of these idiots on this site need to be having these conversations. When you're so focused on destruction that you can't see you need a network to wreak that destruction, you have a big problem. Thus, whites will lose. No cohesiveness, no plan, and no capability for violence.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=64da335ac16a6