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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 19 (+20/-1)
ccp: 40 (+40/-0)
votes given: 813 (+790/-23)
score: 59


Further demoralization and miscegination. Diversity in "positive" settings (like pop culture, schools, stories, etc.), but pure white when it comes to porn, degradation, or any other degeneracy. It builds the message that diversity is our strength and nonwhites deserve respect,
while white women are just fuckmeat to be used and disposed of. Theyre all portrayed as shishka (sp?).

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=612c6454baca6

A static line snap hook. Basically a huge hook that opens the parachute bag when you jump out of the airplane so the parachute inflates.

/v/Troons viewpost?postid=6122cfd43ff1a

Definitely. But it's not about what's "illegal" or not. It's about (((who))) has the power, and if they can use said power to jail their critics. It's "illegal" because they had the wrong politics, not because they broke any specific law.

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=610ee16580a1f

Additionally, talk about fucking boomer humor. This is the type of shit boomers forward to eachother in email chains.

/v/Jokes viewpost?postid=610c3f00e95e3

Just logical. Maybe specieist? They're certainly a different species.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60feff94ca28a

Post has already been nuked. Can't have the goyim finding out what really happens and (((who's))) to blame.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60fe0be6e5ced

For how long though? The cities look no different than anywhere else. Houston and Dallas look the same, have the same niggers, and pass the same policies, as Chicago and New York. How long until we have a leftist governor and house there, who start enacting pro-degenerate policies?

/v/news viewpost?postid=60f5874614f14

I was about to say, isn't she a jew? This seems like a win win.

/v/Memeries viewpost?postid=60affd2df1be5

Despite being only 2% of the population....

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60afd39e601ba

No, but these are good as well. Inspiring to watch.

/v/HitlersGermany viewpost?postid=607d1e48c9ee1

Awesome, this was it! Thank you.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=607350a59bdba

Do you have that pdf of the heer physical fitness manual? I seem to recall one was posted on the old voat before.

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=607217e0131bd

Absolutely true. (((They))) killed him for speaking the truth and calling them out. Revelations covers the true face of the jew.

On a more practical note, Christians named the Jewish for thousands of years, and killed them in pogroms of various types. It wasn't until post ww2 that the concept of "judeo-christian" arose. Which would tell me that the "christcuck" phenomenon is less of an issue inherent in Christianity, and more a symptom of the contemporary cancer eating away at Christianity. I mean, I think all of us who are Christian here would agree that we are much more aligned with the 1100s version of Christianity than the 2020 Christianity.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60531d7b0ddbe

I'm pretty sure that "lib left" makes a point to defend pedophiles. Nambla/rainbowfags are very integrated into the antifa scene.

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=6046ebe6e3f9c