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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 66 (+66/-0)
ccp: 348 (+357/-9)
votes given: 69 (+59/-10)
score: 414


It’s not about which is “more evil”;
It’s about which has caused more perdition.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65d9c660c3740

OK, sure; but I’m comparing the relative greatness of two lesser - but nevertheless significant - diabolical achievements.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65d9c660c3740

Better be careful; you could burn yourself with takes *that* hot.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65d9c660c3740

No doubt that would represent a dramatic improvement over the current situation.

The unspoken underlying implication of course is that the state had ceded power in this regard - which it certainly won’t be doing unless compelled, somehow.

There are a few means by which this may come about. In several such scenarios, basic supply chains and services have significantly dropped off - to the point where sizeable groups of White Men have nothing better to do than tribe-up and organize into squads. While I would *hope* this could happen sooner, I’m not seeing promising signs.

Our People have a hard enough time hanging banners from overpasses without getting locked up for long enough to lose their jobs. Eventually, however, the benefits will outweigh the risks.

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=65d7b871ef7e8

No doubt that would represent a dramatic improvement over the current situation.

The unspoken underlying implication of course is that the state had ceded power in this regard - which it certainly won’t be doing unless compelled, somehow.

There are a few means by which this may come about. In several such scenarios, basic supply chains and services have significantly dropped off - to the point where sizeable groups of White Men have nothing better to do than tribe-up and organize into squads. While I would *hope* this could happen sooner, I’m not seeing promising signs.

Our People have a hard enough time hanging banners from overpasses without getting locked up for long enough to lose their jobs. Eventually, however, the benefits will outweigh the risks.

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=65d7b871ef7e8

No doubt that would represent a dramatic improvement over the current situation.

The unspoken underlying implication of course is that the state had ceded power in this regard - which it certainly won’t be doing unless compelled, somehow.

There are a few means by which this may come about. In several such scenarios, basic supply chains and services have significantly dropped off - to the point where sizeable groups of White Men have nothing better to do than tribe-up and organize into squads. While I would *hope* this could happen sooner, I’m not seeing promising signs.

Our People have a hard enough time hanging banners from overpasses without getting locked up for long enough to lose their jobs. Eventually, however, the benefits will outweigh the risks.

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=65d7b871ef7e8

It’s a means to an end, for sure - a transitional phase as we reassert ourselves. We *will* have our homes, again.

In light of inevitable supply chain issues, it will be, for a while at least, a channel of gainful employment.

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=65d7b871ef7e8

Many such cases.

What I look forward to are the coming days of armed cohorts, clearing these riff raff from our establishments, and installing stationed guards to keep them out.

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=65d7b871ef7e8

Theosophy, as such, is only of historical importance; as virtually none of these “elites” actually think of themselves as “Theosophists”.

While I do not deny its significance at that time, it’s misleading to suggest Theosophy accurately characterizes their cult, as it is today.

No, the mask has basically fallen off, and little attention is being paid to their charades, even compared to a decade ago. Recent iterations involve the likes of Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Oprah Winfrey, Neale Donald Walsh etc etc.

But it’s looking like - with the possible exception of Elon Musk as an “anti-“ they’re just jews and rich traitorous Whites. The Ukraine War, Gaza genocide, jew tunnels … makes it look like they’ve pretty much finished up hiding behind self-help gurus.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65d82f5e2e469

Same; so many of my former friends just went along with it, wearing masks everywhere, getting the death shots ... you know what it is? That damn misplaced trust plus pathological altruism.

Whoever came up with this really understood how to get Whites-en-masse to kill themselves. Appalling.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6118a520dce0b

So many of them are blue-eyed; just look up “afghan men blue eyes” or whatnot.
No wonder the US had to oppress them for 20 years.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6118ca21d268f

More evidence Spacekike84 is a piece of shit.

/v/Controlavirus viewpost?postid=61130dc9c5373

I’m an Orthodox Christian, and I think James Mason represents the pinnacle of sanity that can be attained by a non-Christian.

I personally disagree with the common sentiment here - that Christianity necessarily weakens a people to jewish subversion; but I understand and forgive non-Christian people for thinking that way.

That being said, it’s overwhelmingly obvious there’s *no* non-violent solution to the plight of the White Man. Until there are city-sized groups of Whites (hopefully bigger) ready and willing to fight for territory, we are simply going to get wiped out.

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=6106ed456260f

Notice, that tended to happen less often in places that maintained strict Orthodoxy.
Jews are experts at subversion. Apparently, non-Christian institutions have not proven to be any more resistant to kikery than Christian ones.
You (non-Christian) and I (Orthodox Christian) both realize It’s The Jews, but so what? How does that stop them ?

I see no reason to believe Orthodox Christianity is especially vulnerable to jewish subversion, compared to anything else.
Even shamelessly mono-ethnic societies like the Chinese were vulnerable. Even the noble Japanese are starting to crack.
If you could point to some other non-Christian group that has a proven track record of jew-resistance, I’d be very happy about it.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=6103119034e25

Interestingly enough, the Council of Toledo is *also* where the troublesome Filioque was “officially” introduced - as an attempt to resist Arianism.
While not technically necessarily a heresy, it certainly has caused more problems than it has solved. I can’t say for absolute certain, but it’s possible the Sack of Toledo was Divine Punishment for such an audacious innovation.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=6103119034e25

Well yeah, some Goths converted to Orthodoxy, but by and large “Gothic” Christianity was basically synonymous with Arian.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=6103119034e25

The Visigoths were Arians. Arianism is heresy - denying that Christ is Uncreated.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=6103119034e25

Seems like japs would keep less-desirables out ...

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61043f4d76d6a

Also seems like every ex-military I know went and got the shots, because “they’ve already been experimented on so much”.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61035ae90d6a9

Seems to me from experience that basically every skinhead Nazi-LARPer is either themselves a jew, or is inextricably intertwined with them.

There exist National Socialists who arrived their through /pol/ about whom this doesn’t apply. I’m not referring to them in this instance.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61035fa996cf8

Do what now? It’s really just started getting interesting.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=6103119034e25