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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: 16 (+17/-1)
votes given: 1 (+1/-0)
score: 16


KINGMELLO 1 point 2.3 years ago

You stole that joke from KillTony.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61e9f723354d9

Damn is that where they filmed Judge Dred

/v/WatchPeopleDie viewpost?postid=60d60f40e9145

🤣 i was there for that one. It was at Kalahari resort. Just some dumb ass drunk people

/v/WatchPeopleDie viewpost?postid=614cd92fb3b9c

KINGMELLO 1 point 2.3 years ago*

What a peice of shit. But i dont see anything about him being out on bail i tried to find it. Hopefully he rots and dies and rots some more

/v/Crime viewpost?postid=61e8ff9464ca9

KINGMELLO 1 point 2.4 years ago

Wow there is litteraly a bar that exact size and shape in the ghetto neighborhood where i live and is always shut down because when someone renovates and tries to open it back up within the week people are being killed lol. So accurate it should be funny but it is

/v/CoalBurners viewpost?postid=61d2f444158fa

KINGMELLO 1 point 2.4 years ago

She a little slow to the mark ehh

/v/videos viewpost?postid=61c203ef2b397

Im pretty sure the vaccines have hiv types shit in it too

/v/fakepandemic viewpost?postid=61bc76b698b39

KINGMELLO 1 point 2.4 years ago

Im pretty sure the vaccines have hiv types shit in it too

/v/fakepandemic viewpost?postid=61bc76b698b39

This was some of the gayest shit ive seen on voat so far

/v/OLDbutGOLD viewpost?postid=61b39453ea7fd

KINGMELLO 1 point 2.5 years ago

Probably wasnt a great idea to have a xmas parade a month before xmas on the same weekend antifa and blm promised blood shed if kyle was found innocent. This stinks of a setup.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=619b4b5c55928

KINGMELLO 1 point 2.5 years ago

She aint lieing. I swear 90% of all murders in my neighborhood happen in the gated section 8 ghetto ass apartment complex where nobody works. They get food stamps a goverment check no rent and all only thing they need money for is electricity. Anything extra is spent on cigarettes and drugs. What a life

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6197ae54ba28b

Wonder if they will add his pornhub videos to it. Or just keep quit and project him as some sort of saint

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=6195d6ff8a97d

Thats cool. I build the mufflers and catalytic converters for huge motors like that.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61960bc2a3c7c

KINGMELLO 1 point 2.5 years ago

Probably only because the rate of people identifying as such has gone up exponentially.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=61919354f322d

Yeah with their long life spans. Lets do everything they did.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=61923fe2e72fc

My 3 year old thinks she is a disney princess still and watches oddbods all day. Far from making or even thinking of anything like that.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=61832834b0125

KINGMELLO 1 point 2.9 years ago

They are just hoping that it's unjustified at this point. They don't even know the situation but already refer to the suspect as the victim even They add that he was connected to a murder.

/v/news viewpost?postid=60b954b6a5659

Trump did somthing similar


/v/videos viewpost?postid=60b7c97787d4c