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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 10 (+10/-0)
ccp: 15 (+17/-2)
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score: 25


This is just stupid at this point. Everyone with a brain knows the deal. Sad but true.

/v/Covid1984 viewpost?postid=617ae0259cf67

My Ob-Gyn recommended I get the Covid vaccine while pregnant… then again after while I was breastfeeding because the baby would get those precious Covid antibodies. I did neither obviously. I’m a terrible liar, but now I just tell all medical professionals that I’m vaccinated.

It is a shame. I really respected my doctors. Now I’ve lost all faith in all medical professionals. My pediatricians are just as bad. Now that I identify as vaccinated, I have to hear all about how stupid the unvaccinated are, and how it’s the unvaccinated’s fault we’re still in this pandemic.

Many times I’ve considered just mentally checking out for a year or two and hoping everything just magically gets better. This new world where you can’t respect anyone is not cool.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=6141ac233c61f

It’s almost like they’re trying to hide stuff or something 😂.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=612bb93f13868

I lose my sense of taste and smell like 50% of the time when I’m sick. It’s a great time to lose those extra pounds that you’ve piled on. It’s at least annually for me so it works out great. Btw, this has happened my whole life and I keep testing negative for Covid antibodies - whatever that means.

Losing a sense of smell and taste isn’t special at all.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=612b919f2195b

Looks like it’s being reported that the little boy died from a Covid related stroke.

Here’s more:


/v/Controlavirus viewpost?postid=60f8078de9d08

Fascinating messages from a unique character. Thanks for sharing. There is NO WAY I would have stumbled upon him by myself.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=60e1368f3e0ee

Oh let’s get real. This chick sucks.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=60c50bc9d5890

I did purchase the ivermectin just as an insurance policy. My two year old decided to bring the horse ivermectin to the dining table to show my parents on Mother’s Day. My parents raised me so they know me ... but I could have lived my whole life not justifying to my parents how I may or may not take an apple flavored horse dewormer one day. I’m pretty sure I have a good doctor that wouldn’t lead me astray should I get sick, but I believe in hedging my bets.

The concept of a NO rich nasal spray (or in this case, a topical formula that creates an NO rich nasal environment) you could use as a prophylactic is alluring.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=609ec2f07bf44

Very nice! Only one of my mom’s bloomed too. They can be finicky.

/v/Nature viewpost?postid=609ec29379855

I’d go back and have kids younger and depend on my parents more.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=609eb59e2ab11

Oh jeez guys it’s not ALL blacks nor ALL white women, but I get what you all are saying. Have hope.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=6097f6ca7e6e1

This woman is an idiot.

She didn’t do more, not because she had kids, but because she’s not capable. I’m female, have two, almost three kids. I have friends with three kids. We all attained our graduate school goals and “dream” jobs. She’s incompetent and it’s disgusting she’s blaming her kids instead of realizing she’s limited. I hope her kids read this nonsense, realize their mom never loved them, and run for the hills to make their life without her. Fuck this lady. Sadly, it’s typical liberal nonsense... never taking personal responsibility.

Instead of crying about this, why don’t you go get your law degree now and join whatever worthless group you want to join ... oh you won’t because it’s too hard for you because you’re limited and lazy ... always the victim. Just kill yourself.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=6098732a43d22

If you want to shut someone up, you need to be able to blame it on another professional. “Due to my medical history, my doctor has advised against it for now.” When it’s a medical concern, do NOT give details. You don’t have to (i.e., it’s personal) and why provide the enemy with additional ammo against yourself?

But, I’d suggest actually finding a doctor that advises against it just in case. The whole doctor’s note story will take you far. There are tons of anti-vax doctors out there but you’ll have to search for them and although you may feel dirty for going to a traditional anti-vax doctor, I believe it’ll be worth it like by term. They may even have some good advice for what to say. Luckily, I found a doctor that will happily dance in this gray area with me. I actually do have bad reactions to vaccines so I’m comfortable with using that as my excuse. I have complained about it historically to all my friends so it’s not really a surprise to anyone.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6066796b630ea