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Member for: 3 years

scp: 980 (+1083/-103)
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score: 1182


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Same trolls commenting.

Faggot Bruce Wiener.


/v/Fixthejoke viewpost?postid=61091b69c554a

Great Post
Most of the shills are now occupied with this thread and not attending to shitting on other threads.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61092d1b9d84f

As a casual user I'm not seeing where anyone is trying to take down Voat.

@system do you think there is a group effort to take down voat?
All I see are unorganized dipshits. Website is looking great. You have done well.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6108b3493f220

Yeah.. it's a strange book, the last half being sort of Science fiction.

/v/books viewpost?postid=60a1f08a47941

No don't read fountainhead. Only if you like Atlas Shrugged Which was freaking awesome, it shows how socialism and communism can never work beautifully.

/v/books viewpost?postid=60a1f08a47941

Move along, you obviously don't know who rusty shackleford is, why don't you do yourself a favor and browse some of Rusty's other videos. Like drone flyover of FBI infested Epstein Island. launched from an offshore boat presumably.

/v/SchizoPost viewpost?postid=60fb293e380b8

Could be. We don't know. I don't know. You don't know.

Anyone who says its a q-larp ... they don't know that either.

/v/SchizoPost viewpost?postid=60facecd0fa96

Yeah don't do it.

Don't look.

Pretend it does not exit.

/v/SchizoPost viewpost?postid=60facecd0fa96

Well of course. It could be nothing or it could be something or it could be huge.
But he doesn't say that. What comes out is Q-Larp and a 20,000 word copy paste diatribe about 10 unrelated subjects and 12 what the fucks. Almost like he does not want anyone to see for themselves.

But you go blindly follow that cocksucker rather than see for yourself. If you have a mind of your own.
But you seem to be like minded with fucktard so that say's quite a lot.

You side with him and you are no goat, and never were.

/v/SchizoPost viewpost?postid=60facecd0fa96

I didn't ping him. He is just sitting in Tel Aviv after his morning briefing, unsuccessfully trying to get people to look the other way. Honestly I don't know why the military hasn't demoted him to Hogrim ( חוגרים )

You notice he does nothing BUT lurk /v/all waiting for something relative to his protocol. copy / paste ever at the ready.

/v/SchizoPost viewpost?postid=60facecd0fa96

31TB of literally nothing.

Sweating yet Shill?

/v/SchizoPost viewpost?postid=60facecd0fa96

Well Shit.
Time to find a new image host.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60fa9e032e5d8

You can "Try" to grow tits. But you will never be a woman.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=60fa1fd4c0ee8

Why do you seem to be the only one here panicking?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60f9a77a76426

Neck yourself.
You are the only one who ever brings up Q.

What does this have if anything to do with Q?

ANSWER WITHOUT COPY/PASTE A GIANT DIALOGUE. You know.. type it in as you think of the response you fucking spazz.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60f9a77a76426

oh LOOK the big businesses that got affected ie FEDEX are back online.. not so for britbonglogpost.com

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60f9a77a76426

What are Edmontonians?


/v/SchizoPost viewpost?postid=60f88e3700a91

Because she is American. (Maryland)

Not all catholic saints are from Europe.

/v/SchizoPost viewpost?postid=60f54b142109a

Because she is American.

Not all catholic saints are from Europe.

/v/SchizoPost viewpost?postid=60f54b142109a

Read it again. It says she did not understand her vision.

/v/SchizoPost viewpost?postid=60f54b142109a

funny how the timer sets to 5 hours every time you view it.
You could make one that counts 2 weeks for shills.

/v/AirShips viewpost?postid=60f38af73ebdb