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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 285 (+290/-5)
ccp: 181 (+182/-1)
votes given: 852 (+771/-81)
score: 466


Oh, I know what's going to happen now. I've seen this before. Absolutely nothing.

/v/NWO viewpost?postid=663403c7c10c2

As I said, it is not important that you do not believe it. It may not be meaningful to you. This eclipse path will cross the United States on the first day of the year on the Hebrew calendar. https://www.hebcal.com/holidays/rosh-chodesh-nisan-2024 For us, it may not mean anything. For them, it might. Just like sacrificing Red Heifers.

/v/Weather viewpost?postid=6601c93deacb4

This eclipse probably is meaningful. Not for me. Probably not for you. But we need to remember that it does not matter if you or me believe it. It matters if they believe it. And they do believe a lot of crazy shit.

/v/Weather viewpost?postid=6601c93deacb4

There is one in peaky blinders. Alfie Solomons. Mary Sue type fits him quite well. And you are even supposed to kinda like him and feel sorry for him. Played by Tom Hardy.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=65fd5636020a9

All you Nazis pushing this content to the top... I love this place.

/v/AnimalsBeingBros viewpost?postid=65f7dd536e219

No problem. And I do understand your scepticism even though I do like this MP especially since he said that our health minister should be hung. This world is fucked up and mostly fake. Take care of whatever is precious to you.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=657a0f6e4ff55

When I sometimes say that there is maybe one politician in our parliament that I like, I am talking about him.

/v/BasedDepartment viewpost?postid=657898fb77681

Hey Sleazy. I am a bit quiet if you take into account all the years spent here but I am a human. Have a great day.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6577f5a814023

Why are you making people like purple? Is this some sort of experiment? Are you a purple merchant?

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=656e9c6675344

First Rabbi thrown my way. It was actually worth having this exchange.

/v/Jokes viewpost?postid=655f02c4c80d0

Oh thank you for making me realize that. I had no idea. Here, have a modified version so that you can continue with your day: What is the difference between coronavirus and soldiers? Coronavirus does not kill children.

/v/Jokes viewpost?postid=655f02c4c80d0

It is a joke. Do we need to start a serious discussion?

/v/Jokes viewpost?postid=655f02c4c80d0

There is nobody visible in mainstream space that is on your side. There are zero so-called right wing politicians that represent you. Have a nice day.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=655ee6ec08fd3

You made me check. Over 6 years with this name here. Still the best place on the internet I visit almost every day. I wonder sometimes what lists I am on.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=655d50efaae02

Recently there was a guy who broke through in the UK. His name is Ren. You might find him ineresting. On the other hand it's voat so you might see him as part of the problem. Anyway. Have a good day.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=655a7ece260cc

The guy has a cabin in the woods for when shit hits the fan. He can work with his hands and can sustain himself alone. Has some good advice on how not to be a slave. Criticizes all the cancerous entities destroying the world. Probably not a jew. And if he is not lying through his teeth, has life experience which could be divided among a couple of people. And regrets not having kids. The longer I think about him the less jew I see.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=653d095032449

Here you go, listen to something different https://youtu.be/s_nc1IVoMxc https://youtu.be/xNvZb_JsPC0

/v/music viewpost?postid=64b40b48bfd63

About 2300 and hundreds more planned.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=64a89df775177

I like your lack of extremism and the will to discuss peacefuly by emphasising our common ground and making your point even clearer.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=6472d47a020d7