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Member for: 2.1 years

scp: 3482 (+3589/-107)
ccp: 4121 (+4223/-102)
votes given: 33710 (+31822/-1888)
score: 7603


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lymedisease, AI_art, Energy_Independence, NPC_reprogramming, WhiteMinds, Kikewatching,
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This is really sad; we need to gas them all to relieve their suffering 😢

/v/HebraicHijinksandSheenyShenanigans viewpost?postid=66148414dc5d8

I feel blessed. I had the pleasure of bringing my buddy out to see it for the first time also. I highly recommend it if you get the chance to see it in person some time.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6614436ea811e

There was just a very interesting and powerful energy in the air during the experience in addition to the visual element. I think there's something to the idea that the sun, moon, earth, stars, and planets have some kind of energetic impact on us.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6614436ea811e

Capitalism isn't inherently bad. He was upset with jewish capitalism, which is bastardized in every way and deserves hate. It's a very important distinction. White capitalism is pretty based. The Reich started implementing some capitalist policies towards the end of the war, but it was very late in the game.

It would be interesting to see a timeline where they did take full advantage of the economic engine of capitalism.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=66143c49ce4e0

I think the meaning of such things is really tied more to the individual perceiving it than the thing being perceived. A bad omen for one may be a good omen for another.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6614436ea811e

I had to travel a little bit, but I got to see it too. That was pretty much a spiritual experience.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6614436ea811e

I'm not saying this instance in particular is real or fake, but I've seen the exact same thing multiple times. Take it for what it's worth.

/v/Weapons viewpost?postid=660c3a4bc874a

I backed it up too. Ping me if needed.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=66099f6d20200

I'm not sure; I only did a cursory search for the guy's name and the date that he created this masterpiece.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=660998da3d3a8

Painted in 2020; that man has talent and balls, a good combination.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=660998da3d3a8

Yeah, that many chimps, and none of them are attacking humans. I propose that we trade chimps.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66077fe63b7e3

Anyone got this without the jew music. I want to plant this somewhere where I can reprogram NPCs.

/v/HebraicHijinksandSheenyShenanigans viewpost?postid=6604a2e5ea612

True. I'm just saying we're a heck of a lot closer to that eventuality than we were a few years ago, and I expect the Overton Window to continue moving at this pace.

/v/WorldPolitics viewpost?postid=6602f64e499b9

We're getting ever closer to actually solving the problem. Just gotta hang in there. The Overton Window has been moving a lot over the past few years especially.

/v/WorldPolitics viewpost?postid=6602f64e499b9

Looks to me like the power losses were indeed deliberate and designed to prevent the crew from doing anything about the likely automated crash process. Each recovery seems brief and designed for purpose of course correction to make sure it hits. This looks like a setup for a wealth infusion for whoever gets the contracts to fix everything.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6602e2c40f9ca

I don't trust the antenna for this sort of thing to be easy to find for some features. This work ensures that no antenna survives whether I'm aware of it or not.

/v/random viewpost?postid=65fdf4773e76c

This is a great opportunity to connect the dots for NPCs and reprogram them to our own end. This is what diversity hiring does to a business and to the safety of your critical infrastructure like airlines. There should be a tiktok type composition with this in one panel and some of the diversity propaganda from Boeing in another panel.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65fdc249404ac

You can fry it with a dual frequency generator setup if you embed one frequency in a high power 3mhz carrier wave and then sweep across something like 1hz-100mhz with 200 watts of power. I've done it myself with a phone; it's no longer capable of interacting with the cellular network, but every other function works. I used the aforementioned wattage and ran the carrier at 3.1mhz, sweeping from 6,000hz to 7,000hz over the course of 4 hours. I left the wifi functionality intact because I was only frying things as a proof of concept. You can probably use something similar to this and pair it with an oscillating amplifier and a plasma tube. https://www.amazon.com/Professional-Generator-Seesii-Precision-Dual-Channel/dp/B08T9H9FBY/

This one looks like it only allows up to 999 seconds of sweep time. You'd want something more like 12 hours to make sure to hit things nice and hard. You're essentially frying radio frequency sensitive hardware on whatever you point this thing at once one of the output frequencies cross over and resonate with said hardware. Embedding two frequencies together like this creates a mass of side bands with much broader frequency coverage. You can easily reach into the 6ghz+ range when both pieces of hardware top out at 10mhz.

/v/random viewpost?postid=65fdf4773e76c

Could be a sort of synchronicity. Maybe your grandparents are visiting you from the other side, and that's what's coming through.

/v/Strange_Coincidences viewpost?postid=65fd1a5ee7ced

Yep, and this is why they've been kicked out over 1,000 times from 109 countries (though it's 112 or 113 now I think?). Their own shittiness dooms them to this eternal cycle. Maybe gassing them all could be considered a courtesy at this point. They are a malignant species.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=65fd68150fcbb

That's exactly it, and of course enforcement will be selective. I'm sure blackrock will have no trouble evicting anyone they want.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65fbb4dee9253

Interesting, thank you. I'll save this and look through it when I have a minute.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=65fb60d58d193

Lol, does it make you mad that there is nothing you can say that will prompt me to believe you're not mentally disabled?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64d8b8a4debc6

Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy. To anyone that wants a little relevant info, here's a post I made a while back that easily disproves flattardland mathematically https://www.upgoat.net/viewpost?postid=64d8b8a4debc6

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65fb614ee32c1