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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 774 (+970/-196)
ccp: 795 (+1058/-263)
votes given: 26 (+17/-9)
score: 1569


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Flipflopsareforniggers, Youarebanned,
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fix your site instead of banning people @system     (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.4 years ago


lazy nigger
if you don't talk to your libcucked family, then who else will wake them up and show them what it means to be based?     (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.4 years ago


not talking to your family because you hate their political disagreements is exactly what the jew media wants. its part of why they constantly push the covid baloney and tell you not to have thanksgiving this year, don't go near anyone, no hugs no greetings no meetings. divide each other up by their politics and keep them seperated.

no families, only individuals, nah screw that that sounds like some kike shit yeah? so talk to your folks even if you hate them because apparently you're not supposed to so that means its good for you. so unless they're like a straight up pedo or some bullshit then everyone should be welcome at the table.

except for niggers, no niggers allowed.
@system @cynabuns tell them to stop the dial spam now please     (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.6 years ago


@cynabuns @system they have literally being doing it for months, please address this now. I'm tired of asking and getting no response, I'm tired of people harassing me so I can't use the chat or the fucking site. I spam the chat because I'm calling attention to it. Give me an actual response and let me reply instead of muting me.
Atlas is shrugging     (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.6 years ago


I wonder if I'm the only who's notice that as stock for items continuously dwindles so too does the quality of what's available, despite ever rising prices. You can't even get the important products anymore, they simply aren't available. Many services aren't available, or are horrendously understaffed leaving those left serving overworked and exhausted, causing them to feel bitter and leave, worsening the problems laid out above.

There's many people like this, like me, who can work hard 12 hour days on labor intense jobs. People who had a drive and had a focus to contribute to society. But we just don't give a fuck anymore.

Stock the shelves. Why? So we can be told it's a worthless dead end job and get paid minimum wage, which can't cover rent anymore? Don't be surprised they all left.

Work the factories, so I can be told my whiteness is a problem? So I can pay taxes to the government to enforce clown world at gun point?

Atlas is starting to shrug, and it's only a matter of time before the world falls off his shoulders.

Blue text on a black background is terrible     (IdeasForTalk)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to IdeasForTalk 2.7 years ago


@system Please consider just put it back to yellow by default, this current scheme causes eye strain, thank you.
September 2nd is now official shoot a nigger day.     (Flipflopsareforniggers)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to Flipflopsareforniggers 2.7 years ago


Remove kebabs. Go hug a nigger (with a gun).
Everyone who believes cryptocurrency is the future, go buy groceries and then come back to us.     (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.7 years ago


And realize how dumb you were for thinking crypto is the future. Congratulations, you got played by a (((speculators))) market.
"I'm not afraid of the disease, I'm afraid of how people are going to react to the idea of it."     (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.7 years ago


That's a direct quote from me, February 2020, after watching some videos with my brother on 4chan when they first started talking about the "outbreak" in china.

I was completely right about *everything*. I was completely right to be afraid of how humanity would react.
The vaccine isn't meant to kill people, there will be no mass deaths. That shit is just fear mongering no better than the people saying Covid was going to kill us all.     (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.7 years ago


Sure are a lot of doomsday people, but it's just illogical to assume the vaccine is designed for a mass kill off. If you think there will be mass deaths, come back in a year, and you'll see I was right. This is about control. Just like nobody is actually verifying that people are dying from covid, none of you are verifying if people are dying from the vaccine, choosing to take reports at face value and never questioning the information that gets disseminated here.

And for the room temperature people, no, I'm not saying that the jab is safe either. Cut it out with the false equivalence bullshit.
I can't talk to anyone about covid anymore. They literally tell me to shut up because it makes them uncomfortable. This is intolerable.     (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.7 years ago


I know you faggot goats are going to say you need to stand by your family, but right now my family is a bunch masked up covid crazy pozzed assholes obsessing with social distancing.

I can't see them anymore anyways because of their insanity they have isolated themselves. Are they even my family anymore? Are they even *human* anymore? I don't typically buy into Alex Jones style conspiracies, but I'm sincerely wondering if the jab causes a break down in mental function, or perhaps it's just the slow degradation of society, regardless, they are turning into infantile imbeciles. They always been cucks for government, but not like this, this is something else.
There are five local refugee organizations that help Afghan evacuees who relocate to the city. They are the YMCA International Services, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, The Alliance, Refugee Services of Texas and Interfaith Ministries of Galveston-Houston.     (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.7 years ago


Christ cucked. Excerpt is from random article about "refugees" (invaders) coming to Texas.
I saw a video that 100% proved the Boston Bombing was fake. It was taken down almost immediately and there were no mirrors.     (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.7 years ago


I can't ever prove I saw it and it haunts me because I did see it and the person who recorded it could be tracked based on his movements in the video and that user vanished. I think they killed him.

But I didn't save the fucking video, I hate that I didn't save the fucking video.

Don't assume anything is reliable, all your back ups can be deleted make sure you have local files saved to physical media. It disturbs me to think of the amount of content out there like this that just gets deleted and nobody ever sees it.

Currently I have an archive of images of John Podesta (alleged) abusing children, and an archive of images proving John McCain and the Mossad were working with the Taliban terrorists. I saved a lot of files from the world corpo site and now it's all taken down.I bet in a few years you won't find this stuff online at all.

Edit:I'm saving the video of the inventor of the PCR calling fauci a moron, expect it to be memory holed within the next couple of years.
Anyone who posts here will be banned. That means you only get one chance to leave your mark.     (Youarebanned)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to Youarebanned 2.7 years ago


Use it well.
Factual facts graph about noses and degeneracy     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to Memes 2.7 years ago


Outward arrows are positive integer so the lower on the middle line the more degenerate
We need more Yiddler     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to Memes 2.7 years ago


Dude can you tell your mom to stop texting me     (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.7 years ago


Like bro I don't wanna bang your mom dude tell her to chill out.
I went to a family friendly bar arcade and of course only niggers think it's appropriate to bring a 3 year old      (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.7 years ago


It's meant to be 11 and up until night then it's 21+. This isn't a place to drop off your fucking toddler. It's in the middle of downtown in a seedy part of the city and they serve alcohol here because it's a bar. Some white families bring their 10+ kids, but naturally they are well behaved and don't leave trash or cause a pain for everyone there, but of course, in typical nigger fashion they bring their 6 welfare check niglets and just drop them off leaving them to wander on their own.

I know I'm being redundant but seriously what the fuck is going through their brain to think this is appropriate?
@system SBBH is mass downvoting and following me spamming the same copy paste comment from multiple users.     (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.7 years ago


@system @cynabuns Please fucking respond to this already. I know there's a lot of personal requests but this has been going on for weeks now and it's from the stupid shit heads at SBBH. Please respond

Edit: I appreciate the response but I don't know that I wanted them banned, just for you to ask them to stop. I don't like bans for basically anything other than serious dOxXing or posting cp or being a pajeet dick pill spammers those are basically my only exceptions since they are basically objectively the moral thing to do.
Yo what if a group of people went to a big Biden rally and brought a gigantic projector screen and blasted the Hunter crack head video     (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.7 years ago


Imagine creepy uncle Joe giving his state of the union speech live to all of the goy news stations like Fox and CNN and BBC etc. And the suddenly in the background the video of Hunter Biden smoking crack and fucking his cousin, ending with his admission that the video was likely stolen from him by his drug dealer as a way to black mail him, which by the way means they probably found some way worse shit on that laptop and never released it, but I digress.

The important thing is this would need to be live streamed by a team of people. At least 4 people recording in all 4 directions live streamed. Why? Well, because that way there is no way for them to falsely accuse you of anything or even worse try to black bag you and haul you away. Live streamed, in front of a presidential address? On national television? No, even the Jews with all their media control, and as dumb as normies sucks are, even they couldn't hide that. Some things are truly impossible to hide, like the color of the sky, jews can't convince us it's green no matter what propaganda they play. So this is tantamount so people know this is a real act done by people who have no intention of committing violence. Nobody but the absolute most extreme fringe communists and and sjws could lie to themselves about how corrupt the president.

And act of protest like this would go down in history. This is going out and saying that the emperor has no clothes.

I'm tired of looking at his dick, guys. It's time he puts some fucking pants on.
@system can you please ask SBBH to stop harassing me with the stupid "dial" posts?     (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.7 years ago




It's been weeks of this from multiple users like @andrewblazeit and @bluemen4alles and I'm starting to get sick of it. It's the same post on repeat, it's turning into pure spam posting. They are making false claims of being an alt but if I ask for evidence they literally won't reply, they won't reply to anyone asking them for proof that I'm dial they just go "lol it gay" and keep spamming the same shit.

I'd PM you about this but I want everyone here to be exposed to SBBH and how they operate. It's cute they think this trolling attempt will work but we both know my IPs are clean. If they continue they should have their accounts limited for spamming the forum.
@System @Cynabuns When a user is site banned you need to show us the evidence.     (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.7 years ago


Note: Edited to be less confrontational.

I just think it's good to provide the most clarity as possible to the community. I understand you might be averse to posting specifics because someone could use it to learn how to skirt rules but if they are that invested then they will already be privy to that information.

I accepted the Gabara ban at face value because I was already was aware of his shenanigans, however in retrospect not everyone else was and I think it would have been prudent to show us a little of the proof that he was vote manipulating.

My Uncle died of the coof.     (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.7 years ago


He was 300 pounds, diabetec and drank everyday. The last time he worked out was probably 30 years ago. His diet consisted of McDonald's, cheap snacks and coke. Our family has a history of early heart death.

But yeah, covid is what got him. Don't tell me sorry by the way, there was no loss here, now he can join our greatest ally in hell where he belongs.
It's beyond obvious the protest on congress was a honey pot     (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.7 years ago


After all, the number one sign of a glow nigger is if they ask you to meet at a government building.
(crosspost) Afrikan Nog accidentally goodifies self with pipe bombs.      (a.pomf.cat)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to WatchPeopleDie 2.7 years ago


Aka how to lose 50 pounds in 1 second with this one weird trick.
I'm going to remove anon posting when site registration comes back up. Yes, this is gay and dumb.     (whatever)

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.7 years ago


@system since nobody seems to believe me, I'm just going to show everyone why anon posting is fucking retarded to be allowed on a site with usernames. My apologies in advanced but sometimes griefing is the only way to truly expose the problems in something. To be honest, the fact that you know about what went down with the great awakening sub on old Voat and you still think anon posting is fine seriously concerns me about the future of the forum. I know this may seem dumb and overly dramatic and faggy, but I'm 99.999999% confident that this shit is what killed the old Voat. It was insidious and happened slowly.