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Member for: 3.0 years

scp: 4 (+5/-1)
ccp: 751 (+776/-25)
votes given: 19532 (+19395/-137)
score: 755

Selective shadowbanning - Youtube     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Hadza to TellUpgoat 1.4 years ago


If you are on this site, you must have noticed that you are shadowbanned and have seen comments with a number of replies stated to be much higher than it actually is. It's not a glitch, those replies exist but are hidden, EXCEPT TO YOU. It's more insidious than usual because you are not completely oyveyd, your comments will occasionally go through and get some engagement that might make you think everything is ok.

The way you can check if your comment is actually visible is by following the comment link in incognito mode. To get the link you can right-click on the part near a username that says how long ago the comment was posted. If your comment is there when you expand replies, it's not shadowbanned.

I tried to point out how the lyrics in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2on1o6DJwaA&lc=Ugyxsm4UagP54r8IzEB4AaABAg) are fucking gay by politely saying they feel like they're waxing my balls and it got shoahed. DAILY REMINDER THAT I HATE THE ANTICHRIST.
Dads (and moms) of Voat: are depictions of births in media jewed?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Hadza to AskUpgoat 2.8 years ago


I have been wondering recently, are depictions of birth in films and the like accurate? Is it really that bad as they try to make it out to be, or are they trying to horrify women into refusing to ever go through it?