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Member for: 2.4 years

scp: 75 (+77/-2)
ccp: 281 (+289/-8)
votes given: 73 (+68/-5)
score: 356

An Australian played an Englishman at Wimbledon     (whatever)

submitted by Greatmuta to whatever 1.9 years ago


Today an Australian player


Played this Englishman:


Kalergi plan is working.
Is everyone ready to wear the monkey ears for science?     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Greatmuta to TellUpgoat 1.9 years ago


Monkeypox is coming. Who knows what they'll make the normies do this time. They already pushed it pretty far with the double mask, injecting themselves and their kids with snake oil.

Turns out the best way to avoid monkeypox is to wear these monkey ears. And if you really want to be safe you need the monkey tail too. And if you could just do a little dance, Science says that you will most assuredly avoid this new plague.
Blade     (movies)

submitted by Greatmuta to movies 2 years ago


This movie is about Jews and their shabbos goyim. It came too close to the nose and that's why golem Wesley Snipes went to federal prison. It was just a little too close to the nose.

The central conflict of the movie is the anxiety that results from having half-breeds introduced to different power structures. On one hand you have Frost, who want to make vampire control over goyim explicit. Accelerate. He is hated and cast out by the elders that have grown fat on established principals of subtle infiltration, subversion, and control.

Then you have the half-ling Blade who represents the other side of the coin. Destruction brought into an established ruling bloodline. The only mission is to bring down that which is established and proven to produce favorable results.

Both are a threat.

The underlying tones of the movie are evident. Pure blood is optimal. It was only through a vampire giving birth to a half-breed that the entire structure that had been built over millennia was threatened and ultimately defeated.

Edit: not yet but I'll be adding thoughts to this as I'm working through the movie. One thing I can't quite get over are the mentions of "they are everywhere" and Snipes going to Jew jail.
I'm Watching Television For the First Time in Years...     (whatever)

submitted by Greatmuta to whatever 2.1 years ago


and I did not know that America is comprised by a majority black population that takes care of their kids, are affluent and socially responsible, contribute more to society than any other race, are amazing, awesome, eloquent.

They are definitely not niggers guys. Just watch this commercial. It will prove that they aren't niggers that would rape your daughter if you turned your back for a second.

I can't believe those place. Turns out you were wrong about blacks. They aren't low IQ violent stinking fucking niggers. They are middle class, family people like us.

In fact, the more I watch TV I really think there isn't one white man in this whole country that is worth a damn.

You guys are wrong. Blacks are great and the TV told me so.
I Miss the COVID Lockdown Hysteria     (whatever)

submitted by Greatmuta to whatever 2.4 years ago


The traffic was so thin. The streets were clear. The mass hysteria got rid of all the clutter. I was reminded of a quote from a Celine novel. Look at people. They seem so busy on a sunny day. But look also on a rainy day. See how they aren't out and about. This is the essence of the crowd. The only purpose is to appear busy alongside others pretending the same.

Was a lot easier to get around. Torn. People need to wake up sure. But getting them out of the way sure improved certain things.

There was also the guilty pleasure of celebrities and other attention whores suffering and possibly roping themselves through isolation.